function DiscordClient(options) { if (!isNode); if (!options || !== 'Object') return console.error("An Object is required to create the client ."); applyProperties(this, [ ["_ws", null], ["_uIDToDM", {}], ["_ready", false], ["_vChannels", {}], ["_messageCache", {}], ["_connecting", false], ["_mainKeepAlive", null], ["_req", APIRequest.bind(this)], ["_shard", validateShard(options.shard)], ["_messageCacheLimit", typeof(options.messageCacheLimit) === 'number' ? options.messageCacheLimit : 50], ]); this.presenceStatus = "offline"; this.connected = false; this.inviteURL = null; this.connect = this.connect.bind(this, options); if (options.autorun === true) this.connect(); }
/*Variable area*/
var Discord = require('');
var bot = new Discord.Client({
token: "",
autorun: true
/*Event area*/
bot.on("ready", function(event) {
function Emitter() { var emt = this; if (isNode) {; if (this.prototype) return Util.inherits(this, EE); return new EE(); } //Thank you, function _Emitter() { var eventTarget = document.createDocumentFragment(); ["addEventListener", "dispatchEvent", "removeEventListener"].forEach(function(method) { if (!this[method]) this[method] = eventTarget[method].bind(eventTarget); }, this); } //But I did the rest myself! D:<; this._evts = {}; this.on = function(eName, eFunc) { if (!emt._evts[eName]) emt._evts[eName] = []; emt._evts[eName].push(eOn); return this.addEventListener(eName, eOn); function eOn(e) { return eFunc.apply(null, resolveEvent(e)); } }; this.once = function(eName, eFunc) { if (!emt._evts[eName]) emt._evts[eName] = []; emt._evts[eName].push(eOnce); return this.addEventListener(eName, eOnce); function eOnce(e) { eFunc.apply(null, resolveEvent(e)); return emt.removeListener(eName, eOnce); } }; this.removeListener = function(eName, eFunc) { if (emt._evts[eName]) emt._evts[eName].splice(emt._evts[eName].lastIndexOf(eFunc), 1); return this.removeEventListener(eName, eFunc); }; this.emit = function(eName) { return this.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent(eName, {'detail':, 1) }) ); }; return this; }
function DiscordClient(options) { if (!isNode); if (!options || !== 'Object') return console.error("An Object is required to create the client ."); applyProperties(this, [ ["_ws", null], ["_uIDToDM", {}], ["_ready", false], ["_vChannels", {}], ["_messageCache", {}], ["_connecting", false], ["_mainKeepAlive", null], ["_req", APIRequest.bind(this)], ["_shard", validateShard(options.shard)], ["_messageCacheLimit", typeof(options.messageCacheLimit) === 'number' ? options.messageCacheLimit : 50], ]); this.presenceStatus = "offline"; this.connected = false; this.inviteURL = null; this.connect = this.connect.bind(this, options); if (options.autorun === true) this.connect(); }
function DiscordClient(options) { if (!isNode); if (!options || !== 'Object') return console.error("An Object is required to create the client ."); applyProperties(this, [ ["_ws", null], ["_uIDToDM", {}], ["_ready", false], ["_vChannels", {}], ["_messageCache", {}], ["_connecting", false], ["_mainKeepAlive", null], ["_req", APIRequest.bind(this)], ["_shard", validateShard(options.shard)], ["_messageCacheLimit", typeof(options.messageCacheLimit) === 'number' ? options.messageCacheLimit : 50], ]); this.presenceStatus = "offline"; this.connected = false; this.inviteURL = null; this.connect = this.connect.bind(this, options); if (options.autorun === true) this.connect(); }
/*Variable area*/
var Discord = require('');
var bot = new Discord.Client({
token: "",
autorun: true
/*Event area*/
bot.on("ready", function(event) {
function EventEmitter() {; }
acceptInvite = function (inviteCode, callback) { if ( return handleErrCB("[acceptInvite] This account is a 'bot' type account, and cannot use 'acceptInvite'. Please use the client's inviteURL property instead.", callback); var client = this, joinedServers = Object.keys(client.servers); this._req('post', Endpoints.INVITES(inviteCode), function(err, res) { try { //Try to create the server with the small amount of data //that Discord provides directly from the HTTP response //since the websocket event may take a second to show. if (!client.servers[]) { client.servers[] = res.body.guild; client.servers[].channels = {}; client.servers[].channels[] =; } else { if (joinedServers.indexOf( > -1) { return handleErrCB(("Already joined server: " +, callback); } } } catch(e) {} handleResCB(("The invite code provided " + inviteCode + " is incorrect."), err, res, callback); }); }
addReaction = function (input, callback) { this._req('put', Endpoints.USER_REACTIONS(input.channelID, input.messageID, stringifyEmoji(input.reaction)), function(err, res) { handleResCB("Unable to add reaction", err, res, callback); }); }
addServerEmoji = function (input, callback) { var payload = { name:, image: "data:image/png;base64," + input.image }; this._req('post', Endpoints.SERVER_EMOJIS(input.serverID), payload, function(err, res) { handleResCB("Unable to add emoji to the server", err, res, callback); }); }
addToRole = function (input, callback) { this._req('put', Endpoints.MEMBER_ROLES(input.serverID, input.userID, input.roleID), function(err, res) { handleResCB("Could not add role", err, res, callback); }); }
ban = function (input, callback) { if (input.lastDays) { input.lastDays = Number(input.lastDays); input.lastDays = Math.min(input.lastDays, 7); input.lastDays = Math.max(input.lastDays, 1); } this._req('put', Endpoints.BANS(input.serverID, input.userID) + (input.lastDays ? "?delete-message-days=" + input.lastDays : ""), function(err, res) { handleResCB("Could not ban user", err, res, callback); }); }
connect = function () { if (!this.connected && !this._connecting) return setTimeout( init, Math.max(0, CONNECT_WHEN -, this, arguments[0], void( CONNECT_WHEN = Math.max(CONNECT_WHEN, + 6000 ) ); }
bot.on("any", function(event) {
/*console.log(rawEvent)*/ //Logs every event
bot.on("disconnect", function() {
console.log("Bot disconnected");
/*bot.connect()*/ //Auto reconnect
/*Function declaration area*/
function sendMessages(ID, messageArr, interval) {
var resArr = [], len = messageArr.length;
var callback = typeof(arguments[2]) === 'function' ? arguments[2] : arguments[3];
if (typeof(interval) !== 'number') interval = 1000;
createChannel = function (input, callback) { var client = this, payload = { name:, type: (['text', 'voice'].indexOf(input.type) < 0) ? 'text' : input.type }; this._req('post', Endpoints.SERVERS(input.serverID) + "/channels", payload, function(err, res) { try { var serverID = res.body.guild_id; var channelID =; client.channels[channelID] = new Channel( client, client.servers[serverID], res.body ); } catch(e) {} handleResCB('Unable to create channel', err, res, callback); }); }
createDMChannel = function (userID, callback) { var client = this; this._req('post', Endpoints.USER( + "/channels", {recipient_id: userID}, function(err, res) { if (!err && goodResponse(res)) client._uIDToDM[] =; handleResCB("Unable to create DM Channel", err, res, callback); }); }
Only really used for sendMessage and uploadFile.*/
//Callback used instead of return because requesting seems necessary.
if (client._uIDToDM[ID]) return callback(client._uIDToDM[ID]);
//If it's a UserID, and it's in the UserID : ChannelID cache, use the found ChannelID
//If the ID isn't in the UserID : ChannelID cache, let's try seeing if it belongs to a user.
if (client.users[ID]) return client.createDMChannel(ID, function(err, res) {
if (err) return console.log("Internal ID resolver error: " + err);
return callback(ID); //Finally, the ID must not belong to a User, so send the message directly to it, as it must be a Channel
function resolveEvent(e) {
createInvite = function (input, callback) { var payload, client = this; payload = { max_age: 0, max_users: 0, temporary: false }; if ( Object.keys(input).length === 1 && input.channelID ) { payload = { validate: client.internals.lastInviteCode || null }; } for (var key in input) { if (Object.keys(payload).indexOf(key) < 0) continue; payload[key] = input[key]; } this._req('post', Endpoints.CHANNEL(input.channelID) + "/invites", payload, function(err, res) { try {client.internals.lastInviteCode = res.body.code;} catch(e) {} handleResCB('Unable to create invite', err, res, callback); }); }
createRole = function (serverID, callback) { var client = this; this._req('post', Endpoints.ROLES(serverID), function(err, res) { try { client.servers[serverID].roles[] = new Role(res.body); } catch(e) {} handleResCB("Unable to create role", err, res, callback); }); }
createServer = function (input, callback) { var payload, client = this; payload = {icon: null, name: null, region: null}; for (var key in input) { if (Object.keys(payload).indexOf(key) < 0) continue; payload[key] = input[key]; } if (input.icon) payload.icon = "data:image/jpg;base64," + input.icon; client._req('post', Endpoints.SERVERS(), payload, function(err, res) { try { client.servers[] = {}; copyKeys(res.body, client.servers[]); } catch(e) {} handleResCB("Could not create server", err, res, callback); }); }
createWebhook = function (serverID, callback) { this._req('post', Endpoints.SERVER_WEBHOOKS(serverID), function(err, res) { handleResCB("Could not create a Webhook", err, res, callback); }); }
deafen = function (input, callback) { this._req('patch', Endpoints.MEMBERS(input.serverID, input.userID), {deaf: true}, function(err, res) { handleResCB("Could not deafen user", err, res, callback); }); }
deleteChannel = function (channelID, callback) { this._req('delete', Endpoints.CHANNEL(channelID), function(err, res) { handleResCB("Unable to delete channel", err, res, callback); }); }
deleteChannelPermission = function (input, callback) { var payload, pType, ID; if (!input.userID && !input.roleID) return handleErrCB("[deleteChannelPermission] No userID or roleID provided", callback); if (!this.channels[input.channelID]) return handleErrCB(("[deleteChannelPermission] No channel found for ID: " + input.channelID ), callback); pType = input.userID ? 'user' : 'role'; ID = input[pType + "ID"]; payload = { type: (pType === 'user' ? 'member' : 'role'), id: ID }; this._req('delete', Endpoints.CHANNEL(input.channelID) + "/permissions/" + ID, payload, function(err, res) { handleResCB('Unable to delete permission', err, res, callback); }); }
deleteInvite = function (inviteCode, callback) { this._req('delete', Endpoints.INVITES(inviteCode), function(err, res) { handleResCB('Unable to delete invite', err, res, callback); }); }
deleteMessage = function (input, callback) { this._req('delete', Endpoints.MESSAGES(input.channelID, input.messageID), function(err, res) { handleResCB("Unable to delete message", err, res, callback); }); }
deleteMessages = function (input, callback) { this._req('post', Endpoints.BULK_DELETE(input.channelID), {messages: input.messageIDs.slice(0, 100)}, function(err, res) { handleResCB("Unable to delete messages", err, res, callback); }); }
deletePinnedMessage = function (input, callback) { this._req('delete', Endpoints.PINNED_MESSAGES(input.channelID, input.messageID), function(err, res) { handleResCB("Unable to delete pinned message", err, res, callback); }); }
deleteRole = function (input, callback) { this._req('delete', Endpoints.ROLES(input.serverID, input.roleID), function(err, res) { handleResCB("Could not remove role", err, res, callback); }); }
deleteServer = function (serverID, callback) { this._req('delete', Endpoints.SERVERS(serverID), function(err, res) { handleResCB("Could not delete server", err, res, callback); }); }
deleteServerEmoji = function (input, callback) { this._req('delete', Endpoints.SERVER_EMOJIS(input.serverID, input.emojiID), function(err, res) { handleResCB("[deleteServerEmoji] Could not delete server emoji", err, res, callback); }); }
disconnect = function () { if (this._ws) this._ws.close(); }
editChannelInfo = function (input, callback) { var channel, payload; try { channel = this.channels[input.channelID]; payload = { name:, topic: channel.topic, bitrate: channel.bitrate, position: channel.position, user_limit: channel.user_limit }; for (var key in input) { if (Object.keys(payload).indexOf(key) < 0) continue; if (+input[key]) { if (key === 'bitrate') { payload.bitrate = Math.min( Math.max( input.bitrate, 8000), 96000); continue; } if (key === 'user_limit') { payload.user_limit = Math.min( Math.max( input.user_limit, 0), 99); continue; } } payload[key] = input[key]; } this._req('patch', Endpoints.CHANNEL(input.channelID), payload, function(err, res) { handleResCB("Unable to edit channel", err, res, callback); }); } catch(e) {return handleErrCB(e, callback);} }
editChannelPermissions = function (input, callback) { //Will shrink this up later var payload, pType, ID, channel, permissions, allowed_values; if (!input.userID && !input.roleID) return handleErrCB("[editChannelPermissions] No userID or roleID provided", callback); if (!this.channels[input.channelID]) return handleErrCB(("[editChannelPermissions] No channel found for ID: " + input.channelID ), callback); if (!input.allow && !input.deny && !input.default) return handleErrCB("[editChannelPermissions] No allow, deny or default array provided.", callback); pType = input.userID ? 'user' : 'role'; ID = input[pType + "ID"]; channel = this.channels[ input.channelID ]; permissions = channel.permissions[pType][ID] || { allow: 0, deny: 0 }; allowed_values = [0, 4, 28].concat((channel.type === 'text' ? [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18] : [20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25] )); //Take care of allow first if (type(input.allow) === 'array') { input.allow.forEach(function(perm) { if (allowed_values.indexOf(perm) < 0) return; if (hasPermission(perm, permissions.deny)) { permissions.deny = removePermission(perm, permissions.deny); } permissions.allow = givePermission(perm, permissions.allow); }); } //Take care of deny second if (type(input.deny) === 'array') { input.deny.forEach(function(perm) { if (allowed_values.indexOf(perm) < 0) return; if (hasPermission(perm, permissions.allow)) { permissions.allow = removePermission(perm, permissions.allow); } permissions.deny = givePermission(perm, permissions.deny); }); } //Take care of defaulting last if (type(input.default) === 'array') { input.default.forEach(function(perm) { if (allowed_values.indexOf(perm) < 0) return; permissions.allow = removePermission(perm, permissions.allow); permissions.deny = removePermission(perm, permissions.deny); }); } payload = { type: (pType === 'user' ? 'member' : 'role'), id: ID, deny: permissions.deny, allow: permissions.allow }; this._req('put', Endpoints.CHANNEL(input.channelID) + "/permissions/" + ID, payload, function(err, res) { handleResCB('Unable to edit permission', err, res, callback); }); }
editMessage = function (input, callback) { this._req('patch', Endpoints.MESSAGES(input.channelID, input.messageID), generateMessage(input.message || '', input.embed), function (err, res) { handleResCB("Unable to edit message", err, res, callback); }); }
editNickname = function (input, callback) { var payload = {nick: String( input.nick ? input.nick : "" )}; var url = input.userID === ? Endpoints.MEMBERS(input.serverID) + "/@me/nick" : Endpoints.MEMBERS(input.serverID, input.userID); this._req('patch', url, payload, function(err, res) { handleResCB("Could not change nickname", err, res, callback); }); }
editNote = function (input, callback) { this._req('put', Endpoints.NOTE(input.userID), {note: input.note}, function(err, res) { handleResCB("Could not edit note", err, res, callback); }); }
editRole = function (input, callback) { var role, payload; try { role = new Role(this.servers[input.serverID].roles[input.roleID]); payload = { name:, color: role.color, hoist: role.hoist, permissions: role._permissions, mentionable: role.mentionable, position: role.position }; for (var key in input) { if (Object.keys(payload).indexOf(key) < 0) continue; if (key === 'permissions') { for (var perm in input[key]) { role[perm] = input[key][perm]; payload.permissions = role._permissions; } continue; } if (key === 'color') { if (String(input[key])[0] === '#') payload.color = parseInt(String(input[key]).replace('#', '0x'), 16); if (Discord.Colors[input[key]]) payload.color = Discord.Colors[input[key]]; if (type(input[key]) === 'number') payload.color = input[key]; continue; } payload[key] = input[key]; } this._req('patch', Endpoints.ROLES(input.serverID, input.roleID), payload, function(err, res) { handleResCB("Unable to edit role", err, res, callback); }); } catch(e) {return handleErrCB(('[editRole] ' + e), callback);} }
There are two ways to set role colors with this lib.
The first method allows you to provide any color you want, as a Number. I recommend using Hex numbers as this maps easily to HTML
color codes. Assuming you want to use the color `#F35353`, you can just use `0xF35353`
color: 0xF35353
The second method is providing the name of one of the official colors Discord has on its picker. The name you type will map to one
of the colors below.
editServer = function (input, callback) { var payload, serverID = input.serverID, server, client = this; if (!client.servers[serverID]) return handleErrCB(("[editServer] Server " + serverID + " not found."), callback); server = client.servers[serverID]; payload = { name:, icon: server.icon, region: server.region, afk_channel_id: server.afk_channel_id, afk_timeout: server.afk_timeout }; for (var key in input) { if (Object.keys(payload).indexOf(key) < 0) continue; if (key === 'afk_channel_id') { if (server.channels[input[key]] && server.channels[input[key]].type === 'voice') payload[key] = input[key]; continue; } if (key === 'afk_timeout') { if ([60, 300, 900, 1800, 3600].indexOf(Number(input[key])) > -1) payload[key] = input[key]; continue; } payload[key] = input[key]; } if (input.icon) payload.icon = "data:image/jpg;base64," + input.icon; client._req('patch', Endpoints.SERVERS(input.serverID), payload, function(err, res) { handleResCB("Unable to edit server", err, res, callback); }); }
editServerEmoji = function (input, callback) { var emoji, payload = {}; if ( !this.servers[input.serverID] ) return handleErrCB(("[editServerEmoji] Server not available: " + input.serverID), callback ); if ( !this.servers[input.serverID].emojis[input.emojiID]) return handleErrCB(("[editServerEmoji] Emoji not available: " + input .emojiID), callback); emoji = this.servers[input.serverID].emojis[input.emojiID]; = ||; payload.roles = input.roles || emoji.roles; this._req('patch', Endpoints.SERVER_EMOJIS(input.serverID, input.emojiID), payload, function(err, res) { handleResCB("[editServerEmoji] Could not edit server emoji", err, res, callback); }); }
editServerWidget = function (input, callback) { var client = this, payload, url = Endpoints.SERVERS(input.serverID) + "/embed"; client._req('get', url, function(err, res) { if (err) return handleResCB("Unable to GET server widget settings. Can not edit without retrieving first.", err, res, callback ); payload = { enabled: ('enabled' in input ? input.enabled : res.body.enabled), channel_id: ('channelID' in input ? input.channelID : res.body.channel_id) }; client._req('patch', url, payload, function(err, res) { handleResCB("Unable to edit server widget", err, res, callback); }); }); }
editUserInfo = function (input, callback) { var payload = { avatar: this.avatar, email:, new_password: null, password: null, username: this.username }, plArr = Object.keys(payload); for (var key in input) { if (plArr.indexOf(key) < 0) return handleErrCB(("[editUserInfo] '" + key + "' is not a valid key. Valid keys are: " + plArr.join (", ")), callback); payload[key] = input[key]; } if (input.avatar) payload.avatar = "data:image/jpg;base64," + input.avatar; this._req('patch', Endpoints.ME, payload, function(err, res) { handleResCB("Unable to edit user information", err, res, callback); }); }
editWebhook = function (input, callback) { var client = this, payload = {}, allowed = ['avatar', 'name']; this._req('get', Endpoints.WEBHOOKS(input.webhookID), function(err, res) { if (err || !goodResponse(res)) return handleResCB("Couldn't get webhook, do you have permissions to access it?", err, res, callback ); allowed.forEach(function(key) { payload[key] = (key in input ? input[key] : res.body[key]); }); payload.channel_id = input.channelID || res.body.channel_id; client._req('patch', Endpoints.WEBHOOKS(input.webhookID), payload, function(err, res) { return handleResCB("Couldn't update webhook", err, res, callback); }); }); }
fixMessage = function (message) { var client = this; return message.replace(/<@&(\d*)>|<@!(\d*)>|<@(\d*)>|<#(\d*)>/g, function(match, RID, NID, UID, CID) { var k, i; if (UID || CID) { if (client.users[UID]) return "@" + client.users[UID].username; if (client.channels[CID]) return "#" + client.channels[CID].name; } if (RID || NID) { k = Object.keys(client.servers); for (i=0; i<k.length; i++) { if (client.servers[k[i]].roles[RID]) return "@" + client.servers[k[i]].roles[RID].name; if (client.servers[k[i]].members[NID]) return "@" + client.servers[k[i]].members[NID].nick; } } }); }
getAccountSettings = function (callback) { this._req('get', Endpoints.SETTINGS, function(err, res) { handleResCB("Error GETing client settings", err, res, callback); }); }
getDirectMessages(client, _data.private_channels);
if ( client.getOauthInfo(function(err, res) {
if (err) return console.log(err);
client.internals.oauth = res;
client.inviteURL = "" + + "&scope=bot";
if (! client.getAccountSettings(function(err, res) {
if (err) return console.log(err);
client.internals.settings = res;
return (function() {
if (client._ready) return;
var ready = [false];
getAllUsers = function (callback) { var servers = Object.keys(this.servers).filter(function(s) { s = this.servers[s]; if (s.members) return s.member_count !== Object.keys(s.members).length && ( ? s.large : true); }, this); if (!servers[0]) { this.emit('allUsers'); return handleErrCB("There are no users to be collected", callback); } if (! send(this._ws, Payloads.ALL_USERS(this)); return getOfflineUsers(this, servers, callback); }
getAudioContext = function (channelObj, callback) { // #q/qeled gave a proper timing solution. Credit where it's due. if (!isNode) return handleErrCB("Using audio in the browser is currently not supported.", callback); var channelID = channelObj.channelID || channelObj, voiceSession = this._vChannels[channelID], encoder = chooseAudioEncoder(['ffmpeg ', 'avconv']); if (!voiceSession) return handleErrCB(("You have not joined the voice channel: " + channelID), callback); if (voiceSession.ready !== true) return handleErrCB(("The connection to the voice channel " + channelID + " has not been initialized yet."), callback); if (!encoder) return handleErrCB("You need either 'ffmpeg' or 'avconv' and they need to be added to PATH", callback); = || new AudioCB( voiceSession, channelObj.stereo === false ? 1 : 2, encoder, Math.abs(Number(channelObj.maxStreamSize))); return call(callback, [null,]); }
client.joinVoiceChannel(VCID, function(err, events) {
if (err) return console.error(err);
events.on('speaking', function(userID, SSRC, speakingBool) {
console.log("%s is " + (speakingBool ? "now speaking" : "done speaking"), userID );
client.getAudioContext(VCID, function(err, stream) {
if (err) return console.error(err);
fs.createReadStream(song).pipe(stream, {end: false});
stream.on('done', function() {
fs.createReadStream(song).pipe(stream, {end: false});
getBans = function (serverID, callback) { this._req('get', Endpoints.BANS(serverID), function(err, res) { handleResCB("Could not get ban list", err, res, callback); }); }
getChannelInvites = function (channelID, callback) { this._req('get', Endpoints.CHANNEL(channelID) + "/invites", function(err, res) { handleResCB('Unable to get invite list for channel' + channelID, err, res, callback); }); }
getChannelWebhooks = function (channelID, callback) { this._req('get', Endpoints.CHANNEL_WEBHOOKS(channelID), function(err, res) { handleResCB("Could not get channel Webhooks", err, res, callback); }); }
getMember = function (input, callback) { this._req('get', Endpoints.MEMBERS(input.serverID, input.userID), function(err, res) { handleResCB("Could not get member", err, res, callback); }); }
getMembers = function (input, callback) { var qs = {}; qs.limit = (typeof(input.limit) !== 'number' ? 50 : input.limit); if (input.after) qs.after = input.after; this._req('get', Endpoints.MEMBERS(input.serverID) + qstringify(qs), function(err, res) { handleResCB("Could not get members", err, res, callback); }); }
getMessage = function (input, callback) { this._req('get', Endpoints.MESSAGES(input.channelID, input.messageID), function(err, res) { handleResCB("Unable to get message", err, res, callback); }); }
getMessages = function (input, callback) { var client = this, qs = {}, messages = [], lastMessageID = ""; var total = typeof(input.limit) !== 'number' ? 50 : input.limit; if (input.before) qs.before = input.before; if (input.after) qs.after = input.after; (function getMessages() { if (total > 100) { qs.limit = 100; total = total - 100; } else { qs.limit = total; } if (messages.length >= input.limit) return call(callback, [null, messages]); client._req('get', Endpoints.MESSAGES(input.channelID) + qstringify(qs), function(err, res) { if (err) return handleErrCB("Unable to get messages", callback); messages = messages.concat(res.body); lastMessageID = messages[messages.length - 1] && messages[messages.length - 1].id; if (lastMessageID) qs.before = lastMessageID; if (!res.body.length < qs.limit) return call(callback, [null, messages]); return setTimeout(getMessages, 1000); }); })(); }
getOauthInfo = function (callback) { this._req('get', Endpoints.OAUTH, function(err, res) { handleResCB("Error GETing OAuth information", err, res, callback); }); }
case "READY":
copyKeys(_data.user, client);
client.internals.sessionID = _data.session_id;
getServerInfo(client, _data.guilds);
getDirectMessages(client, _data.private_channels);
if ( client.getOauthInfo(function(err, res) {
if (err) return console.log(err);
client.internals.oauth = res;
client.inviteURL = "" + + "&scope=bot";
if (! client.getAccountSettings(function(err, res) {
if (err) return console.log(err);
client.internals.settings = res;
getPinnedMessages = function (input, callback) { this._req('get', Endpoints.PINNED_MESSAGES(input.channelID), function(err, res) { handleResCB("Unable to get pinned messages", err, res, callback); }); }
getReaction = function (input, callback) { var qs = { limit: (typeof(input.limit) !== 'number' ? 100 : input.limit) }; this._req('get', Endpoints.MESSAGE_REACTIONS(input.channelID, input.messageID, stringifyEmoji(input.reaction)) + qstringify(qs), function(err, res) { handleResCB("Unable to get reaction", err, res, callback); }); }
getServerInvites = function (serverID, callback) { this._req('get', Endpoints.SERVERS(serverID) + "/invites", function(err, res) { handleResCB('Unable to get invite list for server' + serverID, err, res, callback); }); }
getServerWebhooks = function (serverID, callback) { this._req('get', Endpoints.SERVER_WEBHOOKS(serverID), function(err, res) { handleResCB("Could not get server Webhooks", err, res, callback); }); }
getUser = function (input, callback) { if (! return handleErrCB("[getUser] This account is a 'user' type account, and cannot use 'getUser'. Only bots can use this endpoint.", callback); this._req('get', Endpoints.USER(input.userID), function(err, res) { handleResCB("Could not get user", err, res, callback); }); }
joinVoiceChannel = function (channelID, callback) { var serverID, server, channel, voiceSession; try { serverID = this.channels[channelID].guild_id; server = this.servers[serverID]; channel = server.channels[channelID]; } catch(e) {} if (!serverID) return handleErrCB(("Cannot find the server related to the channel provided: " + channelID), callback); if (channel.type !== 'voice') return handleErrCB(("Selected channel is not a voice channel: " + channelID), callback); if (this._vChannels[channelID]) return handleErrCB(("Voice channel already active: " + channelID), callback); voiceSession = getVoiceSession(this, channelID, server); checkVoiceReady(voiceSession, callback); return send(this._ws, Payloads.UPDATE_VOICE(serverID, channelID)); }
var VCID = "";
var song = "file.mp3";
client.on('ready', function() {
console.log("%s (%s)", client.username,;
client.joinVoiceChannel(VCID, function(err, events) {
if (err) return console.error(err);
events.on('speaking', function(userID, SSRC, speakingBool) {
console.log("%s is " + (speakingBool ? "now speaking" : "done speaking"), userID );
client.getAudioContext(VCID, function(err, stream) {
if (err) return console.error(err);
kick = function (input, callback) { this._req('delete', Endpoints.MEMBERS(input.serverID, input.userID), function(err, res) { handleResCB("Could not kick user", err, res, callback); }); }
leaveServer = function (serverID, callback) { this._req('delete', Endpoints.SERVERS_PERSONAL(serverID), function(err, res) { handleResCB("Could not leave server", err, res, callback); }); }
leaveVoiceChannel = function (channelID, callback) { if (!this._vChannels[channelID]) return handleErrCB(("Not in the voice channel: " + channelID), callback); return leaveVoiceChannel(this, channelID, callback); }
moveUserTo = function (input, callback) { this._req('patch', Endpoints.MEMBERS(input.serverID, input.userID), {channel_id: input.channelID}, function(err, res) { handleResCB("Could not move the user", err, res, callback); }); }
mute = function (input, callback) { this._req('patch', Endpoints.MEMBERS(input.serverID, input.userID), {mute: true}, function(err, res) { handleResCB("Could not mute user", err, res, callback); }); }
pinMessage = function (input, callback) { this._req('put', Endpoints.PINNED_MESSAGES(input.channelID, input.messageID), function(err, res) { handleResCB("Unable to pin message", err, res, callback); }); }
queryInvite = function (inviteCode, callback) { this._req('get', Endpoints.INVITES(inviteCode), function(err, res) { handleResCB('Unable to get information about invite', err, res, callback); }); }
removeAllReactions = function (input, callback) { this._req('delete', Endpoints.MESSAGE_REACTIONS(input.channelID, input.messageID), function(err, res) { handleResCB("Unable to remove reactions", err, res, callback); }); }
removeFromRole = function (input, callback) { this._req('delete', Endpoints.MEMBER_ROLES(input.serverID, input.userID, input.roleID), function(err, res) { handleResCB("Could not remove role", err, res, callback); }); }
removeReaction = function (input, callback) { this._req('delete', Endpoints.USER_REACTIONS(input.channelID, input.messageID, stringifyEmoji(input.reaction), input.userID), function (err, res) { handleResCB("Unable to remove reaction", err, res, callback); }); }
sendMessage = function (input, callback) { var message = generateMessage(input.message || '', input.embed); message.tts = (input.tts === true); message.nonce = input.nonce || message.nonce; if (input.typing === true) { return simulateTyping( this,, message, ( (message.content.length * 0.12) * 1000 ), callback ); } sendMessage(this,, message, callback); }
var resArr = [], len = messageArr.length;
var callback = typeof(arguments[2]) === 'function' ? arguments[2] : arguments[3];
if (typeof(interval) !== 'number') interval = 1000;
function _sendMessages() {
setTimeout(function() {
if (messageArr[0]) {
to: ID,
message: messageArr.shift()
}, function(err, res) {
resArr.push(err || res);
if (resArr.length === len) if (typeof(callback) === 'function') callback(resArr);
setPresence = function (input) { var payload = Payloads.STATUS(input); send(this._ws, payload); if (payload.d.idle_since === null) return void(this.presenceStatus = 'online'); this.presenceStatus = 'idle'; }
simulateTyping = function (channelID, callback) { this._req('post', Endpoints.TYPING(channelID), function(err, res) { handleResCB("Unable to simulate typing", err, res, callback); }); }
r.authorization = ( ? "Bot " : "") + client.internals.token;
} catch(e) {}
return r;
function simulateTyping(client, to, message, time, callback) {
if (time <= 0) return sendMessage(client, to, message, callback);
client.simulateTyping(to, function() {
setTimeout(simulateTyping, Math.min(time, 5000), client, to, message, time - 5000, callback);
function stringifyEmoji(emoji) {
if (typeof emoji === 'object') // if ( &&
return + ':' +;
if (emoji.indexOf(':') > -1)
transferOwnership = function (input, callback) { this._req('patch', Endpoints.SERVERS(input.serverID), {owner_id: input.userID}, function(err, res) { handleResCB("Could not transfer server ownership", err, res, callback); }); }
unban = function (input, callback) { this._req('delete', Endpoints.BANS(input.serverID, input.userID), function(err, res) { handleResCB("Could not unban user", err, res, callback); }); }
undeafen = function (input, callback) { this._req('patch', Endpoints.MEMBERS(input.serverID, input.userID), {deaf: false}, function(err, res) { handleResCB("Could not undeafen user", err, res, callback); }); }
unmute = function (input, callback) { this._req('patch', Endpoints.MEMBERS(input.serverID, input.userID), {mute: false}, function(err, res) { handleResCB("Could not unmute user", err, res, callback); }); }
uploadFile = function (input, callback) { /* After like 15 minutes of fighting with Request, turns out Discord doesn't allow multiple files in one message... despite having an attachments array.*/ var file, client = this, multi = new Multipart(), message = generateMessage(input.message || ""), isBuffer = (input.file instanceof Buffer), isString = (type(input.file) === 'string'); if (!isBuffer && !isString) return handleErrCB("[uploadFile] uploadFile requires a String or Buffer as the 'file' value", callback ); if (isBuffer) if (input.filename) file = input.file; else return handleErrCB("[uploadFile] uploadFile requires a 'filename' value to be set if using a Buffer", callback); if (isString) try { file = FS.readFileSync(input.file); } catch(e) { return handleErrCB("[uploadFile] File does not exist: " + input.file, callback); } [ ["content", message.content], ["mentions", ""], ["tts", false], ["nonce", message.nonce], ["file", file, input.filename || BN(input.file)] ].forEach(multi.append, multi); multi.finalize(); resolveID(client,, function(channelID) { client._req('post', Endpoints.MESSAGES(channelID), multi, function(err, res) { handleResCB("Unable to upload file", err, res, callback); }); }); }
var resArr = [], len = fileArr.length;
var callback = typeof(arguments[2]) === 'function' ? arguments[2] : arguments[3];
if (typeof(interval) !== 'number') interval = 1000;
function _sendFiles() {
setTimeout(function() {
if (fileArr[0]) {
to: channelID,
file: fileArr.shift()
}, function(err, res) {
resArr.push(err || res);
if (resArr.length === len) if (typeof(callback) === 'function') callback(resArr);
BANS = function (serverID, userID) { return this.SERVERS(serverID) + "/bans" + (userID ? "/" + userID : ""); }
DCP.ban = function(input, callback) {
if (input.lastDays) {
input.lastDays = Number(input.lastDays);
input.lastDays = Math.min(input.lastDays, 7);
input.lastDays = Math.max(input.lastDays, 1);
this._req('put', Endpoints.BANS(input.serverID, input.userID) + (input.lastDays
? "?delete-message-days=" + input.lastDays : ""), function(err, res) {
handleResCB("Could not ban user", err, res, callback);
* Unban a user from a server.
* @arg {Object} input
BULK_DELETE = function (channelID) { return this.CHANNEL(channelID) + "/messages/bulk-delete"; }
* Delete a batch of messages.
* @arg {Object} input
* @arg {Snowflake} input.channelID
* @arg {Array<Snowflake>} input.messageIDs - An Array of message IDs, with a maximum of 100 indexes.
DCP.deleteMessages = function(input, callback) {
this._req('post', Endpoints.BULK_DELETE(input.channelID), {messages: input
.messageIDs.slice(0, 100)}, function(err, res) {
handleResCB("Unable to delete messages", err, res, callback);
* Pin a message to the channel.
* @arg {Object} input
CHANNEL = function (channelID) { return API + "/channels/" + channelID; }
for (var key in input) {
if (Object.keys(payload).indexOf(key) < 0) continue;
payload[key] = input[key];
this._req('post', Endpoints.CHANNEL(input.channelID) + "/invites"
;, payload, function(err, res) {
try {client.internals.lastInviteCode = res.body.code;} catch(e) {}
handleResCB('Unable to create invite', err, res, callback);
* Delete an invite code.
CHANNEL_WEBHOOKS = function (channelID) { return this.CHANNEL(channelID) +"/webhooks"; }
* Get webhooks from a channel
* @arg {Snowflake} channelID
DCP.getChannelWebhooks = function(channelID, callback) {
this._req('get', Endpoints.CHANNEL_WEBHOOKS(channelID), function(err, res) {
handleResCB("Could not get channel Webhooks", err, res, callback);
* Create a webhook for a server
* @arg {Snowflake} serverID
INVITES = function (inviteCode) { return API + "/invite/" + inviteCode; }
* Accept an invite to a server [User Only]
* @arg {String} inviteCode - The code part of an invite URL (e.g. 0MvHMfHcTKVVmIGP)
DCP.acceptInvite = function(inviteCode, callback) {
if ( return handleErrCB("[acceptInvite] This account is a 'bot' type account, and cannot use 'acceptInvite
'. Please use the client's inviteURL property instead.", callback);
var client = this, joinedServers = Object.keys(client.servers);
this._req('post', Endpoints.INVITES(inviteCode), function(err, res) {
try {
//Try to create the server with the small amount of data
//that Discord provides directly from the HTTP response
//since the websocket event may take a second to show.
if (!client.servers[]) {
client.servers[] = res.body.guild;
client.servers[].channels = {};
MEMBERS = function (serverID, userID) { return this.SERVERS(serverID) + "/members" + (userID ? "/" + userID : ""); }
* Remove a user from a server.
* @arg {Object} input
* @arg {Snowflake} input.serverID
* @arg {Snowflake} input.userID
DCP.kick = function(input, callback) {
this._req('delete', Endpoints.MEMBERS(input.serverID, input.userID), function
(err, res) {
handleResCB("Could not kick user", err, res, callback);
* Remove and ban a user from a server.
* @arg {Object} input
MEMBER_ROLES = function (serverID, userID, roleID) { return this.MEMBERS(serverID, userID) + "/roles" + (roleID ? "/" + roleID : ""); }
* Add a user to a role.
* @arg {Object} input
* @arg {Snowflake} input.serverID
* @arg {Snowflake} input.roleID
* @arg {Snowflake} input.userID
DCP.addToRole = function(input, callback) {
this._req('put', Endpoints.MEMBER_ROLES(input.serverID, input.userID, input
.roleID), function(err, res) {
handleResCB("Could not add role", err, res, callback);
* Remove a user from a role.
* @arg {Object} input
MESSAGES = function (channelID, messageID) { return this.CHANNEL(channelID) + "/messages" + (messageID ? "/" + messageID : ""); }
["tts", false],
["nonce", message.nonce],
["file", file, input.filename || BN(input.file)]
].forEach(multi.append, multi);
resolveID(client,, function(channelID) {
client._req('post', Endpoints.MESSAGES(channelID), multi, function(err, res
) {
handleResCB("Unable to upload file", err, res, callback);
* Send a message to a channel.
MESSAGE_REACTIONS = function (channelID, messageID, reaction) { return this.MESSAGES(channelID, messageID) + "/reactions" + ( reaction ? ("/" + reaction) : "" ); }
* @arg {Snowflake} input.channelID
* @arg {Snowflake} input.messageID
* @arg {String} input.reaction - Either the emoji unicode or the emoji name:id/object.
* @arg {String} [input.limit]
DCP.getReaction = function(input, callback) {
var qs = { limit: (typeof(input.limit) !== 'number' ? 100 : input.limit) };
this._req('get', Endpoints.MESSAGE_REACTIONS(input.channelID, input.messageID
, stringifyEmoji(input.reaction)) + qstringify(qs), function(err, res) {
handleResCB("Unable to get reaction", err, res, callback);
* Remove an emoji reaction from a message.
* @arg {Object} input
NOTE = function (userID) { return ME + "/notes/" + userID; }
* Edit a user's note.
* @arg {Object} input
* @arg {Snowflake} input.userID
* @arg {String} input.note - The note content that you want to use.
DCP.editNote = function(input, callback) {
this._req('put', Endpoints.NOTE(input.userID), {note: input.note}, function
(err, res) {
handleResCB("Could not edit note", err, res, callback);
* Retrieve a user object from Discord, the library already caches users, however.
* @arg {Object} input
PINNED_MESSAGES = function (channelID, messageID) { return this.CHANNEL(channelID) + "/pins" + (messageID ? "/" + messageID : ""); }
* Pin a message to the channel.
* @arg {Object} input
* @arg {Snowflake} input.channelID
* @arg {Snowflake} input.messageID
DCP.pinMessage = function(input, callback) {
this._req('put', Endpoints.PINNED_MESSAGES(input.channelID, input.messageID
), function(err, res) {
handleResCB("Unable to pin message", err, res, callback);
* Get an array of pinned messages from a channel.
* @arg {Object} input
ROLES = function (serverID, roleID) { return this.SERVERS(serverID) + "/roles" + (roleID ? "/" + roleID : ""); }
* Create a role for a server.
* @arg {Snowflake} serverID
DCP.createRole = function(serverID, callback) {
var client = this;
this._req('post', Endpoints.ROLES(serverID), function(err, res) {
try {
client.servers[serverID].roles[] = new Role(res.body);
} catch(e) {}
handleResCB("Unable to create role", err, res, callback);
SERVERS = function (serverID) { return API + "/guilds" + (serverID ? "/" + serverID : ""); }
payload = {icon: null, name: null, region: null};
for (var key in input) {
if (Object.keys(payload).indexOf(key) < 0) continue;
payload[key] = input[key];
if (input.icon) payload.icon = "data:image/jpg;base64," + input.icon;
client._req('post', Endpoints.SERVERS(), payload, function(err, res) {
try {
client.servers[] = {};
copyKeys(res.body, client.servers[]);
} catch(e) {}
handleResCB("Could not create server", err, res, callback);
SERVERS_PERSONAL = function (serverID) { return this.ME + "/guilds" + (serverID ? "/" + serverID : ""); //Method to list personal servers? }
* Leave a server.
* @arg {Snowflake} serverID
DCP.leaveServer = function(serverID, callback) {
this._req('delete', Endpoints.SERVERS_PERSONAL(serverID), function(err, res
) {
handleResCB("Could not leave server", err, res, callback);
* Delete a server owned by the client.
* @arg {Snowflake} serverID
SERVER_EMOJIS = function (serverID, emojiID) { return this.SERVERS(serverID) + "/emojis" + (emojiID ? "/" + emojiID : ""); }
* @arg {String<Base64>} input.image - The emoji's image data in Base64
DCP.addServerEmoji = function(input, callback) {
var payload = {
image: "data:image/png;base64," + input.image
this._req('post', Endpoints.SERVER_EMOJIS(input.serverID), payload, function
(err, res) {
handleResCB("Unable to add emoji to the server", err, res, callback);
* [User Account] Edit a server emoji data (name only, currently)
* @arg {Object} input
SERVER_WEBHOOKS = function (serverID) { return this.SERVERS(serverID) + "/webhooks"; }
* Get all webhooks for a server
* @arg {Snowflake} serverID
DCP.getServerWebhooks = function(serverID, callback) {
this._req('get', Endpoints.SERVER_WEBHOOKS(serverID), function(err, res) {
handleResCB("Could not get server Webhooks", err, res, callback);
* Get webhooks from a channel
* @arg {Snowflake} channelID
TYPING = function (channelID) { return this.CHANNEL(channelID) + "/typing"; }
* Send 'typing...' status to a channel
* @arg {Snowflake} channelID
DCP.simulateTyping = function(channelID, callback) {
this._req('post', Endpoints.TYPING(channelID), function(err, res) {
handleResCB("Unable to simulate typing", err, res, callback);
* Replace Snowflakes with the names if applicable.
* @arg {String} message - The message to fix.
USER = function (userID) { return API + "/users/" + userID; }
* Retrieve a user object from Discord, Bot only endpoint. You don't have to share a server with this user.
* @arg {Object} input
* @arg {Snowflake} input.userID
DCP.getUser = function(input, callback) {
if (! return handleErrCB("[getUser] This account is a 'user' type account, and cannot use 'getUser
'. Only bots can use this endpoint.", callback);
this._req('get', Endpoints.USER(input.userID), function(err, res) {
handleResCB("Could not get user", err, res, callback);
* Edit the client's user information.
* @arg {Object} input
USER_REACTIONS = function (channelID, messageID, reaction, userID) { return this.MESSAGE_REACTIONS(channelID, messageID, reaction) + '/' + ( (!userID || userID === ? '@me' : userID ); }
* Add an emoji reaction to a message.
* @arg {Object} input
* @arg {Snowflake} input.channelID
* @arg {Snowflake} input.messageID
* @arg {String} input.reaction - Either the emoji unicode or the emoji name:id/object.
DCP.addReaction = function(input, callback) {
this._req('put', Endpoints.USER_REACTIONS(input.channelID, input.messageID
, stringifyEmoji(input.reaction)), function(err, res) {
handleResCB("Unable to add reaction", err, res, callback);
* Get an emoji reaction of a message.
* @arg {Object} input
WEBHOOKS = function (webhookID) { return API + "/webhooks/" + webhookID; }
* @arg {Snowflake} input.webhookID - The Webhook's ID
* @arg {String} []
* @arg {String<Base64>} [input.avatar]
* @arg {String} [input.channelID]
DCP.editWebhook = function(input, callback) {
var client = this, payload = {}, allowed = ['avatar', 'name'];
this._req('get', Endpoints.WEBHOOKS(input.webhookID), function(err, res) {
if (err || !goodResponse(res)) return handleResCB("Couldn't get webhook, do you have permissions to access it?",
err, res, callback);
allowed.forEach(function(key) {
payload[key] = (key in input ? input[key] : res.body[key]);
payload.channel_id = input.channelID || res.body.channel_id;
client._req('patch', Endpoints.WEBHOOKS(input.webhookID), payload, function(err, res) {