class AppUpdater extends (_events || _load_events()).EventEmitter {
constructor(options, app) {
* Whether to automatically download an update when it is found.
this.autoDownload = true;
* *GitHub provider only.* Whether to allow update to pre-release versions. Defaults to `true` if application version contains
prerelease components (e.g. `0.12.1-alpha.1`, here `alpha` is a prerelease component), otherwise `false`.
* If `true`, downgrade will be allowed (`allowDowngrade` will be set to `true`).
this.allowPrerelease = false;
* Whether to allow version downgrade (when a user from the beta channel wants to go back to the stable channel).
* Defaults to `true` if application version contains prerelease components (e.g. `0.12.1-alpha.1`, here `alpha` is a prerelease
component), otherwise `false`.
this.allowDowngrade = false;
* The logger. You can pass [electron-log](, [winston](
/winston) or another logger with the following interface: `{ info(), warn(), error() }`.
* Set it to `null` if you would like to disable a logging feature.
this.logger = global.__test_app ? null : console;
* For type safety you can use signals, e.g. `autoUpdater.signals.updateDownloaded(() => {})` instead of `autoUpdater.on
('update-available', () => {})`
this.signals = new (_api || _load_api()).UpdaterSignal(this);
this.updateAvailable = false;
this.on("error", error => {
if (this.logger != null) {
this.logger.error(`Error: ${error.stack || error.message}`);
if (app != null || global.__test_app != null) { = app || global.__test_app;
this.untilAppReady = (_bluebirdLst2 || _load_bluebirdLst2()).default.resolve();
} else { = require("electron").app;
(_electronBuilderHttp || _load_electronBuilderHttp()).executorHolder.httpExecutor = new (_electronHttpExecutor || _load_electronHttpExecutor
this.untilAppReady = new (_bluebirdLst2 || _load_bluebirdLst2()).default(resolve => {
if ( {
if (this.logger != null) {"App is ready");
} else {
if (this.logger != null) {"Wait for app ready");
}"ready", resolve);
const currentVersionString =;
this.currentVersion = (0, (_semver || _load_semver()).valid)(currentVersionString);
if (this.currentVersion == null) {
throw new Error(`App version is not valid semver version: "${currentVersionString}`);
const versionPrereleaseComponent = (0, (_semver || _load_semver()).prerelease)(this.currentVersion);
this.allowDowngrade = versionPrereleaseComponent != null && versionPrereleaseComponent.length > 0;
this.allowPrerelease = this.allowDowngrade;
if (options != null) {
set updateConfigPath(value) {
this.clientPromise = null;
this._appUpdateConfigPath = value;
//noinspection JSMethodCanBeStatic,JSUnusedGlobalSymbols
getFeedURL() {
return "Deprecated. Do not use it.";
* Configure update provider. If value is `string`, {@link module:electron-builder-http/out/publishOptions.GenericServerOptions
} will be set with value as `url`.
* @param options If you want to override configuration in the `app-update.yml`.
setFeedURL(options) {
// ...
class BintrayProvider extends (_api || _load_api()).Provider { constructor(configuration) { super(); this.client = new (_bintray || _load_bintray()).BintrayClient(configuration, new (_CancellationToken || _load_CancellationToken ()).CancellationToken()); } getLatestVersion() { var _this = this; return (0, (_bluebirdLst || _load_bluebirdLst()).coroutine)(function* () { try { const data = yield _this.client.getVersion("_latest"); return { version: }; } catch (e) { if ("response" in e && e.response.statusCode === 404) { throw new Error(`No latest version, please ensure that user, package and repository correctly configured. Or at least one version is published. ${e.stack || e.message}`); } throw e; } })(); } getUpdateFile(versionInfo) { var _this2 = this; return (0, (_bluebirdLst || _load_bluebirdLst()).coroutine)(function* () { try { const files = yield _this2.client.getVersionFiles(versionInfo.version); const suffix = `${versionInfo.version}.exe`; const file = files.find(function (it) { return &&"Setup") !== -1; }) || files.find(function (it) { return; }) || files.find(function (it) { return".exe"); }); if (file == null) { //noinspection ExceptionCaughtLocallyJS throw new Error(`Cannot find suitable file for version ${versionInfo.version} in: ${JSON.stringify(files, null , 2)}`); } return { name:, url: `${_this2.client.owner}/${_this2.client.repo}/${}`, sha2: file.sha256 }; } catch (e) { if (e instanceof (_electronBuilderHttp || _load_electronBuilderHttp()).HttpError && e.response.statusCode === 404 ) { throw new Error(`No latest version, please ensure that user, package and repository correctly configured. Or at least one version is published. ${e.stack || e.message}`); } throw e; } })(); } }
url: (0, (_publishOptions || _load_publishOptions()).s3Url)(s3),
channel: || ""
case "generic":
return new (_GenericProvider || _load_GenericProvider()).GenericProvider(data);
case "bintray":
return new (_BintrayProvider || _load_BintrayProvider()).BintrayProvider(data);
throw new Error(`Unsupported provider: ${provider}`);
exports.AppUpdater = AppUpdater; //#
class GenericProvider extends (_api || _load_api()).Provider { constructor(configuration) { super(); this.configuration = configuration; this.baseUrl = (_url || _load_url()).parse(this.configuration.url); = ? (0, (_api || _load_api()).getCustomChannelName)( : ( 0, (_api || _load_api()).getDefaultChannelName)(); } getLatestVersion() { var _this = this; return (0, (_bluebirdLst || _load_bluebirdLst()).coroutine)(function* () { let result = null; const channelFile = (0, (_api || _load_api()).getChannelFilename)(; const pathname = _path.posix.resolve(_this.baseUrl.pathname || "/", channelFile); try { const options = { hostname: _this.baseUrl.hostname, path: `${pathname}${ || ""}`, protocol: _this.baseUrl.protocol, headers: _this.requestHeaders || undefined }; if (_this.baseUrl.port != null) { options.port = parseInt(_this.baseUrl.port, 10); } result = yield (0, (_electronBuilderHttp || _load_electronBuilderHttp()).request)(options, new (_CancellationToken || _load_CancellationToken()).CancellationToken()); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof (_electronBuilderHttp || _load_electronBuilderHttp()).HttpError && e.response.statusCode === 404 ) { throw new Error(`Cannot find channel "${channelFile}" update info: ${e.stack || e.message}`); } throw e; } validateUpdateInfo(result); if ((0, (_api || _load_api()).getCurrentPlatform)() === "darwin") { result.releaseJsonUrl = (_url || _load_url()).format(Object.assign({}, _this.baseUrl, { pathname: pathname })); } return result; })(); } getUpdateFile(versionInfo) { var _this2 = this; return (0, (_bluebirdLst || _load_bluebirdLst()).coroutine)(function* () { if ((0, (_api || _load_api()).getCurrentPlatform)() === "darwin") { return versionInfo; } return { name: _path.posix.basename(versionInfo.path), url: (_url || _load_url()).format(Object.assign({}, _this2.baseUrl, { pathname: _path.posix.resolve(_this2.baseUrl .pathname || "/", versionInfo.path) })), sha2: versionInfo.sha2 }; })(); } }
* Configure update provider. If value is `string`, {@link module:electron-builder-http/out/publishOptions.GenericServerOptions}
will be set with value as `url`.
* @param options If you want to override configuration in the `app-update.yml`.
setFeedURL(options) {
let client;
if (typeof options === "string") {
client = new (_GenericProvider || _load_GenericProvider()).GenericProvider({
provider: "generic", url: options });
} else {
client = this.createClient(options);
this.clientPromise = (_bluebirdLst2 || _load_bluebirdLst2()).default.resolve(client);
* Asks the server whether there is an update.
function validateUpdateInfo(info) { if ((0, (_api || _load_api()).getCurrentPlatform)() === "darwin") { if (info.url == null) { throw new Error("Update info doesn't contain url"); } return; } if (info.sha2 == null) { throw new Error(`Update info doesn't contain sha2 checksum: ${JSON.stringify(info, null, 2)}`); } if (info.path == null) { throw new Error(`Update info doesn't contain file path: ${JSON.stringify(info, null, 2)}`); } }
class GitHubProvider extends BaseGitHubProvider { constructor(options, updater) { super(options, ""); this.options = options; this.updater = updater; } getLatestVersion() { var _this = this; return (0, (_bluebirdLst || _load_bluebirdLst()).coroutine)(function* () { const basePath = _this.basePath; const cancellationToken = new (_CancellationToken || _load_CancellationToken()).CancellationToken(); const xElement = require("xelement"); const feedXml = yield (0, (_electronBuilderHttp || _load_electronBuilderHttp()).request)(Object.assign({ path: `${basePath}.atom`, headers: Object.assign({}, _this.requestHeaders, { Accept: "application/xml" }) }, _this.baseUrl), cancellationToken); const feed = new xElement.Parse(feedXml); const latestRelease = feed.element("entry"); if (latestRelease == null) { throw new Error(`No published versions on GitHub`); } let version; try { if (_this.updater.allowPrerelease) { version = latestRelease.element("link").getAttr("href").match(/\/tag\/v?([^\/]+)$/)[1]; } else { version = yield _this.getLatestVersionString(basePath, cancellationToken); } } catch (e) { throw new Error(`Cannot parse releases feed: ${e.stack || e.message},\nXML:\n${feedXml}`); } let result; const channelFile = (0, (_api || _load_api()).getChannelFilename)((0, (_api || _load_api()).getDefaultChannelName)()); const requestOptions = Object.assign({ path: _this.getBaseDownloadPath(version, channelFile), headers: _this.requestHeaders || undefined }, _this.baseUrl); try { result = yield (0, (_electronBuilderHttp || _load_electronBuilderHttp()).request)(requestOptions, cancellationToken ); } catch (e) { if (!_this.updater.allowPrerelease) { if (e instanceof (_electronBuilderHttp || _load_electronBuilderHttp()).HttpError && e.response.statusCode === 404) { throw new Error(`Cannot find ${channelFile} in the latest release artifacts (${(0, (_api || _load_api()). formatUrl)(requestOptions)}): ${e.stack || e.message}`); } } throw e; } (0, (_GenericProvider || _load_GenericProvider()).validateUpdateInfo)(result); if ((0, (_api || _load_api()).getCurrentPlatform)() === "darwin") { result.releaseJsonUrl = `${(0, (_publishOptions || _load_publishOptions()).githubUrl)(_this.options)}/${requestOptions .path}`; } if (result.releaseName == null) { result.releaseName = latestRelease.getElementValue("title"); } if (result.releaseNotes == null) { result.releaseNotes = latestRelease.getElementValue("content"); } return result; })(); } getLatestVersionString(basePath, cancellationToken) { var _this2 = this; return (0, (_bluebirdLst || _load_bluebirdLst()).coroutine)(function* () { const requestOptions = Object.assign({ path: `${basePath}/latest`, headers: Object.assign({}, _this2.requestHeaders, { Accept: "application/json" }) }, _this2.baseUrl); try { // do not use API to avoid limit const releaseInfo = yield (0, (_electronBuilderHttp || _load_electronBuilderHttp()).request)(requestOptions, cancellationToken ); return releaseInfo.tag_name.startsWith("v") ? releaseInfo.tag_name.substring(1) : releaseInfo.tag_name; } catch (e) { throw new Error(`Unable to find latest version on GitHub (${(0, (_api || _load_api()).formatUrl)(requestOptions)}), please ensure a production re ...
const provider = data.provider;
switch (provider) {
case "github":
const githubOptions = data;
const token = (githubOptions.private ? process.env.GH_TOKEN : null) || githubOptions.token;
if (token == null) {
return new (_GitHubProvider || _load_GitHubProvider()).GitHubProvider(githubOptions
, this);
} else {
return new (_PrivateGitHubProvider || _load_PrivateGitHubProvider()).PrivateGitHubProvider(githubOptions, token);
case "s3":
const s3 = data;
return new (_GenericProvider || _load_GenericProvider()).GenericProvider({
class BaseGitHubProvider extends (_api || _load_api()).Provider { constructor(options, baseHost) { super(); this.options = options; const baseUrl = (0, (_url || _load_url()).parse)(`${options.protocol || "https"}://${ || baseHost}`); this.baseUrl = { protocol: baseUrl.protocol, hostname: baseUrl.hostname, port: baseUrl.port }; } }
class MacUpdater extends (_AppUpdater || _load_AppUpdater()).AppUpdater { constructor(options) { super(options); this.nativeUpdater = require("electron").autoUpdater; this.nativeUpdater.on("error", it => { if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.warn(it); } this.emit("error", it); }); this.nativeUpdater.on("update-downloaded", () => { if (this.logger != null) {`New version ${this.versionInfo.version} has been downloaded`); } this.emit("update-downloaded", this.versionInfo); }); } onUpdateAvailable(versionInfo, fileInfo) { this.nativeUpdater.setFeedURL(versionInfo.releaseJsonUrl, Object.assign({ "Cache-Control": "no-cache" }, this.computeRequestHeaders (fileInfo))); super.onUpdateAvailable(versionInfo, fileInfo); } doDownloadUpdate(versionInfo, fileInfo, cancellationToken) { this.nativeUpdater.checkForUpdates(); return (_bluebirdLst || _load_bluebirdLst()).default.resolve(); } quitAndInstall() { this.nativeUpdater.quitAndInstall(); } }
class NsisUpdater extends (_AppUpdater || _load_AppUpdater()).AppUpdater {
constructor(options, app) {
super(options, app);
this.quitAndInstallCalled = false;
this.quitHandlerAdded = false;
* Start downloading update manually. You can use this method if `autoDownload` option is set to `false`.
* @returns {Promise<string>} Path to downloaded file.
doDownloadUpdate(versionInfo, fileInfo, cancellationToken) {
var _this = this;
return (0, (_bluebirdLst || _load_bluebirdLst()).coroutine)(function* () {
const downloadOptions = {
skipDirCreation: true,
headers: _this.computeRequestHeaders(fileInfo),
cancellationToken: cancellationToken,
sha2: fileInfo == null ? null : fileInfo.sha2
if (_this.listenerCount((_api || _load_api()).DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS) > 0) {
downloadOptions.onProgress = function (it) {
return _this.emit((_api || _load_api()).DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS, it);
const logger = _this.logger;
const tempDir = yield (0, (_fsExtraP || _load_fsExtraP()).mkdtemp)(`${_path.join((0, (_os || _load_os()).tmpdir)(), "
const tempFile = _path.join(tempDir,;
try {
yield (0, (_electronBuilderHttp || _load_electronBuilderHttp()).download)(fileInfo.url, tempFile, downloadOptions
} catch (e) {
try {
yield (0, (_fsExtraP || _load_fsExtraP()).remove)(tempDir);
} catch (ignored) {
// ignored
if (e instanceof (_CancellationToken || _load_CancellationToken()).CancellationError) {
_this.emit("update-cancelled", _this.versionInfo);
if (logger != null) {"Cancelled");
throw e;
if (logger != null) {`New version ${_this.versionInfo.version} has been downloaded to ${tempFile}`);
_this.setupPath = tempFile;
_this.emit("update-downloaded", _this.versionInfo);
return tempFile;
addQuitHandler() {
if (this.quitHandlerAdded) {
this.quitHandlerAdded = true;"quit", () => {
if (this.logger != null) {"Auto install update on quit");
quitAndInstall() {
if (this.install(false)) {;
install(isSilent) {
if (this.quitAndInstallCalled) {
return false;
const setupPath = this.setupPath;
if (!this.updateAvailable || setupPath == null) {
const message = "No update available, can't quit and install";
this.emit("error", new Error(message), message);
return false;
// prevent calling several times
this.quitAndInstallCalled = true;
const args = ["--updated"];
if (isSilent) {
const spawnOptions = {
detached: true,
stdio: "ignore"
try {
(0, (_child_process || _load_child_process()).spawn)(setupPath, args, spawnOptions).unref();
} catch (e) {
// yes, such errors dispatched not as error event
if (e.code === "UNKNOWN") {
if (this.logger != null) {"UNKNOWN error code on spawn, will be executed again using elevate");
try {
(0, (_child_process || _load_child_process()).spawn)(_p ...
class PrivateGitHubProvider extends (_GitHubProvider || _load_GitHubProvider()).BaseGitHubProvider { constructor(options, token) { super(options, ""); this.token = token; this.netSession = (_electron || _load_electron()).session.fromPartition((_electronHttpExecutor || _load_electronHttpExecutor ()).NET_SESSION_NAME); this.registerHeaderRemovalListener(); } getLatestVersion() { var _this = this; return (0, (_bluebirdLst || _load_bluebirdLst()).coroutine)(function* () { const basePath = _this.basePath; const cancellationToken = new (_CancellationToken || _load_CancellationToken()).CancellationToken(); const channelFile = (0, (_api || _load_api()).getChannelFilename)((0, (_api || _load_api()).getDefaultChannelName)()); const assets = yield _this.getLatestVersionInfo(basePath, cancellationToken); const requestOptions = Object.assign({ headers: _this.configureHeaders("application/octet-stream"), session: _this.netSession }, (0, (_url || _load_url()).parse)(assets.find(function (it) { return == channelFile; }).url)); let result; try { result = yield (0, (_electronBuilderHttp || _load_electronBuilderHttp()).request)(requestOptions, cancellationToken ); if (typeof result === "string") { if ((0, (_api || _load_api()).getCurrentPlatform)() === "darwin") { result = JSON.parse(result); } else { result = (0, (_jsYaml || _load_jsYaml()).safeLoad)(result); } } } catch (e) { if (e instanceof (_electronBuilderHttp || _load_electronBuilderHttp()).HttpError && e.response.statusCode === 404 ) { throw new Error(`Cannot find ${channelFile} in the latest release artifacts (${(0, (_api || _load_api()).formatUrl )(requestOptions)}): ${e.stack || e.message}`); } throw e; } (0, (_GenericProvider || _load_GenericProvider()).validateUpdateInfo)(result); if ((0, (_api || _load_api()).getCurrentPlatform)() === "darwin") { result.releaseJsonUrl = `${_this.options.protocol || "https"}://${ || ""}${requestOptions .path}`; } result.assets = assets; return result; })(); } registerHeaderRemovalListener() { const filter = { urls: ["*://**"] }; this.netSession.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders(filter, (details, callback) => { if (details.requestHeaders.Authorization != null) { delete details.requestHeaders.Authorization; } callback({ cancel: false, requestHeaders: details.requestHeaders }); }); } configureHeaders(accept) { return Object.assign({ Accept: accept, Authorization: `token ${this.token}` }, this.requestHeaders); } getLatestVersionInfo(basePath, cancellationToken) { var _this2 = this; return (0, (_bluebirdLst || _load_bluebirdLst()).coroutine)(function* () { const requestOptions = Object.assign({ path: `${basePath}/latest`, headers: _this2.configureHeaders("application/vnd.github.v3+json") }, _this2.baseUrl); try { return (yield (0, (_electronBuilderHttp || _load_electronBuilderHttp()).request)(requestOptions, cancellationToken )).assets; } catch (e) { throw new Error(`Unable to find latest version on GitHub (${(0, (_api || _load_api()).formatUrl)(requestOptions)}), please ensure a production release exists: ${e.stack || e.message}`); } })(); } get basePath() { return `/repos/${this.options.owner}/${this.options.repo}/releases` ...
switch (provider) {
case "github":
const githubOptions = data;
const token = (githubOptions.private ? process.env.GH_TOKEN : null) || githubOptions.token;
if (token == null) {
return new (_GitHubProvider || _load_GitHubProvider()).GitHubProvider(githubOptions, this);
} else {
return new (_PrivateGitHubProvider || _load_PrivateGitHubProvider()).PrivateGitHubProvider
(githubOptions, token);
case "s3":
const s3 = data;
return new (_GenericProvider || _load_GenericProvider()).GenericProvider({
provider: "generic",
url: (0, (_publishOptions || _load_publishOptions()).s3Url)(s3),
class Provider { setRequestHeaders(value) { this.requestHeaders = value; } }
class UpdaterSignal { constructor(emitter) { this.emitter = emitter; } progress(handler) { addHandler(this.emitter, DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS, handler); } updateDownloaded(handler) { addHandler(this.emitter, "update-downloaded", handler); } updateCancelled(handler) { addHandler(this.emitter, "update-cancelled", handler); } }
* The logger. You can pass [electron-log](, [winston](
) or another logger with the following interface: `{ info(), warn(), error() }`.
* Set it to `null` if you would like to disable a logging feature.
this.logger = global.__test_app ? null : console;
* For type safety you can use signals, e.g. `autoUpdater.signals.updateDownloaded(() => {})` instead of `autoUpdater.on(
x27;update-available', () => {})`
this.signals = new (_api || _load_api()).UpdaterSignal(this);
this.updateAvailable = false;
this.on("error", error => {
if (this.logger != null) {
this.logger.error(`Error: ${error.stack || error.message}`);
if (app != null || global.__test_app != null) {
function formatUrl(url) { if (url.path != null && url.pathname == null) { url.pathname = url.path; } return (0, (_url || _load_url()).format)(url); }
function getChannelFilename(channel) { return `${channel}.${getCurrentPlatform() === "darwin" ? "json" : "yml"}`; }
function getCurrentPlatform() { return process.env.TEST_UPDATER_PLATFORM || process.platform; }
function getCustomChannelName(channel) { return `${channel}${getChannelFilePrefix()}`; }
function getDefaultChannelName() { return `latest${getChannelFilePrefix()}`; }
class ElectronHttpExecutor extends (_electronBuilderHttp || _load_electronBuilderHttp()).HttpExecutor { download(url, destination, options) { var _this = this; return (0, (_bluebirdLst || _load_bluebirdLst()).coroutine)(function* () { if (options == null || !options.skipDirCreation) { yield (0, (_fsExtraP || _load_fsExtraP()).ensureDir)(_path.dirname(destination)); } return yield options.cancellationToken.createPromise(function (resolve, reject, onCancel) { const parsedUrl = (0, (_url || _load_url()).parse)(url); _this.doDownload((0, (_electronBuilderHttp || _load_electronBuilderHttp()).configureRequestOptions)({ protocol: parsedUrl.protocol, hostname: parsedUrl.hostname, path: parsedUrl.path, port: parsedUrl.port ? parseInt(parsedUrl.port, 10) : undefined, headers: options.headers || undefined }), destination, 0, options, function (error) { if (error == null) { resolve(destination); } else { reject(error); } }, onCancel); }); })(); } doApiRequest(options, cancellationToken, requestProcessor) { let redirectCount = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : 0; if (debug.enabled) { debug(`request: ${(0, (_electronBuilderHttp || _load_electronBuilderHttp()).dumpRequestOptions)(options)}`); } return cancellationToken.createPromise((resolve, reject, onCancel) => { const request = (_electron || _load_electron()).net.request(options, response => { try { this.handleResponse(response, options, cancellationToken, resolve, reject, redirectCount, requestProcessor); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }); this.addTimeOutHandler(request, reject); request.on("error", reject); requestProcessor(request, reject); onCancel(() => request.abort()); }); } doRequest(options, callback) { options.session = (_electron || _load_electron()).session.fromPartition(NET_SESSION_NAME); return (_electron || _load_electron()).net.request(options, callback); } }
if (app != null || global.__test_app != null) { = app || global.__test_app;
this.untilAppReady = (_bluebirdLst2 || _load_bluebirdLst2()).default.resolve();
} else { = require("electron").app;
(_electronBuilderHttp || _load_electronBuilderHttp()).executorHolder.httpExecutor = new (_electronHttpExecutor || _load_electronHttpExecutor
this.untilAppReady = new (_bluebirdLst2 || _load_bluebirdLst2()).default(resolve => {
if ( {
if (this.logger != null) {"App is ready");
} else {