function File(file) { if (!file) file = {}; // record path change var history = file.path ? [file.path] : file.history; this.history = history || []; this.cwd = file.cwd || process.cwd(); this.base = file.base || this.cwd; // stat = files stats object this.stat = file.stat || null; // contents = stream, buffer, or null if not read this.contents = file.contents || null; this._isVinyl = true; }
This is a lodash.template function wrapper. You must pass in a valid gulp file object so it is available to the user or it will
error. You can not configure any of the delimiters. Look at the [lodash docs]( for more info.
## new File(obj)
This is just [vinyl](
var file = new gutil.File({
base: path.join(__dirname, './fixtures/'),
cwd: __dirname,
path: path.join(__dirname, './fixtures/')
## noop()
function PluginError(plugin, message, opt) { if (!(this instanceof PluginError)) throw new Error('Call PluginError using new');; var options = parseOptions(plugin, message, opt); var self = this; // if options has an error, grab details from it if (options.error) { // These properties are not enumerable, so we have to add them explicitly. arrayUniq(Object.keys(options.error).concat(nonEnumberableProperties)) .forEach(function(prop) { self[prop] = options.error[prop]; }); } var properties = ['name', 'message', 'fileName', 'lineNumber', 'stack', 'showStack', 'showProperties', 'plugin']; // options object can override properties.forEach(function(prop) { if (prop in options) this[prop] = options[prop]; }, this); // defaults if (! = 'Error'; if (!this.stack) { // Error.captureStackTrace appends a stack property which relies on the toString method of the object it is applied to. // Since we are using our own toString method which controls when to display the stack trace if we don't go through this // safety object, then we'll get stack overflow problems. var safety = { toString: function() { return this._messageWithDetails() + '\nStack:'; }.bind(this) }; Error.captureStackTrace(safety, arguments.callee || this.constructor); this.__safety = safety; } if (!this.plugin) throw new Error('Missing plugin name'); if (!this.message) throw new Error('Missing error message'); }
- If you pass an error in as the message the stack will be pulled from that, otherwise one will be created.
- Note that if you pass in a custom stack string you need to include the message along with that.
- Error properties will be included in `err.toString()`. Can be omitted by including `{showProperties: false}` in the options.
These are all acceptable forms of instantiation:
var err = new gutil.PluginError('test', {
message: 'something broke'
var err = new gutil.PluginError({
plugin: 'test',
message: 'something broke'
beep = function (val, cb) { if (!process.stdout.isTTY || process.argv.indexOf('--no-beep') !== -1 || process.argv.indexOf('--beep=false') !== -1) { return; } cb = cb || function () {}; if (val === parseInt(val)) { if (val < 0) { throw new TypeError('Negative numbers are not accepted'); } if (val === 0) { cb(); return; } for (var i = 0; i < val; i++) { setTimeout(function (i) { beep(); if (i === val - 1) { cb(); } }, BEEP_DELAY * i, i); } } else if (!val) { beep(); cb(); } else if (typeof val === 'string') { melodicalBeep(val.split(''), cb); } else { throw new TypeError('Not an accepted type'); } }
buffer = function (fn) { var buf = []; var end = function(cb) { this.push(buf); cb(); if(fn) fn(null, buf); }; var push = function(data, enc, cb) { buf.push(data); cb(); }; return through.obj(push, end); }
The stream will emit one data event after the stream piped to it has ended. The data will be the same array passed to the callback
Callback is optional and receives two arguments: error and data
.pipe(gutil.buffer(function(err, files) {
## new PluginError(pluginName, message[, options])
- pluginName should be the module name of your plugin
combine = function (){ var args = arguments; if (args.length === 1 && Array.isArray(args[0])) { args = args[0]; } return function(){ return pipeline.apply(pipeline, args); }; }
date = function (date, mask, utc, gmt) { // You can't provide utc if you skip other args (use the 'UTC:' mask prefix) if (arguments.length === 1 && kindOf(date) === 'string' && !/\d/.test(date)) { mask = date; date = undefined; } date = date || new Date; if(!(date instanceof Date)) { date = new Date(date); } if (isNaN(date)) { throw TypeError('Invalid date'); } mask = String(dateFormat.masks[mask] || mask || dateFormat.masks['default']); // Allow setting the utc/gmt argument via the mask var maskSlice = mask.slice(0, 4); if (maskSlice === 'UTC:' || maskSlice === 'GMT:') { mask = mask.slice(4); utc = true; if (maskSlice === 'GMT:') { gmt = true; } } var _ = utc ? 'getUTC' : 'get'; var d = date[_ + 'Date'](); var D = date[_ + 'Day'](); var m = date[_ + 'Month'](); var y = date[_ + 'FullYear'](); var H = date[_ + 'Hours'](); var M = date[_ + 'Minutes'](); var s = date[_ + 'Seconds'](); var L = date[_ + 'Milliseconds'](); var o = utc ? 0 : date.getTimezoneOffset(); var W = getWeek(date); var N = getDayOfWeek(date); var flags = { d: d, dd: pad(d), ddd: dateFormat.i18n.dayNames[D], dddd: dateFormat.i18n.dayNames[D + 7], m: m + 1, mm: pad(m + 1), mmm: dateFormat.i18n.monthNames[m], mmmm: dateFormat.i18n.monthNames[m + 12], yy: String(y).slice(2), yyyy: y, h: H % 12 || 12, hh: pad(H % 12 || 12), H: H, HH: pad(H), M: M, MM: pad(M), s: s, ss: pad(s), l: pad(L, 3), L: pad(Math.round(L / 10)), t: H < 12 ? 'a' : 'p', tt: H < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm', T: H < 12 ? 'A' : 'P', TT: H < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM', Z: gmt ? 'GMT' : utc ? 'UTC' : (String(date).match(timezone) || ['']).pop().replace(timezoneClip, ''), o: (o > 0 ? '-' : '+') + pad(Math.floor(Math.abs(o) / 60) * 100 + Math.abs(o) % 60, 4), S: ['th', 'st', 'nd', 'rd'][d % 10 > 3 ? 0 : (d % 100 - d % 10 != 10) * d % 10], W: W, N: N }; return mask.replace(token, function (match) { if (match in flags) { return flags[match]; } return match.slice(1, match.length - 1); }); }
isBuffer = function (o) { return typeof o === 'object' && o instanceof Buffer; }
isNull = function (v) { return v === null; }
isStream = function (o) { return !!o && o instanceof Stream; }
log = function (){ if(hasGulplog()){ // specifically deferring loading here to keep from registering it globally var gulplog = require('gulplog');, arguments); } else { // specifically defering loading because it might not be used var fancylog = require('fancy-log'); fancylog.apply(null, arguments); } return this; }
## Usage
var gutil = require('gulp-util');
gutil.log('stuff happened', 'Really it did', gutil.colors.magenta
gutil.replaceExtension('', '.js'); // file.js
var opt = {
name: 'todd',
file: someGulpFile
noop = function () { return through.obj(); }
// gulp should be called like this :
// $ gulp --type production
gulp.task('scripts', function() {
.pipe(gutil.env.type === 'production' ? uglify() : gutil.noop())
## buffer(cb)
This is similar to es.wait but instead of buffering text into one string it buffers anything into an array (so very useful for file
replaceExtension = function (npath, ext) { if (typeof npath !== 'string') return npath; if (npath.length === 0) return npath; var nFileName = path.basename(npath, path.extname(npath))+ext; return path.join(path.dirname(npath), nFileName); }
## Usage
var gutil = require('gulp-util');
gutil.log('stuff happened', 'Really it did', gutil.colors.magenta('123'));
gutil.replaceExtension('', '.js'); // file.js
var opt = {
name: 'todd',
file: someGulpFile
gutil.template('test <%= name %> <%= file.path %>', opt) // test todd /js/hi.js
template = function (tmpl, data) { var fn = template(tmpl, forcedSettings); var wrapped = function(o) { if (typeof o === 'undefined' || typeof o.file === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Failed to provide the current file as "file" to the template'); } return fn(o); }; return (data ? wrapped(data) : wrapped); }
gutil.replaceExtension('', '.js'); // file.js
var opt = {
name: 'todd',
file: someGulpFile
gutil.template('test <%= name %> <%= file.path %>', opt
) // test todd /js/hi.js
### log(msg...)
Logs stuff. Already prefixed with [gulp] and all that. If you pass in multiple arguments it will join them by a space.
The default gulp coloring using gutil.colors.<color>:
function File(file) { if (!file) file = {}; // record path change var history = file.path ? [file.path] : file.history; this.history = history || []; this.cwd = file.cwd || process.cwd(); this.base = file.base || this.cwd; // stat = files stats object this.stat = file.stat || null; // contents = stream, buffer, or null if not read this.contents = file.contents || null; this._isVinyl = true; }
This is a lodash.template function wrapper. You must pass in a valid gulp file object so it is available to the user or it will
error. You can not configure any of the delimiters. Look at the [lodash docs]( for more info.
## new File(obj)
This is just [vinyl](
var file = new gutil.File({
base: path.join(__dirname, './fixtures/'),
cwd: __dirname,
path: path.join(__dirname, './fixtures/')
## noop()
isVinyl = function (file) { return file && file._isVinyl === true; }
clone = function (opt) { if (typeof opt === 'boolean') { opt = { deep: opt, contents: true }; } else if (!opt) { opt = { deep: true, contents: true }; } else { opt.deep = opt.deep === true; opt.contents = opt.contents !== false; } // clone our file contents var contents; if (this.isStream()) { contents = this.contents.pipe(new Stream.PassThrough()); this.contents = this.contents.pipe(new Stream.PassThrough()); } else if (this.isBuffer()) { contents = opt.contents ? cloneBuffer(this.contents) : this.contents; } var file = new File({ cwd: this.cwd, base: this.base, stat: (this.stat ? cloneStats(this.stat) : null), history: this.history.slice(), contents: contents }); // clone our custom properties Object.keys(this).forEach(function(key) { // ignore built-in fields if (key === '_contents' || key === 'stat' || key === 'history' || key === 'path' || key === 'base' || key === 'cwd') { return; } file[key] = opt.deep ? clone(this[key], true) : this[key]; }, this); return file; }
inspect = function () { var inspect = []; // use relative path if possible var filePath = (this.base && this.path) ? this.relative : this.path; if (filePath) { inspect.push('"'+filePath+'"'); } if (this.isBuffer()) { inspect.push(this.contents.inspect()); } if (this.isStream()) { inspect.push(inspectStream(this.contents)); } return '<File '+inspect.join(' ')+'>'; }
isBuffer = function () { return isBuffer(this.contents); }
isDirectory = function () { return this.isNull() && this.stat && this.stat.isDirectory(); }
isNull = function () { return isNull(this.contents); }
isStream = function () { return isStream(this.contents); }
pipe = function (stream, opt) { if (!opt) opt = {}; if (typeof opt.end === 'undefined') opt.end = true; if (this.isStream()) { return this.contents.pipe(stream, opt); } if (this.isBuffer()) { if (opt.end) { stream.end(this.contents); } else { stream.write(this.contents); } return stream; } // isNull if (opt.end) stream.end(); return stream; }
Returns a stream that does nothing but pass data straight through.
// gulp should be called like this :
// $ gulp --type production
gulp.task('scripts', function() {
.pipe(gutil.env.type === 'production' ? uglify() : gutil.noop())
## buffer(cb)
function PluginError(plugin, message, opt) { if (!(this instanceof PluginError)) throw new Error('Call PluginError using new');; var options = parseOptions(plugin, message, opt); var self = this; // if options has an error, grab details from it if (options.error) { // These properties are not enumerable, so we have to add them explicitly. arrayUniq(Object.keys(options.error).concat(nonEnumberableProperties)) .forEach(function(prop) { self[prop] = options.error[prop]; }); } var properties = ['name', 'message', 'fileName', 'lineNumber', 'stack', 'showStack', 'showProperties', 'plugin']; // options object can override properties.forEach(function(prop) { if (prop in options) this[prop] = options[prop]; }, this); // defaults if (! = 'Error'; if (!this.stack) { // Error.captureStackTrace appends a stack property which relies on the toString method of the object it is applied to. // Since we are using our own toString method which controls when to display the stack trace if we don't go through this // safety object, then we'll get stack overflow problems. var safety = { toString: function() { return this._messageWithDetails() + '\nStack:'; }.bind(this) }; Error.captureStackTrace(safety, arguments.callee || this.constructor); this.__safety = safety; } if (!this.plugin) throw new Error('Missing plugin name'); if (!this.message) throw new Error('Missing error message'); }
- If you pass an error in as the message the stack will be pulled from that, otherwise one will be created.
- Note that if you pass in a custom stack string you need to include the message along with that.
- Error properties will be included in `err.toString()`. Can be omitted by including `{showProperties: false}` in the options.
These are all acceptable forms of instantiation:
var err = new gutil.PluginError('test', {
message: 'something broke'
var err = new gutil.PluginError({
plugin: 'test',
message: 'something broke'
function Error() { [native code] }
_messageDetails = function () { if (!this.showProperties) { return ''; } var properties = arrayDiffer(Object.keys(this), propertiesNotToDisplay); if (properties.length === 0) { return ''; } var self = this; properties = stringifyProperty(prop) { return ' ' + prop + ': ' + self[prop]; }); return 'Details:\n' + properties.join('\n'); }
_messageWithDetails = function () { var messageWithDetails = 'Message:\n ' + this.message; var details = this._messageDetails(); if (details !== '') { messageWithDetails += '\n' + details; } return messageWithDetails; }
toString = function () { var sig = + ' in plugin \'' + chalk.cyan(this.plugin) + '\''; var detailsWithStack = function(stack) { return this._messageWithDetails() + '\nStack:\n' + stack; }.bind(this); var msg; if (this.showStack) { if (this.__safety) { // There is no wrapped error, use the stack captured in the PluginError ctor msg = this.__safety.stack; } else if (this._stack) { msg = detailsWithStack(this._stack); } else { // Stack from wrapped error msg = detailsWithStack(this.stack); } } else { msg = this._messageWithDetails(); } return sig + '\n' + msg; }
## new PluginError(pluginName, message[, options])
- pluginName should be the module name of your plugin
- message can be a string or an existing error
- By default the stack will not be shown. Set `options.showStack` to true if you think the stack is important for your error.
- If you pass an error in as the message the stack will be pulled from that, otherwise one will be created.
- Note that if you pass in a custom stack string you need to include the message along with that.
- Error properties will be included in `err.toString()`. Can be omitted by including `{
showProperties: false}` in the options.
These are all acceptable forms of instantiation:
var err = new gutil.PluginError('test', {
message: 'something broke'
hasColor = function () { [native code] }
stripColor = function (str) { return typeof str === 'string' ? str.replace(ansiRegex, '') : str; }