api documentation for js-yaml (v3.8.3)

YAML 1.2 parser and serializer

table of contents

  1. module js-yaml
    1. function js-yaml.Schema (definition)
    2. function js-yaml.Type (tag, options)
    3. function js-yaml.YAMLException (reason, mark)
    4. function js-yaml.addConstructor ()
    5. function js-yaml.compose ()
    6. function js-yaml.dump (input, options)
    7. function js-yaml.load (input, options)
    8. function js-yaml.loadAll (input, iterator, options)
    9. function js-yaml.mark (name, buffer, position, line, column)
    10. function js-yaml.parse ()
    11. function js-yaml.safeDump (input, options)
    12. function js-yaml.safeLoad (input, options)
    13. function js-yaml.safeLoadAll (input, output, options)
    14. function js-yaml.scan ()
    15. object js-yaml.CORE_SCHEMA
    16. object js-yaml.DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA
    17. object js-yaml.DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA
    18. object js-yaml.DEFAULT_SCHEMA
    19. object js-yaml.FAILSAFE_SCHEMA
    20. object js-yaml.JSON_SCHEMA
    21. object js-yaml.MINIMAL_SCHEMA
    22. object js-yaml.SAFE_SCHEMA
    23. object js-yaml.YAMLException.prototype
    24. object js-yaml.common
    25. object js-yaml.dumper
    26. object js-yaml.loader
    27. object js-yaml.mark.prototype
  2. module js-yaml.Schema
    1. function js-yaml.Schema (definition)
    2. function js-yaml.Schema.create ()
    3. object js-yaml.Schema.DEFAULT
  3. module js-yaml.YAMLException
    1. function js-yaml.YAMLException (reason, mark)
  4. module js-yaml.YAMLException.prototype
    1. function js-yaml.YAMLException.prototype.constructor (reason, mark)
    2. function js-yaml.YAMLException.prototype.toString (compact)
  5. module js-yaml.common
    1. function js-yaml.common.extend (target, source)
    2. function js-yaml.common.isNegativeZero (number)
    3. function js-yaml.common.isNothing (subject)
    4. function js-yaml.common.isObject (subject)
    5. function js-yaml.common.repeat (string, count)
    6. function js-yaml.common.toArray (sequence)
  6. module js-yaml.dumper
    1. function js-yaml.dumper.dump (input, options)
    2. function js-yaml.dumper.safeDump (input, options)
  7. module js-yaml.loader
    1. function js-yaml.loader.load (input, options)
    2. function js-yaml.loader.loadAll (input, iterator, options)
    3. function js-yaml.loader.safeLoad (input, options)
    4. function js-yaml.loader.safeLoadAll (input, output, options)
  8. module js-yaml.mark
    1. function js-yaml.mark (name, buffer, position, line, column)
  9. module js-yaml.mark.prototype
    1. function js-yaml.mark.prototype.getSnippet (indent, maxLength)
    2. function js-yaml.mark.prototype.toString (compact)

module js-yaml

function js-yaml.Schema (definition)

function js-yaml.Type (tag, options)

function js-yaml.YAMLException (reason, mark)

function js-yaml.addConstructor ()

function js-yaml.compose ()

function js-yaml.dump (input, options)

function js-yaml.load (input, options)

function js-yaml.loadAll (input, iterator, options)

function js-yaml.mark (name, buffer, position, line, column)

function js-yaml.parse ()

function js-yaml.safeDump (input, options)

function js-yaml.safeLoad (input, options)

function js-yaml.safeLoadAll (input, output, options)

function js-yaml.scan ()

module js-yaml.Schema

function js-yaml.Schema (definition)

function js-yaml.Schema.create ()

module js-yaml.YAMLException

function js-yaml.YAMLException (reason, mark)

module js-yaml.YAMLException.prototype

function js-yaml.YAMLException.prototype.constructor (reason, mark)

function js-yaml.YAMLException.prototype.toString (compact)

module js-yaml.common

function js-yaml.common.extend (target, source)

function js-yaml.common.isNegativeZero (number)

function js-yaml.common.isNothing (subject)

function js-yaml.common.isObject (subject)

function js-yaml.common.repeat (string, count)

function js-yaml.common.toArray (sequence)

module js-yaml.dumper

function js-yaml.dumper.dump (input, options)

function js-yaml.dumper.safeDump (input, options)

module js-yaml.loader

function js-yaml.loader.load (input, options)

function js-yaml.loader.loadAll (input, iterator, options)

function js-yaml.loader.safeLoad (input, options)

function js-yaml.loader.safeLoadAll (input, output, options)

module js-yaml.mark

function js-yaml.mark (name, buffer, position, line, column)

module js-yaml.mark.prototype

function js-yaml.mark.prototype.getSnippet (indent, maxLength)

function js-yaml.mark.prototype.toString (compact)

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