function JsBarcode(element, text, options) { var api = new API(); if (typeof element === "undefined") { throw Error("No element to render on was provided."); } // Variables that will be pased through the API calls api._renderProperties = (0, _getRenderProperties2.default)(element); api._encodings = []; api._options = _defaults2.default; api._errorHandler = new _ErrorHandler2.default(api); // If text is set, use the simple syntax (render the barcode directly) if (typeof text !== "undefined") { options = options || {}; if (!options.format) { options.format = autoSelectBarcode(); } api.options(options)[options.format](text, options).render(); } return api; }
function JsBarcode(element, text, options) { var api = new API(); if (typeof element === "undefined") { throw Error("No element to render on was provided."); } // Variables that will be pased through the API calls api._renderProperties = (0, _getRenderProperties2.default)(element); api._encodings = []; api._options = _defaults2.default; api._errorHandler = new _ErrorHandler2.default(api); // If text is set, use the simple syntax (render the barcode directly) if (typeof text !== "undefined") { options = options || {}; if (!options.format) { options.format = autoSelectBarcode(); } api.options(options)[options.format](text, options).render(); } return api; }
#### Simple example:
JsBarcode("#barcode", "Hi!");
// or with jQuery
##### Result:
#### Example with options:
getModule = function (name) { return _barcodes2.default[name]; }
function JsBarcode(element, text, options) { var api = new API(); if (typeof element === "undefined") { throw Error("No element to render on was provided."); } // Variables that will be pased through the API calls api._renderProperties = (0, _getRenderProperties2.default)(element); api._encodings = []; api._options = _defaults2.default; api._errorHandler = new _ErrorHandler2.default(api); // If text is set, use the simple syntax (render the barcode directly) if (typeof text !== "undefined") { options = options || {}; if (!options.format) { options.format = autoSelectBarcode(); } api.options(options)[options.format](text, options).render(); } return api; }
#### Simple example:
JsBarcode("#barcode", "Hi!");
// or with jQuery
##### Result:
#### Example with options:
getModule = function (name) { return _barcodes2.default[name]; }
minifiedFilename = function (name){ return "JsBarcode." + name + ".min.js"; }
function webpackMin(name, dest){
dest = dest || './';
return gulp.src('bin/JsBarcode.js')
output: {
filename: shared.minifiedFilename(name)
plugins: [new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin()]
, webpack))
.pipe(header(settings.banner, require(settings.baseDir + 'package.json') ))
.pipe(gulp.dest("dist/" + dest));