api documentation for meld (v1.3.2)

AOP for JS with before, around, on, afterReturning, afterThrowing, after advice, and pointcut support

table of contents

  1. module meld
    1. function meld (target, pointcut, aspect)
    2. function meld.add ()
    3. function meld.after (target, method, adviceFunc)
    4. function meld.afterReturning (target, method, adviceFunc)
    5. function meld.afterThrowing (target, method, adviceFunc)
    6. function meld.around (target, method, adviceFunc)
    7. function meld.before (target, method, adviceFunc)
    8. function meld.joinpoint ()
    9. function meld.on (target, method, adviceFunc)

module meld

function meld (target, pointcut, aspect)

function meld.add ()

function meld.after (target, method, adviceFunc)

function meld.afterReturning (target, method, adviceFunc)

function meld.afterThrowing (target, method, adviceFunc)

function meld.around (target, method, adviceFunc)

function meld.before (target, method, adviceFunc)

function meld.joinpoint ()

function meld.on (target, method, adviceFunc)

[ this document was created with utility2 ]