api documentation for nearley (v2.8.0)

Simple, fast, powerful parser toolkit for JavaScript.

table of contents

  1. module nearley
    1. function nearley.Grammar (rules, start)
    2. function nearley.Parser (rules, start, options)
    3. function nearley.Rule (name, symbols, postprocess)
    4. function nearley.generate (parser, exportName)
    5. function nearley.stream (parser)
    6. object nearley.Parser.prototype
    7. object nearley.Rule.prototype
    8. object nearley.stream.prototype
  2. module nearley.Grammar
    1. function nearley.Grammar (rules, start)
    2. function nearley.Grammar.fromCompiled (rules, start)
  3. module nearley.Parser
    1. function nearley.Parser (rules, start, options)
    2. object nearley.Parser.fail
  4. module nearley.Parser.prototype
    1. function nearley.Parser.prototype.feed (chunk)
    2. function nearley.Parser.prototype.finish ()
    3. function nearley.Parser.prototype.rewind (index)
  5. module nearley.Rule
    1. function nearley.Rule (name, symbols, postprocess)
    2. number nearley.Rule.highestId
  6. module nearley.Rule.prototype
    1. function nearley.Rule.prototype.toString (withCursorAt)
  7. module nearley.generate
    1. function nearley.generate (parser, exportName)
    2. function nearley.generate._default (parser, exportName)
    3. function nearley.generate.coffee (parser, exportName)
    4. function nearley.generate.coffeescript (parser, exportName)
    5. function nearley.generate.cs (parser, exportName)
    6. function nearley.generate.javascript (parser, exportName)
    7. function nearley.generate.js (parser, exportName)
    8. function nearley.generate.ts (parser, exportName)
    9. function nearley.generate.typescript (parser, exportName)
  8. module nearley.stream
    1. function nearley.stream (parser)
    2. function nearley.stream.super_ (options)
  9. module nearley.stream.prototype
    1. function nearley.stream.prototype._write (chunk, encoding, callback)

module nearley

function nearley.Grammar (rules, start)

function nearley.Parser (rules, start, options)

function nearley.Rule (name, symbols, postprocess)

function nearley.generate (parser, exportName)

function nearley.stream (parser)

module nearley.Grammar

function nearley.Grammar (rules, start)

function nearley.Grammar.fromCompiled (rules, start)

module nearley.Parser

function nearley.Parser (rules, start, options)

module nearley.Parser.prototype

function nearley.Parser.prototype.feed (chunk)

function nearley.Parser.prototype.finish ()

function nearley.Parser.prototype.rewind (index)

module nearley.Rule

function nearley.Rule (name, symbols, postprocess)

module nearley.Rule.prototype

function nearley.Rule.prototype.toString (withCursorAt)

module nearley.generate

function nearley.generate (parser, exportName)

function nearley.generate._default (parser, exportName)

function nearley.generate.coffee (parser, exportName)

function nearley.generate.coffeescript (parser, exportName)

function nearley.generate.cs (parser, exportName)

function nearley.generate.javascript (parser, exportName)

function nearley.generate.js (parser, exportName)

function nearley.generate.ts (parser, exportName)

function nearley.generate.typescript (parser, exportName)

module nearley.stream

function nearley.stream (parser)

function nearley.stream.super_ (options)

module nearley.stream.prototype

function nearley.stream.prototype._write (chunk, encoding, callback)

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