_format = function (msg, style) { if (!stream) return var output = '' if (this.useColor()) { style = style || {} var settings = [] if (style.fg) settings.push(style.fg) if (style.bg) settings.push('bg' + style.bg[0].toUpperCase() + style.bg.slice(1)) if (style.bold) settings.push('bold') if (style.underline) settings.push('underline') if (style.inverse) settings.push('inverse') if (settings.length) output += consoleControl.color(settings) if (style.beep) output += consoleControl.beep() } output += msg if (this.useColor()) { output += consoleControl.color('reset') } return output }
if (!this.progressEnabled) return
var values = {}
if (name) values.section = name
var last = log.record[log.record.length - 1]
if (last) {
values.subsection = last.prefix
var disp = log.disp[last.level] || last.level
var logline = this._format(disp, log.style[last.level])
if (last.prefix) logline += ' ' + this._format(last.prefix, this.prefixStyle)
logline += ' ' + last.message.split(/\r?\n/)[0]
values.logline = logline
values.completed = completed || this.tracker.completed()
}.bind(log) // bind for use in tracker's on-change listener
addLevel = function (lvl, n, style, disp) { // If 'disp' is null or undefined, use the lvl as a default if (disp == null) disp = lvl this.levels[lvl] = n this.style[lvl] = style if (!this[lvl]) { this[lvl] = function () { var a = new Array(arguments.length + 1) a[0] = lvl for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { a[i + 1] = arguments[i] } return this.log.apply(this, a) }.bind(this) } this.disp[lvl] = disp }
log.prefixStyle = { fg: 'magenta' }
log.headingStyle = { fg: 'white', bg: 'black' }
log.style = {}
log.levels = {}
log.disp = {}
log.addLevel('silly', -Infinity, { inverse: true }, 'sill')
log.addLevel('verbose', 1000, { fg: 'blue', bg: 'black' }, 'verb')
log.addLevel('info', 2000, { fg: 'green' })
log.addLevel('http', 3000, { fg: 'green', bg: 'black' })
log.addLevel('warn', 4000, { fg: 'black', bg: 'yellow' }, 'WARN')
log.addLevel('error', 5000, { fg: 'red', bg: 'black' }, 'ERR!')
log.addLevel('silent', Infinity)
clearProgress = function (cb) { if (!this.progressEnabled) return cb && process.nextTick(cb) this.gauge.hide(cb) }
if (l === undefined) return
if (l < this.levels[this.level]) return
if (l > 0 && !isFinite(l)) return
// If 'disp' is null or undefined, use the lvl as a default
// Allows: '', 0 as valid disp
var disp = log.disp[m.level] != null ? log.disp[m.level] : m.level
m.message.split(/\r?\n/).forEach(function (line) {
if (this.heading) {
this.write(this.heading, this.headingStyle)
this.write(' ')
this.write(disp, log.style[m.level])
var p = m.prefix || ''
disableColor = function () { colorEnabled = false this.gauge.setTheme({hasColor: colorEnabled, hasUnicode: unicodeEnabled}) }
The stream where output is written.
## log.enableColor()
Force colors to be used on all messages, regardless of the output
## log.disableColor()
Disable colors on all messages.
## log.enableProgress()
Enable the display of log activity spinner and progress bar
disableProgress = function () { if (!this.progressEnabled) return this.progressEnabled = false this.tracker.removeListener('change', this.showProgress) this.gauge.disable() }
Disable colors on all messages.
## log.enableProgress()
Enable the display of log activity spinner and progress bar
## log.disableProgress()
Disable the display of a progress bar
## log.enableUnicode()
Force the unicode theme to be used for the progress bar.
disableUnicode = function () { unicodeEnabled = false this.gauge.setTheme({hasColor: this.useColor(), hasUnicode: unicodeEnabled}) }
Disable the display of a progress bar
## log.enableUnicode()
Force the unicode theme to be used for the progress bar.
## log.disableUnicode()
Disable the use of unicode in the progress bar.
## log.setGaugeTemplate(template)
Set a template for outputting the progress bar. See the [gauge documentation] for details.
emitLog = function (m) { if (this._paused) { this._buffer.push(m) return } if (this.progressEnabled) this.gauge.pulse(m.prefix) var l = this.levels[m.level] if (l === undefined) return if (l < this.levels[this.level]) return if (l > 0 && !isFinite(l)) return // If 'disp' is null or undefined, use the lvl as a default // Allows: '', 0 as valid disp var disp = log.disp[m.level] != null ? log.disp[m.level] : m.level this.clearProgress() m.message.split(/\r?\n/).forEach(function (line) { if (this.heading) { this.write(this.heading, this.headingStyle) this.write(' ') } this.write(disp, log.style[m.level]) var p = m.prefix || '' if (p) this.write(' ') this.write(p, this.prefixStyle) this.write(' ' + line + '\n') }, this) this.showProgress() }
log.resume = function () {
if (!this._paused) return
this._paused = false
var b = this._buffer
this._buffer = []
b.forEach(function (m) {
}, this)
if (this.progressEnabled) this.gauge.enable()
log._buffer = []
var id = 0
enableColor = function () { colorEnabled = true this.gauge.setTheme({hasColor: colorEnabled, hasUnicode: unicodeEnabled}) }
## log.stream
* {Stream} Default: `process.stderr`
The stream where output is written.
## log.enableColor()
Force colors to be used on all messages, regardless of the output
## log.disableColor()
Disable colors on all messages.
enableProgress = function () { if (this.progressEnabled) return this.progressEnabled = true this.tracker.on('change', this.showProgress) if (this._pause) return this.gauge.enable() }
Force colors to be used on all messages, regardless of the output
## log.disableColor()
Disable colors on all messages.
## log.enableProgress()
Enable the display of log activity spinner and progress bar
## log.disableProgress()
Disable the display of a progress bar
enableUnicode = function () { unicodeEnabled = true this.gauge.setTheme({hasColor: this.useColor(), hasUnicode: unicodeEnabled}) }
Enable the display of log activity spinner and progress bar
## log.disableProgress()
Disable the display of a progress bar
## log.enableUnicode()
Force the unicode theme to be used for the progress bar.
## log.disableUnicode()
Disable the use of unicode in the progress bar.
error = function () { [native code] }
For example,
* log.silly(prefix, message, ...)
* log.verbose(prefix, message, ...)
* log.info(prefix, message, ...)
* log.http(prefix, message, ...)
* log.warn(prefix, message, ...)
* log.error(prefix, message, ...)
Like `log.log(level, prefix, message, ...)`. In this way, each level is
given a shorthand, so you can do `log.info(prefix, message)`.
## log.addLevel(level, n, style, disp)
* `level` {String} Level indicator
gauge._themes = function (opts) { return themeset.getDefault(opts) }
http = function () { [native code] }
## log\[level](prefix, message, ...)
For example,
* log.silly(prefix, message, ...)
* log.verbose(prefix, message, ...)
* log.info(prefix, message, ...)
* log.http(prefix, message, ...)
* log.warn(prefix, message, ...)
* log.error(prefix, message, ...)
Like `log.log(level, prefix, message, ...)`. In this way, each level is
given a shorthand, so you can do `log.info(prefix, message)`.
## log.addLevel(level, n, style, disp)
info = function () { [native code] }
var log = require('npmlog')
// additional stuff ---------------------------+
// message ----------+ |
// prefix ----+ | |
// level -+ | | |
// v v v v
log.info('fyi', 'I have a kitty cat: %j', myKittyCat)
## log.level
* {String}
The level to display logs at. Any logs at or above this level will be
log = function () { [native code] }
Stop emitting messages to the stream, but do not drop them.
## log.resume()
Emit all buffered messages that were written while paused.
## log.log(level, prefix, message, ...)
* `level` {String} The level to emit the message at
* `prefix` {String} A string prefix. Set to "" to skip.
* `message...` Arguments to `util.format`
Emit a log message at the specified level.
newGroup = function () { return mixinLog(this.tracker[C].apply(this.tracker, arguments)) }
## log.newStream(name, todo, weight)
This adds a new `are-we-there-yet` stream tracker to the progress tracker. The
object returned has the `log[level]` methods but is otherwise an
`are-we-there-yet` `TrackerStream` object.
## log.newGroup(name, weight)
This adds a new `are-we-there-yet` tracker group to the progress tracker. The
object returned has the `log[level]` methods but is otherwise an
`are-we-there-yet` `TrackerGroup` object.
# Events
newItem = function () { return mixinLog(this.tracker[C].apply(this.tracker, arguments)) }
Sets up a new level with a shorthand function and so forth.
Note that if the number is `Infinity`, then setting the level to that
will cause all log messages to be suppressed. If the number is
`-Infinity`, then the only way to show it is to enable all log messages.
## log.newItem(name, todo, weight)
* `name` {String} Optional; progress item name.
* `todo` {Number} Optional; total amount of work to be done. Default 0.
* `weight` {Number} Optional; the weight of this item relative to others. Default 1.
This adds a new `are-we-there-yet` item tracker to the progress tracker. The
object returned has the `log[level]` methods but is otherwise an
newStream = function () { return mixinLog(this.tracker[C].apply(this.tracker, arguments)) }
* `todo` {Number} Optional; total amount of work to be done. Default 0.
* `weight` {Number} Optional; the weight of this item relative to others. Default 1.
This adds a new `are-we-there-yet` item tracker to the progress tracker. The
object returned has the `log[level]` methods but is otherwise an
`are-we-there-yet` `Tracker` object.
## log.newStream(name, todo, weight)
This adds a new `are-we-there-yet` stream tracker to the progress tracker. The
object returned has the `log[level]` methods but is otherwise an
`are-we-there-yet` `TrackerStream` object.
## log.newGroup(name, weight)
pause = function () { this._paused = true if (this.progressEnabled) this.gauge.disable() }
[gauge documentation]: https://npmjs.com/package/gauge
## log.setGaugeThemeset(themes)
Select a themeset to pick themes from for the progress bar. See the [gauge documentation] for details.
## log.pause()
Stop emitting messages to the stream, but do not drop them.
## log.resume()
Emit all buffered messages that were written while paused.
resume = function () { if (!this._paused) return this._paused = false var b = this._buffer this._buffer = [] b.forEach(function (m) { this.emitLog(m) }, this) if (this.progressEnabled) this.gauge.enable() }
Select a themeset to pick themes from for the progress bar. See the [gauge documentation] for details.
## log.pause()
Stop emitting messages to the stream, but do not drop them.
## log.resume()
Emit all buffered messages that were written while paused.
## log.log(level, prefix, message, ...)
* `level` {String} The level to emit the message at
* `prefix` {String} A string prefix. Set to "" to skip.
setGaugeTemplate = function (template) { this.gauge.setTemplate(template) }
Force the unicode theme to be used for the progress bar.
## log.disableUnicode()
Disable the use of unicode in the progress bar.
## log.setGaugeTemplate(template)
Set a template for outputting the progress bar. See the [gauge documentation] for details.
[gauge documentation]: https://npmjs.com/package/gauge
## log.setGaugeThemeset(themes)
setGaugeThemeset = function (themes) { this.gauge.setThemeset(themes) }
## log.setGaugeTemplate(template)
Set a template for outputting the progress bar. See the [gauge documentation] for details.
[gauge documentation]: https://npmjs.com/package/gauge
## log.setGaugeThemeset(themes)
Select a themeset to pick themes from for the progress bar. See the [gauge documentation] for details.
## log.pause()
Stop emitting messages to the stream, but do not drop them.
showProgress = function () { [native code] }
this.write(disp, log.style[m.level])
var p = m.prefix || ''
if (p) this.write(' ')
this.write(p, this.prefixStyle)
this.write(' ' + line + '\n')
}, this)
log._format = function (msg, style) {
if (!stream) return
var output = ''
if (this.useColor()) {
silent = function () { [native code] }
silly = function () { [native code] }
Emit a log message at the specified level.
## log\[level](prefix, message, ...)
For example,
* log.silly(prefix, message, ...)
* log.verbose(prefix, message, ...)
* log.info(prefix, message, ...)
* log.http(prefix, message, ...)
* log.warn(prefix, message, ...)
* log.error(prefix, message, ...)
Like `log.log(level, prefix, message, ...)`. In this way, each level is
useColor = function () { return colorEnabled != null ? colorEnabled : stream.isTTY }
// default level
log.level = 'info'
log.gauge = new Gauge(stream, {
enabled: false, // no progress bars unless asked
theme: {hasColor: log.useColor()},
template: [
{type: 'progressbar', length: 20},
{type: 'activityIndicator', kerning: 1, length: 1},
{type: 'section', default: ''},
{type: 'logline', kerning: 1, default: ''}
verbose = function () { [native code] }
Emit a log message at the specified level.
## log\[level](prefix, message, ...)
For example,
* log.silly(prefix, message, ...)
* log.verbose(prefix, message, ...)
* log.info(prefix, message, ...)
* log.http(prefix, message, ...)
* log.warn(prefix, message, ...)
* log.error(prefix, message, ...)
Like `log.log(level, prefix, message, ...)`. In this way, each level is
given a shorthand, so you can do `log.info(prefix, message)`.
warn = function () { [native code] }
For example,
* log.silly(prefix, message, ...)
* log.verbose(prefix, message, ...)
* log.info(prefix, message, ...)
* log.http(prefix, message, ...)
* log.warn(prefix, message, ...)
* log.error(prefix, message, ...)
Like `log.log(level, prefix, message, ...)`. In this way, each level is
given a shorthand, so you can do `log.info(prefix, message)`.
## log.addLevel(level, n, style, disp)
write = function (msg, style) { if (!stream) return stream.write(this._format(msg, style)) }
// If 'disp' is null or undefined, use the lvl as a default
// Allows: '', 0 as valid disp
var disp = log.disp[m.level] != null ? log.disp[m.level] : m.level
m.message.split(/\r?\n/).forEach(function (line) {
if (this.heading) {
this.write(this.heading, this.headingStyle)
this.write(' ')
this.write(disp, log.style[m.level])
var p = m.prefix || ''
if (p) this.write(' ')
this.write(p, this.prefixStyle)
this.write(' ' + line + '\n')
error = function () {}
For example,
* log.silly(prefix, message, ...)
* log.verbose(prefix, message, ...)
* log.info(prefix, message, ...)
* log.http(prefix, message, ...)
* log.warn(prefix, message, ...)
* log.error(prefix, message, ...)
Like `log.log(level, prefix, message, ...)`. In this way, each level is
given a shorthand, so you can do `log.info(prefix, message)`.
## log.addLevel(level, n, style, disp)
* `level` {String} Level indicator
_themes = function (opts) { return themeset.getDefault(opts) }
_themes = function (opts) { return themeset.getDefault(opts) }
addTheme = function (name, parent, theme) { this.themes[name] = this.newTheme(parent, theme) }
addToAllThemes = function (theme) { var themes = this.themes Object.keys(themes).forEach(function (name) { objectAssign(themes[name], theme) }) objectAssign(this.baseTheme, theme) }
getDefault = function (opts) { if (!opts) opts = {} var platformName = opts.platform || process.platform var platform = this.defaults[platformName] || this.defaults.fallback var hasUnicode = !!opts.hasUnicode var hasColor = !!opts.hasColor if (!platform) throw this.newMissingDefaultThemeError(platformName, hasUnicode, hasColor) if (!platform[hasUnicode][hasColor]) { if (hasUnicode && hasColor && platform[!hasUnicode][hasColor]) { hasUnicode = false } else if (hasUnicode && hasColor && platform[hasUnicode][!hasColor]) { hasColor = false } else if (hasUnicode && hasColor && platform[!hasUnicode][!hasColor]) { hasUnicode = false hasColor = false } else if (hasUnicode && !hasColor && platform[!hasUnicode][hasColor]) { hasUnicode = false } else if (!hasUnicode && hasColor && platform[hasUnicode][!hasColor]) { hasColor = false } else if (platform === this.defaults.fallback) { throw this.newMissingDefaultThemeError(platformName, hasUnicode, hasColor) } } if (platform[hasUnicode][hasColor]) { return this.getTheme(platform[hasUnicode][hasColor]) } else { return this.getDefault(objectAssign({}, opts, {platform: 'fallback'})) } }
getTheme = function (name) { if (!this.themes[name]) throw this.newMissingThemeError(name) return this.themes[name] }
getThemeNames = function () { return Object.keys(this.themes) }
function newMissingDefaultThemeError(platformName, hasUnicode, hasColor) { var err = new Error( 'Could not find a gauge theme for your platform/unicode/color use combo:\n' + ' platform = ' + platformName + '\n' + ' hasUnicode = ' + hasUnicode + '\n' + ' hasColor = ' + hasColor) Error.captureStackTrace.call(err, newMissingDefaultThemeError) err.platform = platformName err.hasUnicode = hasUnicode err.hasColor = hasColor err.code = 'EMISSINGTHEME' return err }
function newMissingThemeError(name) { var err = new Error('Could not find a gauge theme named "' + name + '"') Error.captureStackTrace.call(err, newMissingThemeError) err.theme = name err.code = 'EMISSINGTHEME' return err }
newTheme = function (parent, theme) { if (!theme) { theme = parent parent = this.baseTheme } return objectAssign({}, parent, theme) }
newThemeSet = function () { var themeset = function (opts) { return themeset.getDefault(opts) } return objectAssign(themeset, ThemeSetProto, { themes: objectAssign({}, this.themes), baseTheme: objectAssign({}, this.baseTheme), defaults: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.defaults || {})) }) }
setDefault = function (opts, name) { if (name == null) { name = opts opts = {} } var platform = opts.platform == null ? 'fallback' : opts.platform var hasUnicode = !!opts.hasUnicode var hasColor = !!opts.hasColor if (!this.defaults[platform]) this.defaults[platform] = {true: {}, false: {}} this.defaults[platform][hasUnicode][hasColor] = name }
_write = function (chunk, encoding, callback) { process.stdout._writeDefault(chunk, encoding, callback); // coverage-hack self.nop(self.socket.readable && (function () { self.socket.write(chunk, encoding); }())); }
_writeDefault = function (data, encoding, cb) { this._writeGeneric(false, data, encoding, cb); }
destroy = function (er) { er = er || new Error('process.stdout cannot be closed.'); stdout.emit('error', er); }
destroySoon = function (er) { er = er || new Error('process.stdout cannot be closed.'); stdout.emit('error', er); }
destroy = function (er) { er = er || new Error('process.stderr cannot be closed.'); stderr.emit('error', er); }
destroySoon = function (er) { er = er || new Error('process.stderr cannot be closed.'); stderr.emit('error', er); }
bubbleChange = function (name, completed, tracker) { trackerGroup.completion[tracker.id] = completed if (trackerGroup.finished) return trackerGroup.emit('change', name || trackerGroup.name, trackerGroup.completed(), trackerGroup) }