api documentation for three (v0.85.2)

JavaScript 3D library

table of contents

  1. module three
    1. function three.AmbientLight ( color, intensity )
    2. function three.AnimationClip ( name, duration, tracks )
    3. function three.AnimationMixer ( root )
    4. function three.AnimationObjectGroup ( var_args )
    5. function three.ArcCurve ( aX, aY, aRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise )
    6. function three.ArrayCamera ( array )
    7. function three.ArrowHelper ( dir, origin, length, color, headLength, headWidth )
    8. function three.Audio ( listener )
    9. function three.AudioAnalyser ( audio, fftSize )
    10. function three.AudioListener ()
    11. function three.AudioLoader ( manager )
    12. function three.AxisHelper ( size )
    13. function three.BinaryTextureLoader ( manager )
    14. function three.Bone ()
    15. function three.BooleanKeyframeTrack ( name, times, values )
    16. function three.BoundingBoxHelper ( object, color )
    17. function three.Box2 ( min, max )
    18. function three.Box3 ( min, max )
    19. function three.BoxBufferGeometry ( width, height, depth, widthSegments, heightSegments, depthSegments )
    20. function three.BoxGeometry ( width, height, depth, widthSegments, heightSegments, depthSegments )
    21. function three.BoxHelper ( object, color )
    22. function three.BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize, normalized )
    23. function three.BufferGeometry ()
    24. function three.BufferGeometryLoader ( manager )
    25. function three.Camera ()
    26. function three.CameraHelper ( camera )
    27. function three.CanvasRenderer ()
    28. function three.CanvasTexture ( canvas, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy )
    29. function three.CatmullRomCurve3 ( p)
    30. function three.CircleBufferGeometry ( radius, segments, thetaStart, thetaLength )
    31. function three.CircleGeometry ( radius, segments, thetaStart, thetaLength )
    32. function three.Clock ( autoStart )
    33. function three.ClosedSplineCurve3 ( points )
    34. function three.Color ( r, g, b )
    35. function three.ColorKeyframeTrack ( name, times, values, interpolation )
    36. function three.CompressedTexture ( mipmaps, width, height, format, type, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, anisotropy, encoding )
    37. function three.CompressedTextureLoader ( manager )
    38. function three.ConeBufferGeometry ( radius, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength )
    39. function three.ConeGeometry ( radius, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength )
    40. function three.CubeCamera ( near, far, cubeResolution )
    41. function three.CubeGeometry ( width, height, depth, widthSegments, heightSegments, depthSegments )
    42. function three.CubeTexture ( images, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy, encoding )
    43. function three.CubeTextureLoader ( manager )
    44. function three.CubicBezierCurve ( v0, v1, v2, v3 )
    45. function three.CubicBezierCurve3 ( v0, v1, v2, v3 )
    46. function three.CubicInterpolant ( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer )
    47. function three.Curve ()
    48. function three.CurvePath ()
    49. function three.CylinderBufferGeometry ( radiusTop, radiusBottom, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength )
    50. function three.CylinderGeometry ( radiusTop, radiusBottom, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength )
    51. function three.Cylindrical ( radius, theta, y )
    52. function three.DataTexture ( data, width, height, format, type, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, anisotropy, encoding )
    53. function three.DataTextureLoader ( manager )
    54. function three.DepthTexture ( width, height, type, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, anisotropy, format )
    55. function three.DirectionalLight ( color, intensity )
    56. function three.DirectionalLightHelper ( light, size )
    57. function three.DirectionalLightShadow ( )
    58. function three.DiscreteInterpolant ( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer )
    59. function three.DodecahedronBufferGeometry ( radius, detail )
    60. function three.DodecahedronGeometry ( radius, detail )
    61. function three.DynamicBufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )
    62. function three.EdgesGeometry ( geometry, thresholdAngle )
    63. function three.EdgesHelper ( object, hex )
    64. function three.EllipseCurve ( aX, aY, xRadius, yRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise, aRotation )
    65. function three.Euler ( x, y, z, order )
    66. function three.EventDispatcher ()
    67. function three.ExtrudeBufferGeometry ( shapes, options )
    68. function three.ExtrudeGeometry ( shapes, options )
    69. function three.Face3 ( a, b, c, normal, color, materialIndex )
    70. function three.Face4 ( a, b, c, d, normal, color, materialIndex )
    71. function three.FaceNormalsHelper ( object, size, hex, linewidth )
    72. function three.FileLoader ( manager )
    73. function three.Float32Attribute ( array, itemSize )
    74. function three.Float32BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )
    75. function three.Float64Attribute ( array, itemSize )
    76. function three.Float64BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )
    77. function three.Fog ( color, near, far )
    78. function three.FogExp2 ( color, density )
    79. function three.Font ( data )
    80. function three.FontLoader ( manager )
    81. function three.Frustum ( p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 )
    82. function three.Geometry ()
    83. function three.GeometryIdCount ()
    84. function three.GridHelper ( size, divisions, color1, color2 )
    85. function three.Group ()
    86. function three.HemisphereLight ( skyColor, groundColor, intensity )
    87. function three.HemisphereLightHelper ( light, size )
    88. function three.IcosahedronBufferGeometry ( radius, detail )
    89. function three.IcosahedronGeometry ( radius, detail )
    90. function three.ImageLoader ( manager )
    91. function three.ImmediateRenderObject ( material )
    92. function three.InstancedBufferAttribute ( array, itemSize, meshPerAttribute )
    93. function three.InstancedBufferGeometry ()
    94. function three.InstancedInterleavedBuffer ( array, stride, meshPerAttribute )
    95. function three.Int16Attribute ( array, itemSize )
    96. function three.Int16BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )
    97. function three.Int32Attribute ( array, itemSize )
    98. function three.Int32BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )
    99. function three.Int8Attribute ( array, itemSize )
    100. function three.Int8BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )
    101. function three.InterleavedBuffer ( array, stride )
    102. function three.InterleavedBufferAttribute ( interleavedBuffer, itemSize, offset, normalized )
    103. function three.Interpolant ( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer )
    104. function three.JSONLoader ( manager )
    105. function three.KeyframeTrack ( name, times, values, interpolation )
    106. function three.LOD ()
    107. function three.LatheBufferGeometry ( points, segments, phiStart, phiLength )
    108. function three.LatheGeometry ( points, segments, phiStart, phiLength )
    109. function three.Layers ()
    110. function three.LensFlare ( texture, size, distance, blending, color )
    111. function three.Light ( color, intensity )
    112. function three.LightShadow ( camera )
    113. function three.Line ( geometry, material, mode )
    114. function three.Line3 ( start, end )
    115. function three.LineBasicMaterial ( parameters )
    116. function three.LineCurve ( v1, v2 )
    117. function three.LineCurve3 ( v1, v2 )
    118. function three.LineDashedMaterial ( parameters )
    119. function three.LineLoop ( geometry, material )
    120. function three.LineSegments ( geometry, material )
    121. function three.LinearInterpolant ( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer )
    122. function three.Loader ()
    123. function three.LoadingManager ( onLoad, onProgress, onError )
    124. function three.Material ()
    125. function three.MaterialLoader ( manager )
    126. function three.Matrix3 ()
    127. function three.Matrix4 ()
    128. function three.Mesh ( geometry, material )
    129. function three.MeshBasicMaterial ( parameters )
    130. function three.MeshDepthMaterial ( parameters )
    131. function three.MeshFaceMaterial ( materials )
    132. function three.MeshLambertMaterial ( parameters )
    133. function three.MeshNormalMaterial ( parameters )
    134. function three.MeshPhongMaterial ( parameters )
    135. function three.MeshPhysicalMaterial ( parameters )
    136. function three.MeshStandardMaterial ( parameters )
    137. function three.MeshToonMaterial ( parameters )
    138. function three.MorphBlendMesh ( geometry, material )
    139. function three.MultiMaterial ( materials )
    140. function three.NumberKeyframeTrack ( name, times, values, interpolation )
    141. function three.Object3D ()
    142. function three.ObjectLoader ( manager )
    143. function three.OctahedronBufferGeometry ( radius, detail )
    144. function three.OctahedronGeometry ( radius, detail )
    145. function three.OrthographicCamera ( left, right, top, bottom, near, far )
    146. function three.ParametricBufferGeometry ( func, slices, stacks )
    147. function three.ParametricGeometry ( func, slices, stacks )
    148. function three.Particle ( material )
    149. function three.ParticleBasicMaterial ( parameters )
    150. function three.ParticleSystem ( geometry, material )
    151. function three.ParticleSystemMaterial ( parameters )
    152. function three.Path ( points )
    153. function three.PerspectiveCamera ( fov, aspect, near, far )
    154. function three.Plane ( normal, constant )
    155. function three.PlaneBufferGeometry ( width, height, widthSegments, heightSegments )
    156. function three.PlaneGeometry ( width, height, widthSegments, heightSegments )
    157. function three.PointCloud ( geometry, material )
    158. function three.PointCloudMaterial ( parameters )
    159. function three.PointLight ( color, intensity, distance, decay )
    160. function three.PointLightHelper ( light, sphereSize )
    161. function three.Points ( geometry, material )
    162. function three.PointsMaterial ( parameters )
    163. function three.PolarGridHelper ( radius, radials, circles, divisions, color1, color2 )
    164. function three.PolyhedronBufferGeometry ( vertices, indices, radius, detail )
    165. function three.PolyhedronGeometry ( vertices, indices, radius, detail )
    166. function three.PositionalAudio ( listener )
    167. function three.Projector ()
    168. function three.PropertyBinding ( rootNode, path, parsedPath )
    169. function three.PropertyBinding.Composite ( targetGroup, path, optionalParsedPath )
    170. function three.PropertyMixer ( binding, typeName, valueSize )
    171. function three.QuadraticBezierCurve ( v0, v1, v2 )
    172. function three.QuadraticBezierCurve3 ( v0, v1, v2 )
    173. function three.Quaternion ( x, y, z, w )
    174. function three.QuaternionKeyframeTrack ( name, times, values, interpolation )
    175. function three.QuaternionLinearInterpolant ( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer )
    176. function three.RawShaderMaterial ( parameters )
    177. function three.Ray ( origin, direction )
    178. function three.Raycaster ( origin, direction, near, far )
    179. function three.RectAreaLight ( color, intensity, width, height )
    180. function three.RectAreaLightHelper ( light )
    181. function three.RingBufferGeometry ( innerRadius, outerRadius, thetaSegments, phiSegments, thetaStart, thetaLength )
    182. function three.RingGeometry ( innerRadius, outerRadius, thetaSegments, phiSegments, thetaStart, thetaLength )
    183. function three.Scene ()
    184. function three.ShaderMaterial ( parameters )
    185. function three.ShadowMaterial ( parameters )
    186. function three.Shape ()
    187. function three.ShapeBufferGeometry ( shapes, curveSegments )
    188. function three.ShapeGeometry ( shapes, curveSegments )
    189. function three.ShapePath ()
    190. function three.Skeleton ( bones, boneInverses )
    191. function three.SkeletonHelper ( object )
    192. function three.SkinnedMesh ( geometry, material )
    193. function three.Sphere ( center, radius )
    194. function three.SphereBufferGeometry ( radius, widthSegments, heightSegments, phiStart, phiLength, thetaStart, thetaLength )
    195. function three.SphereGeometry ( radius, widthSegments, heightSegments, phiStart, phiLength, thetaStart, thetaLength )
    196. function three.Spherical ( radius, phi, theta )
    197. function three.Spline ( points )
    198. function three.SplineCurve ( points)
    199. function three.SplineCurve3 ( points )
    200. function three.SpotLight ( color, intensity, distance, angle, penumbra, decay )
    201. function three.SpotLightHelper ( light )
    202. function three.SpotLightShadow ()
    203. function three.Sprite ( material )
    204. function three.SpriteMaterial ( parameters )
    205. function three.StereoCamera ()
    206. function three.StringKeyframeTrack ( name, times, values, interpolation )
    207. function three.TetrahedronBufferGeometry ( radius, detail )
    208. function three.TetrahedronGeometry ( radius, detail )
    209. function three.TextBufferGeometry ( text, parameters )
    210. function three.TextGeometry ( text, parameters )
    211. function three.Texture ( image, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy, encoding )
    212. function three.TextureLoader ( manager )
    213. function three.TorusBufferGeometry ( radius, tube, radialSegments, tubularSegments, arc )
    214. function three.TorusGeometry ( radius, tube, radialSegments, tubularSegments, arc )
    215. function three.TorusKnotBufferGeometry ( radius, tube, tubularSegments, radialSegments, p, q )
    216. function three.TorusKnotGeometry ( radius, tube, tubularSegments, radialSegments, p, q, heightScale )
    217. function three.Triangle ( a, b, c )
    218. function three.TubeBufferGeometry ( path, tubularSegments, radius, radialSegments, closed )
    219. function three.TubeGeometry ( path, tubularSegments, radius, radialSegments, closed, taper )
    220. function three.Uint16Attribute ( array, itemSize )
    221. function three.Uint16BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )
    222. function three.Uint32Attribute ( array, itemSize )
    223. function three.Uint32BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )
    224. function three.Uint8Attribute ( array, itemSize )
    225. function three.Uint8BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )
    226. function three.Uint8ClampedAttribute ( array, itemSize )
    227. function three.Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )
    228. function three.Uniform ( value )
    229. function three.Vector2 ( x, y )
    230. function three.Vector3 ( x, y, z )
    231. function three.Vector4 ( x, y, z, w )
    232. function three.VectorKeyframeTrack ( name, times, values, interpolation )
    233. function three.Vertex ( x, y, z )
    234. function three.VertexNormalsHelper ( object, size, hex, linewidth )
    235. function three.VideoTexture ( video, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy )
    236. function three.WebGLRenderTarget ( width, height, options )
    237. function three.WebGLRenderTargetCube ( width, height, options )
    238. function three.WebGLRenderer ( parameters )
    239. function three.WireframeGeometry ( geometry )
    240. function three.WireframeHelper ( object, hex )
    241. function three.XHRLoader ( manager )
    242. number three.AddEquation
    243. number three.AddOperation
    244. number three.AdditiveBlending
    245. number three.AlphaFormat
    246. number three.AlwaysDepth
    247. number three.BackSide
    248. number three.BasicDepthPacking
    249. number three.BasicShadowMap
    250. number three.ByteType
    251. number three.CineonToneMapping
    252. number three.ClampToEdgeWrapping
    253. number three.CubeReflectionMapping
    254. number three.CubeRefractionMapping
    255. number three.CubeUVReflectionMapping
    256. number three.CubeUVRefractionMapping
    257. number three.CullFaceBack
    258. number three.CullFaceFront
    259. number three.CullFaceFrontBack
    260. number three.CullFaceNone
    261. number three.CustomBlending
    262. number three.DepthFormat
    263. number three.DepthStencilFormat
    264. number three.DoubleSide
    265. number three.DstAlphaFactor
    266. number three.DstColorFactor
    267. number three.EqualDepth
    268. number three.EquirectangularReflectionMapping
    269. number three.EquirectangularRefractionMapping
    270. number three.FaceColors
    271. number three.FlatShading
    272. number three.FloatType
    273. number three.FrontFaceDirectionCCW
    274. number three.FrontFaceDirectionCW
    275. number three.FrontSide
    276. number three.GammaEncoding
    277. number three.GreaterDepth
    278. number three.GreaterEqualDepth
    279. number three.HalfFloatType
    280. number three.IntType
    281. number three.InterpolateDiscrete
    282. number three.InterpolateLinear
    283. number three.InterpolateSmooth
    284. number three.LessDepth
    285. number three.LessEqualDepth
    286. number three.LinePieces
    287. number three.LineStrip
    288. number three.LinearEncoding
    289. number three.LinearFilter
    290. number three.LinearMipMapLinearFilter
    291. number three.LinearMipMapNearestFilter
    292. number three.LinearToneMapping
    293. number three.LogLuvEncoding
    294. number three.LoopOnce
    295. number three.LoopPingPong
    296. number three.LoopRepeat
    297. number three.LuminanceAlphaFormat
    298. number three.LuminanceFormat
    299. number three.MaxEquation
    300. number three.MinEquation
    301. number three.MirroredRepeatWrapping
    302. number three.MixOperation
    303. number three.MultiplyBlending
    304. number three.MultiplyOperation
    305. number three.NearestFilter
    306. number three.NearestMipMapLinearFilter
    307. number three.NearestMipMapNearestFilter
    308. number three.NeverDepth
    309. number three.NoBlending
    310. number three.NoColors
    311. number three.NoToneMapping
    312. number three.NormalBlending
    313. number three.NotEqualDepth
    314. number three.OneFactor
    315. number three.OneMinusDstAlphaFactor
    316. number three.OneMinusDstColorFactor
    317. number three.OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor
    318. number three.OneMinusSrcColorFactor
    319. number three.PCFShadowMap
    320. number three.PCFSoftShadowMap
    321. number three.RGBADepthPacking
    322. number three.RGBAFormat
    323. number three.RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format
    324. number three.RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format
    325. number three.RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_Format
    326. number three.RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_Format
    327. number three.RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_Format
    328. number three.RGBDEncoding
    329. number three.RGBEEncoding
    330. number three.RGBEFormat
    331. number three.RGBFormat
    332. number three.RGBM16Encoding
    333. number three.RGBM7Encoding
    334. number three.RGB_ETC1_Format
    335. number three.RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format
    336. number three.RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format
    337. number three.RGB_S3TC_DXT1_Format
    338. number three.ReinhardToneMapping
    339. number three.RepeatWrapping
    340. number three.ReverseSubtractEquation
    341. number three.ShortType
    342. number three.SmoothShading
    343. number three.SphericalReflectionMapping
    344. number three.SrcAlphaFactor
    345. number three.SrcAlphaSaturateFactor
    346. number three.SrcColorFactor
    347. number three.SubtractEquation
    348. number three.SubtractiveBlending
    349. number three.TriangleFanDrawMode
    350. number three.TriangleStripDrawMode
    351. number three.TrianglesDrawMode
    352. number three.UVMapping
    353. number three.Uncharted2ToneMapping
    354. number three.UnsignedByteType
    355. number three.UnsignedInt248Type
    356. number three.UnsignedIntType
    357. number three.UnsignedShort4444Type
    358. number three.UnsignedShort5551Type
    359. number three.UnsignedShort565Type
    360. number three.UnsignedShortType
    361. number three.VertexColors
    362. number three.WrapAroundEnding
    363. number three.ZeroCurvatureEnding
    364. number three.ZeroFactor
    365. number three.ZeroSlopeEnding
    366. number three.sRGBEncoding
    367. object three.AmbientLight.prototype
    368. object three.AnimationClip.prototype
    369. object three.AnimationMixer.prototype
    370. object three.AnimationObjectGroup.prototype
    371. object three.AnimationUtils
    372. object three.ArcCurve.prototype
    373. object three.ArrayCamera.prototype
    374. object three.ArrowHelper.prototype
    375. object three.Audio.prototype
    376. object three.AudioAnalyser.prototype
    377. object three.AudioContext
    378. object three.AudioListener.prototype
    379. object three.AudioLoader.prototype
    380. object three.AxisHelper.prototype
    381. object three.Bone.prototype
    382. object three.BooleanKeyframeTrack.prototype
    383. object three.Box2.prototype
    384. object three.Box3.prototype
    385. object three.BoxBufferGeometry.prototype
    386. object three.BoxGeometry.prototype
    387. object three.BoxHelper.prototype
    388. object three.BufferAttribute.prototype
    389. object three.BufferGeometry.prototype
    390. object three.BufferGeometryLoader.prototype
    391. object three.Cache
    392. object three.Camera.prototype
    393. object three.CameraHelper.prototype
    394. object three.CanvasTexture.prototype
    395. object three.CatmullRomCurve3.prototype
    396. object three.CircleBufferGeometry.prototype
    397. object three.CircleGeometry.prototype
    398. object three.Clock.prototype
    399. object three.Color.prototype
    400. object three.ColorKeyframeTrack.prototype
    401. object three.CompressedTexture.prototype
    402. object three.CompressedTextureLoader.prototype
    403. object three.ConeBufferGeometry.prototype
    404. object three.ConeGeometry.prototype
    405. object three.CubeCamera.prototype
    406. object three.CubeTexture.prototype
    407. object three.CubeTextureLoader.prototype
    408. object three.CubicBezierCurve.prototype
    409. object three.CubicBezierCurve3.prototype
    410. object three.CubicInterpolant.prototype
    411. object three.Curve.prototype
    412. object three.CurvePath.prototype
    413. object three.CylinderBufferGeometry.prototype
    414. object three.CylinderGeometry.prototype
    415. object three.Cylindrical.prototype
    416. object three.DataTexture.prototype
    417. object three.DataTextureLoader.prototype
    418. object three.DefaultLoadingManager
    419. object three.DepthTexture.prototype
    420. object three.DirectionalLight.prototype
    421. object three.DirectionalLightHelper.prototype
    422. object three.DirectionalLightShadow.prototype
    423. object three.DiscreteInterpolant.prototype
    424. object three.DodecahedronBufferGeometry.prototype
    425. object three.DodecahedronGeometry.prototype
    426. object three.EdgesGeometry.prototype
    427. object three.EllipseCurve.prototype
    428. object three.Euler.prototype
    429. object three.EventDispatcher.prototype
    430. object three.ExtrudeBufferGeometry.prototype
    431. object three.ExtrudeGeometry.WorldUVGenerator
    432. object three.ExtrudeGeometry.prototype
    433. object three.Face3.prototype
    434. object three.FaceNormalsHelper.prototype
    435. object three.FileLoader.prototype
    436. object three.Float32BufferAttribute.prototype
    437. object three.Float64BufferAttribute.prototype
    438. object three.Fog.prototype
    439. object three.FogExp2.prototype
    440. object three.Font.prototype
    441. object three.FontLoader.prototype
    442. object three.Frustum.prototype
    443. object three.Geometry.prototype
    444. object three.GeometryUtils
    445. object three.GridHelper.prototype
    446. object three.Group.prototype
    447. object three.HemisphereLight.prototype
    448. object three.HemisphereLightHelper.prototype
    449. object three.IcosahedronBufferGeometry.prototype
    450. object three.IcosahedronGeometry.prototype
    451. object three.ImageLoader.prototype
    452. object three.ImageUtils
    453. object three.ImmediateRenderObject.prototype
    454. object three.InstancedBufferAttribute.prototype
    455. object three.InstancedBufferGeometry.prototype
    456. object three.InstancedInterleavedBuffer.prototype
    457. object three.Int16BufferAttribute.prototype
    458. object three.Int32BufferAttribute.prototype
    459. object three.Int8BufferAttribute.prototype
    460. object three.InterleavedBuffer.prototype
    461. object three.InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype
    462. object three.Interpolant.prototype
    463. object three.JSONLoader.prototype
    464. object three.KeyframeTrack.prototype
    465. object three.LOD.prototype
    466. object three.LatheBufferGeometry.prototype
    467. object three.LatheGeometry.prototype
    468. object three.Layers.prototype
    469. object three.LensFlare.prototype
    470. object three.Light.prototype
    471. object three.LightShadow.prototype
    472. object three.Line.prototype
    473. object three.Line3.prototype
    474. object three.LineBasicMaterial.prototype
    475. object three.LineCurve.prototype
    476. object three.LineCurve3.prototype
    477. object three.LineDashedMaterial.prototype
    478. object three.LineLoop.prototype
    479. object three.LineSegments.prototype
    480. object three.LinearInterpolant.prototype
    481. object three.Loader.Handlers
    482. object three.Loader.prototype
    483. object three.MOUSE
    484. object three.Material.prototype
    485. object three.MaterialLoader.prototype
    486. object three.Math
    487. object three.Matrix3.prototype
    488. object three.Matrix4.prototype
    489. object three.Mesh.prototype
    490. object three.MeshBasicMaterial.prototype
    491. object three.MeshDepthMaterial.prototype
    492. object three.MeshLambertMaterial.prototype
    493. object three.MeshNormalMaterial.prototype
    494. object three.MeshPhongMaterial.prototype
    495. object three.MeshPhysicalMaterial.prototype
    496. object three.MeshStandardMaterial.prototype
    497. object three.MeshToonMaterial.prototype
    498. object three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype
    499. object three.NumberKeyframeTrack.prototype
    500. object three.Object3D.prototype
    501. object three.ObjectLoader.prototype
    502. object three.OctahedronBufferGeometry.prototype
    503. object three.OctahedronGeometry.prototype
    504. object three.OrthographicCamera.prototype
    505. object three.ParametricBufferGeometry.prototype
    506. object three.ParametricGeometry.prototype
    507. object three.Path.prototype
    508. object three.PerspectiveCamera.prototype
    509. object three.Plane.prototype
    510. object three.PlaneBufferGeometry.prototype
    511. object three.PlaneGeometry.prototype
    512. object three.PointLight.prototype
    513. object three.PointLightHelper.prototype
    514. object three.Points.prototype
    515. object three.PointsMaterial.prototype
    516. object three.PolarGridHelper.prototype
    517. object three.PolyhedronBufferGeometry.prototype
    518. object three.PolyhedronGeometry.prototype
    519. object three.PositionalAudio.prototype
    520. object three.PropertyBinding.Composite.prototype
    521. object three.PropertyBinding.prototype
    522. object three.PropertyBinding.prototype.GetterByBindingType
    523. object three.PropertyMixer.prototype
    524. object three.QuadraticBezierCurve.prototype
    525. object three.QuadraticBezierCurve3.prototype
    526. object three.Quaternion.prototype
    527. object three.QuaternionKeyframeTrack.prototype
    528. object three.QuaternionLinearInterpolant.prototype
    529. object three.RawShaderMaterial.prototype
    530. object three.Ray.prototype
    531. object three.Raycaster.prototype
    532. object three.RectAreaLight.prototype
    533. object three.RectAreaLightHelper.prototype
    534. object three.RingBufferGeometry.prototype
    535. object three.RingGeometry.prototype
    536. object three.Scene.prototype
    537. object three.SceneUtils
    538. object three.ShaderChunk
    539. object three.ShaderLib
    540. object three.ShaderMaterial.prototype
    541. object three.ShadowMaterial.prototype
    542. object three.Shape.prototype
    543. object three.ShapeBufferGeometry.prototype
    544. object three.ShapeGeometry.prototype
    545. object three.ShapePath.prototype
    546. object three.ShapeUtils
    547. object three.Skeleton.prototype
    548. object three.SkeletonHelper.prototype
    549. object three.SkinnedMesh.prototype
    550. object three.Sphere.prototype
    551. object three.SphereBufferGeometry.prototype
    552. object three.SphereGeometry.prototype
    553. object three.Spherical.prototype
    554. object three.Spline.prototype
    555. object three.SplineCurve.prototype
    556. object three.SpotLight.prototype
    557. object three.SpotLightHelper.prototype
    558. object three.SpotLightShadow.prototype
    559. object three.Sprite.prototype
    560. object three.SpriteMaterial.prototype
    561. object three.StereoCamera.prototype
    562. object three.StringKeyframeTrack.prototype
    563. object three.TetrahedronBufferGeometry.prototype
    564. object three.TetrahedronGeometry.prototype
    565. object three.TextBufferGeometry.prototype
    566. object three.TextGeometry.prototype
    567. object three.Texture.prototype
    568. object three.TextureLoader.prototype
    569. object three.TorusBufferGeometry.prototype
    570. object three.TorusGeometry.prototype
    571. object three.TorusKnotBufferGeometry.prototype
    572. object three.TorusKnotGeometry.prototype
    573. object three.Triangle.prototype
    574. object three.TubeBufferGeometry.prototype
    575. object three.TubeGeometry.prototype
    576. object three.Uint16BufferAttribute.prototype
    577. object three.Uint32BufferAttribute.prototype
    578. object three.Uint8BufferAttribute.prototype
    579. object three.Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute.prototype
    580. object three.Uniform.prototype
    581. object three.UniformsLib
    582. object three.UniformsUtils
    583. object three.Vector2.prototype
    584. object three.Vector3.prototype
    585. object three.Vector4.prototype
    586. object three.VectorKeyframeTrack.prototype
    587. object three.VertexNormalsHelper.prototype
    588. object three.VideoTexture.prototype
    589. object three.WebGLRenderTarget.prototype
    590. object three.WebGLRenderTargetCube.prototype
    591. object three.WebGLRenderer.prototype
    592. object three.WireframeGeometry.prototype
    593. string three.REVISION
  2. module three.AmbientLight
    1. function three.AmbientLight ( color, intensity )
  3. module three.AmbientLight.prototype
    1. boolean three.AmbientLight.prototype.isAmbientLight
    2. function three.AmbientLight.prototype.constructor ( color, intensity )
  4. module three.AnimationClip
    1. function three.AnimationClip ( name, duration, tracks )
    2. function three.AnimationClip.CreateClipsFromMorphTargetSequences ( morphTargets, fps, noLoop )
    3. function three.AnimationClip.CreateFromMorphTargetSequence ( name, morphTargetSequence, fps, noLoop )
    4. function three.AnimationClip.findByName ( objectOrClipArray, name )
    5. function three.AnimationClip.parse ( json )
    6. function three.AnimationClip.parseAnimation ( animation, bones )
    7. function three.AnimationClip.toJSON ( clip )
  5. module three.AnimationClip.prototype
    1. function three.AnimationClip.prototype.optimize ()
    2. function three.AnimationClip.prototype.resetDuration ()
    3. function three.AnimationClip.prototype.trim ()
  6. module three.AnimationMixer
    1. function three.AnimationMixer ( root )
  7. module three.AnimationMixer.prototype
    1. function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._activateAction ( action )
    2. function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._addInactiveAction ( action, clipUuid, rootUuid )
    3. function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._addInactiveBinding ( binding, rootUuid, trackName )
    4. function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._bindAction ( action, prototypeAction )
    5. function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._deactivateAction ( action )
    6. function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._initMemoryManager ()
    7. function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._isActiveAction ( action )
    8. function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._lendAction ( action )
    9. function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._lendBinding ( binding )
    10. function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._lendControlInterpolant ()
    11. function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._removeInactiveAction ( action )
    12. function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._removeInactiveBinding ( binding )
    13. function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._removeInactiveBindingsForAction ( action )
    14. function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._takeBackAction ( action )
    15. function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._takeBackBinding ( binding )
    16. function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._takeBackControlInterpolant ( interpolant )
    17. function three.AnimationMixer.prototype.addEventListener ( type, listener )
    18. function three.AnimationMixer.prototype.clipAction ( clip, optionalRoot )
    19. function three.AnimationMixer.prototype.dispatchEvent ( event )
    20. function three.AnimationMixer.prototype.existingAction ( clip, optionalRoot )
    21. function three.AnimationMixer.prototype.getRoot ()
    22. function three.AnimationMixer.prototype.hasEventListener ( type, listener )
    23. function three.AnimationMixer.prototype.removeEventListener ( type, listener )
    24. function three.AnimationMixer.prototype.stopAllAction ()
    25. function three.AnimationMixer.prototype.uncacheAction ( clip, optionalRoot )
    26. function three.AnimationMixer.prototype.uncacheClip ( clip )
    27. function three.AnimationMixer.prototype.uncacheRoot ( root )
    28. function three.AnimationMixer.prototype.update ( deltaTime )
    29. object three.AnimationMixer.prototype._controlInterpolantsResultBuffer
  8. module three.AnimationObjectGroup
    1. function three.AnimationObjectGroup ( var_args )
  9. module three.AnimationObjectGroup.prototype
    1. boolean three.AnimationObjectGroup.prototype.isAnimationObjectGroup
    2. function three.AnimationObjectGroup.prototype.add ( var_args )
    3. function three.AnimationObjectGroup.prototype.remove ( var_args )
    4. function three.AnimationObjectGroup.prototype.subscribe_ ( path, parsedPath )
    5. function three.AnimationObjectGroup.prototype.uncache ( var_args )
    6. function three.AnimationObjectGroup.prototype.unsubscribe_ ( path )
  10. module three.AnimationUtils
    1. function three.AnimationUtils.arraySlice ( array, from, to )
    2. function three.AnimationUtils.convertArray ( array, type, forceClone )
    3. function three.AnimationUtils.flattenJSON ( jsonKeys, times, values, valuePropertyName )
    4. function three.AnimationUtils.getKeyframeOrder ( times )
    5. function three.AnimationUtils.isTypedArray ( object )
    6. function three.AnimationUtils.sortedArray ( values, stride, order )
  11. module three.ArcCurve
    1. function three.ArcCurve ( aX, aY, aRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise )
  12. module three.ArcCurve.prototype
    1. function three.ArcCurve.prototype.constructor ( aX, aY, aRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise )
  13. module three.ArrayCamera
    1. function three.ArrayCamera ( array )
  14. module three.ArrayCamera.prototype
    1. boolean three.ArrayCamera.prototype.isArrayCamera
    2. function three.ArrayCamera.prototype.constructor ( array )
  15. module three.ArrowHelper
    1. function three.ArrowHelper ( dir, origin, length, color, headLength, headWidth )
  16. module three.ArrowHelper.prototype
    1. function three.ArrowHelper.prototype.constructor ( dir, origin, length, color, headLength, headWidth )
    2. function three.ArrowHelper.prototype.setColor ( color )
    3. function three.ArrowHelper.prototype.setDirection ( dir )
    4. function three.ArrowHelper.prototype.setLength ( length, headLength, headWidth )
  17. module three.Audio
    1. function three.Audio ( listener )
  18. module three.Audio.prototype
    1. function three.Audio.prototype.connect ()
    2. function three.Audio.prototype.constructor ( listener )
    3. function three.Audio.prototype.disconnect ()
    4. function three.Audio.prototype.getFilter ()
    5. function three.Audio.prototype.getFilters ()
    6. function three.Audio.prototype.getLoop ()
    7. function three.Audio.prototype.getOutput ()
    8. function three.Audio.prototype.getPlaybackRate ()
    9. function three.Audio.prototype.getVolume ()
    10. function three.Audio.prototype.load ( file )
    11. function three.Audio.prototype.onEnded ()
    12. function three.Audio.prototype.pause ()
    13. function three.Audio.prototype.play ()
    14. function three.Audio.prototype.setBuffer ( audioBuffer )
    15. function three.Audio.prototype.setFilter ( filter )
    16. function three.Audio.prototype.setFilters ( value )
    17. function three.Audio.prototype.setLoop ( value )
    18. function three.Audio.prototype.setNodeSource ( audioNode )
    19. function three.Audio.prototype.setPlaybackRate ( value )
    20. function three.Audio.prototype.setVolume ( value )
    21. function three.Audio.prototype.stop ()
  19. module three.AudioAnalyser
    1. function three.AudioAnalyser ( audio, fftSize )
  20. module three.AudioAnalyser.prototype
    1. function three.AudioAnalyser.prototype.getAverageFrequency ()
    2. function three.AudioAnalyser.prototype.getData ()
    3. function three.AudioAnalyser.prototype.getFrequencyData ()
  21. module three.AudioContext
    1. function three.AudioContext.getContext ()
    2. function three.AudioContext.setContext ( value )
  22. module three.AudioListener
    1. function three.AudioListener ()
  23. module three.AudioListener.prototype
    1. function three.AudioListener.prototype.constructor ()
    2. function three.AudioListener.prototype.getFilter ()
    3. function three.AudioListener.prototype.getInput ()
    4. function three.AudioListener.prototype.getMasterVolume ()
    5. function three.AudioListener.prototype.removeFilter ( )
    6. function three.AudioListener.prototype.setFilter ( value )
    7. function three.AudioListener.prototype.setMasterVolume ( value )
    8. function three.AudioListener.prototype.updateMatrixWorld ( force )
  24. module three.AudioLoader
    1. function three.AudioLoader ( manager )
  25. module three.AudioLoader.prototype
    1. function three.AudioLoader.prototype.load ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError )
  26. module three.AxisHelper
    1. function three.AxisHelper ( size )
  27. module three.AxisHelper.prototype
    1. function three.AxisHelper.prototype.constructor ( size )
  28. module three.Bone
    1. function three.Bone ()
  29. module three.Bone.prototype
    1. boolean three.Bone.prototype.isBone
    2. function three.Bone.prototype.constructor ()
  30. module three.BooleanKeyframeTrack
    1. function three.BooleanKeyframeTrack ( name, times, values )
  31. module three.BooleanKeyframeTrack.prototype
    1. function three.BooleanKeyframeTrack.prototype.ValueBufferType ()
    2. function three.BooleanKeyframeTrack.prototype.constructor ( name, times, values )
    3. number three.BooleanKeyframeTrack.prototype.DefaultInterpolation
    4. string three.BooleanKeyframeTrack.prototype.ValueTypeName
  32. module three.Box2
    1. function three.Box2 ( min, max )
  33. module three.Box2.prototype
    1. function three.Box2.prototype.center ( optionalTarget )
    2. function three.Box2.prototype.clampPoint ( point, optionalTarget )
    3. function three.Box2.prototype.clone ()
    4. function three.Box2.prototype.containsBox ( box )
    5. function three.Box2.prototype.containsPoint ( point )
    6. function three.Box2.prototype.copy ( box )
    7. function three.Box2.prototype.distanceToPoint ( point )
    8. function three.Box2.prototype.empty ()
    9. function three.Box2.prototype.equals ( box )
    10. function three.Box2.prototype.expandByPoint ( point )
    11. function three.Box2.prototype.expandByScalar ( scalar )
    12. function three.Box2.prototype.expandByVector ( vector )
    13. function three.Box2.prototype.getCenter ( optionalTarget )
    14. function three.Box2.prototype.getParameter ( point, optionalTarget )
    15. function three.Box2.prototype.getSize ( optionalTarget )
    16. function three.Box2.prototype.intersect ( box )
    17. function three.Box2.prototype.intersectsBox ( box )
    18. function three.Box2.prototype.isEmpty ()
    19. function three.Box2.prototype.isIntersectionBox ( box )
    20. function three.Box2.prototype.makeEmpty ()
    21. function three.Box2.prototype.set ( min, max )
    22. function three.Box2.prototype.setFromCenterAndSize ( center, size )
    23. function three.Box2.prototype.setFromPoints ( points )
    24. function three.Box2.prototype.size ( optionalTarget )
    25. function three.Box2.prototype.translate ( offset )
    26. function three.Box2.prototype.union ( box )
  34. module three.Box3
    1. function three.Box3 ( min, max )
  35. module three.Box3.prototype
    1. boolean three.Box3.prototype.isBox3
    2. function three.Box3.prototype.applyMatrix4 ( matrix )
    3. function three.Box3.prototype.center ( optionalTarget )
    4. function three.Box3.prototype.clampPoint ( point, optionalTarget )
    5. function three.Box3.prototype.clone ()
    6. function three.Box3.prototype.containsBox ( box )
    7. function three.Box3.prototype.containsPoint ( point )
    8. function three.Box3.prototype.copy ( box )
    9. function three.Box3.prototype.distanceToPoint ( point )
    10. function three.Box3.prototype.empty ()
    11. function three.Box3.prototype.equals ( box )
    12. function three.Box3.prototype.expandByObject ( object )
    13. function three.Box3.prototype.expandByPoint ( point )
    14. function three.Box3.prototype.expandByScalar ( scalar )
    15. function three.Box3.prototype.expandByVector ( vector )
    16. function three.Box3.prototype.getBoundingSphere ( optionalTarget )
    17. function three.Box3.prototype.getCenter ( optionalTarget )
    18. function three.Box3.prototype.getParameter ( point, optionalTarget )
    19. function three.Box3.prototype.getSize ( optionalTarget )
    20. function three.Box3.prototype.intersect ( box )
    21. function three.Box3.prototype.intersectsBox ( box )
    22. function three.Box3.prototype.intersectsPlane ( plane )
    23. function three.Box3.prototype.intersectsSphere ( sphere )
    24. function three.Box3.prototype.isEmpty ()
    25. function three.Box3.prototype.isIntersectionBox ( box )
    26. function three.Box3.prototype.isIntersectionSphere ( sphere )
    27. function three.Box3.prototype.makeEmpty ()
    28. function three.Box3.prototype.set ( min, max )
    29. function three.Box3.prototype.setFromArray ( array )
    30. function three.Box3.prototype.setFromBufferAttribute ( attribute )
    31. function three.Box3.prototype.setFromCenterAndSize ( center, size )
    32. function three.Box3.prototype.setFromObject ( object )
    33. function three.Box3.prototype.setFromPoints ( points )
    34. function three.Box3.prototype.size ( optionalTarget )
    35. function three.Box3.prototype.translate ( offset )
    36. function three.Box3.prototype.union ( box )
  36. module three.BoxBufferGeometry
    1. function three.BoxBufferGeometry ( width, height, depth, widthSegments, heightSegments, depthSegments )
  37. module three.BoxBufferGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.BoxBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( width, height, depth, widthSegments, heightSegments, depthSegments )
  38. module three.BoxGeometry
    1. function three.BoxGeometry ( width, height, depth, widthSegments, heightSegments, depthSegments )
  39. module three.BoxGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.BoxGeometry.prototype.constructor ( width, height, depth, widthSegments, heightSegments, depthSegments )
  40. module three.BoxHelper
    1. function three.BoxHelper ( object, color )
  41. module three.BoxHelper.prototype
    1. function three.BoxHelper.prototype.constructor ( object, color )
    2. function three.BoxHelper.prototype.setFromObject ( object )
    3. function three.BoxHelper.prototype.update ( object )
  42. module three.BufferAttribute
    1. function three.BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize, normalized )
  43. module three.BufferAttribute.prototype
    1. boolean three.BufferAttribute.prototype.isBufferAttribute
    2. function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.clone ()
    3. function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.copy ( source )
    4. function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.copyArray ( array )
    5. function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.copyAt ( index1, attribute, index2 )
    6. function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.copyColorsArray ( colors )
    7. function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.copyIndicesArray ( indices )
    8. function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.copyVector2sArray ( vectors )
    9. function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.copyVector3sArray ( vectors )
    10. function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.copyVector4sArray ( vectors )
    11. function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.getW ( index )
    12. function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.getX ( index )
    13. function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.getY ( index )
    14. function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.getZ ( index )
    15. function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.onUpload ( callback )
    16. function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.set ( value, offset )
    17. function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.setArray ( array )
    18. function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.setDynamic ( value )
    19. function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.setW ( index, w )
    20. function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.setX ( index, x )
    21. function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.setXY ( index, x, y )
    22. function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.setXYZ ( index, x, y, z )
    23. function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.setXYZW ( index, x, y, z, w )
    24. function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.setY ( index, y )
    25. function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.setZ ( index, z )
  44. module three.BufferGeometry
    1. function three.BufferGeometry ()
    2. number three.BufferGeometry.MaxIndex
  45. module three.BufferGeometry.prototype
    1. boolean three.BufferGeometry.prototype.isBufferGeometry
    2. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.addAttribute ( name, attribute )
    3. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.addDrawCall ( start, count, indexOffset )
    4. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.addEventListener ( type, listener )
    5. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.addGroup ( start, count, materialIndex )
    6. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.addIndex ( index )
    7. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.applyMatrix ( matrix )
    8. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.center ()
    9. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.clearDrawCalls ()
    10. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.clearGroups ()
    11. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.clone ()
    12. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.computeBoundingBox ()
    13. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.computeBoundingSphere ()
    14. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.computeFaceNormals ()
    15. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.computeOffsets ()
    16. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.computeTangents ()
    17. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.computeVertexNormals ()
    18. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.copy ( source )
    19. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.dispatchEvent ( event )
    20. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.dispose ()
    21. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.fromDirectGeometry ( geometry )
    22. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.fromGeometry ( geometry )
    23. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.getAttribute ( name )
    24. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.getIndex ()
    25. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.hasEventListener ( type, listener )
    26. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.lookAt ( vector )
    27. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.merge ( geometry, offset )
    28. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.normalizeNormals ()
    29. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.removeAttribute ( name )
    30. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.removeEventListener ( type, listener )
    31. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.rotateX ( angle )
    32. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.rotateY ( angle )
    33. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.rotateZ ( angle )
    34. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.scale ( x, y, z )
    35. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.setDrawRange ( start, count )
    36. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.setFromObject ( object )
    37. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.setIndex ( index )
    38. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.toJSON ()
    39. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.toNonIndexed ()
    40. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.translate ( x, y, z )
    41. function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.updateFromObject ( object )
  46. module three.BufferGeometryLoader
    1. function three.BufferGeometryLoader ( manager )
  47. module three.BufferGeometryLoader.prototype
    1. function three.BufferGeometryLoader.prototype.load ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError )
    2. function three.BufferGeometryLoader.prototype.parse ( json )
  48. module three.Cache
    1. boolean three.Cache.enabled
    2. function three.Cache.add ( key, file )
    3. function three.Cache.clear ()
    4. function three.Cache.get ( key )
    5. function three.Cache.remove ( key )
    6. object three.Cache.files
  49. module three.Camera
    1. function three.Camera ()
  50. module three.Camera.prototype
    1. boolean three.Camera.prototype.isCamera
    2. function three.Camera.prototype.clone ()
    3. function three.Camera.prototype.constructor ()
    4. function three.Camera.prototype.copy ( source )
    5. function three.Camera.prototype.getWorldDirection ( optionalTarget )
  51. module three.CameraHelper
    1. function three.CameraHelper ( camera )
  52. module three.CameraHelper.prototype
    1. function three.CameraHelper.prototype.constructor ( camera )
    2. function three.CameraHelper.prototype.update ()
  53. module three.CanvasTexture
    1. function three.CanvasTexture ( canvas, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy )
  54. module three.CanvasTexture.prototype
    1. function three.CanvasTexture.prototype.constructor ( canvas, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy )
  55. module three.CatmullRomCurve3
    1. function three.CatmullRomCurve3 ( p)
  56. module three.CatmullRomCurve3.prototype
    1. function three.CatmullRomCurve3.prototype.constructor ( p)
    2. function three.CatmullRomCurve3.prototype.getPoint ( t )
  57. module three.CircleBufferGeometry
    1. function three.CircleBufferGeometry ( radius, segments, thetaStart, thetaLength )
  58. module three.CircleBufferGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.CircleBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, segments, thetaStart, thetaLength )
  59. module three.CircleGeometry
    1. function three.CircleGeometry ( radius, segments, thetaStart, thetaLength )
  60. module three.CircleGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.CircleGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, segments, thetaStart, thetaLength )
  61. module three.Clock
    1. function three.Clock ( autoStart )
  62. module three.Clock.prototype
    1. function three.Clock.prototype.getDelta ()
    2. function three.Clock.prototype.getElapsedTime ()
    3. function three.Clock.prototype.start ()
    4. function three.Clock.prototype.stop ()
  63. module three.Color
    1. function three.Color ( r, g, b )
  64. module three.Color.prototype
    1. boolean three.Color.prototype.isColor
    2. function three.Color.prototype.add ( color )
    3. function three.Color.prototype.addColors ( color1, color2 )
    4. function three.Color.prototype.addScalar ( s )
    5. function three.Color.prototype.clone ()
    6. function three.Color.prototype.convertGammaToLinear ()
    7. function three.Color.prototype.convertLinearToGamma ()
    8. function three.Color.prototype.copy ( color )
    9. function three.Color.prototype.copyGammaToLinear ( color, gammaFactor )
    10. function three.Color.prototype.copyLinearToGamma ( color, gammaFactor )
    11. function three.Color.prototype.equals ( c )
    12. function three.Color.prototype.fromArray ( array, offset )
    13. function three.Color.prototype.getHSL ( optionalTarget )
    14. function three.Color.prototype.getHex ()
    15. function three.Color.prototype.getHexString ()
    16. function three.Color.prototype.getStyle ()
    17. function three.Color.prototype.lerp ( color, alpha )
    18. function three.Color.prototype.multiply ( color )
    19. function three.Color.prototype.multiplyScalar ( s )
    20. function three.Color.prototype.offsetHSL ( h, s, l )
    21. function three.Color.prototype.set ( value )
    22. function three.Color.prototype.setHSL ( h, s, l )
    23. function three.Color.prototype.setHex ( hex )
    24. function three.Color.prototype.setRGB ( r, g, b )
    25. function three.Color.prototype.setScalar ( scalar )
    26. function three.Color.prototype.setStyle ( style )
    27. function three.Color.prototype.sub ( color )
    28. function three.Color.prototype.toArray ( array, offset )
    29. function three.Color.prototype.toJSON ()
    30. number three.Color.prototype.b
    31. number three.Color.prototype.g
    32. number three.Color.prototype.r
  65. module three.ColorKeyframeTrack
    1. function three.ColorKeyframeTrack ( name, times, values, interpolation )
  66. module three.ColorKeyframeTrack.prototype
    1. function three.ColorKeyframeTrack.prototype.constructor ( name, times, values, interpolation )
    2. string three.ColorKeyframeTrack.prototype.ValueTypeName
  67. module three.CompressedTexture
    1. function three.CompressedTexture ( mipmaps, width, height, format, type, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, anisotropy, encoding )
  68. module three.CompressedTexture.prototype
    1. boolean three.CompressedTexture.prototype.isCompressedTexture
    2. function three.CompressedTexture.prototype.constructor ( mipmaps, width, height, format, type, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, anisotropy, encoding )
  69. module three.CompressedTextureLoader
    1. function three.CompressedTextureLoader ( manager )
  70. module three.CompressedTextureLoader.prototype
    1. function three.CompressedTextureLoader.prototype.load ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError )
    2. function three.CompressedTextureLoader.prototype.setPath ( value )
  71. module three.ConeBufferGeometry
    1. function three.ConeBufferGeometry ( radius, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength )
  72. module three.ConeBufferGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.ConeBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength )
  73. module three.ConeGeometry
    1. function three.ConeGeometry ( radius, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength )
  74. module three.ConeGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.ConeGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength )
  75. module three.CubeCamera
    1. function three.CubeCamera ( near, far, cubeResolution )
  76. module three.CubeCamera.prototype
    1. function three.CubeCamera.prototype.constructor ( near, far, cubeResolution )
  77. module three.CubeTexture
    1. function three.CubeTexture ( images, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy, encoding )
  78. module three.CubeTexture.prototype
    1. boolean three.CubeTexture.prototype.isCubeTexture
    2. function three.CubeTexture.prototype.constructor ( images, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy, encoding )
  79. module three.CubeTextureLoader
    1. function three.CubeTextureLoader ( manager )
  80. module three.CubeTextureLoader.prototype
    1. function three.CubeTextureLoader.prototype.load ( urls, onLoad, onProgress, onError )
    2. function three.CubeTextureLoader.prototype.setCrossOrigin ( value )
    3. function three.CubeTextureLoader.prototype.setPath ( value )
  81. module three.CubicBezierCurve
    1. function three.CubicBezierCurve ( v0, v1, v2, v3 )
  82. module three.CubicBezierCurve.prototype
    1. function three.CubicBezierCurve.prototype.constructor ( v0, v1, v2, v3 )
    2. function three.CubicBezierCurve.prototype.getPoint ( t )
  83. module three.CubicBezierCurve3
    1. function three.CubicBezierCurve3 ( v0, v1, v2, v3 )
  84. module three.CubicBezierCurve3.prototype
    1. function three.CubicBezierCurve3.prototype.constructor ( v0, v1, v2, v3 )
    2. function three.CubicBezierCurve3.prototype.getPoint ( t )
  85. module three.CubicInterpolant
    1. function three.CubicInterpolant ( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer )
  86. module three.CubicInterpolant.prototype
    1. function three.CubicInterpolant.prototype.constructor ( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer )
    2. function three.CubicInterpolant.prototype.interpolate_ ( i1, t0, t, t1 )
    3. function three.CubicInterpolant.prototype.intervalChanged_ ( i1, t0, t1 )
    4. object three.CubicInterpolant.prototype.DefaultSettings_
  87. module three.Curve
    1. function three.Curve ()
    2. function three.Curve.create ( construct, getPoint )
  88. module three.Curve.prototype
    1. function three.Curve.prototype.computeFrenetFrames ( segments, closed )
    2. function three.Curve.prototype.getLength ()
    3. function three.Curve.prototype.getLengths ( divisions )
    4. function three.Curve.prototype.getPoint ()
    5. function three.Curve.prototype.getPointAt ( u )
    6. function three.Curve.prototype.getPoints ( divisions )
    7. function three.Curve.prototype.getSpacedPoints ( divisions )
    8. function three.Curve.prototype.getTangent ( t )
    9. function three.Curve.prototype.getTangentAt ( u )
    10. function three.Curve.prototype.getUtoTmapping ( u, distance )
    11. function three.Curve.prototype.updateArcLengths ()
  89. module three.CurvePath
    1. function three.CurvePath ()
  90. module three.CurvePath.prototype
    1. function three.CurvePath.prototype.add ( curve )
    2. function three.CurvePath.prototype.closePath ()
    3. function three.CurvePath.prototype.constructor ()
    4. function three.CurvePath.prototype.createGeometry ( points )
    5. function three.CurvePath.prototype.createPointsGeometry ( divisions )
    6. function three.CurvePath.prototype.createSpacedPointsGeometry ( divisions )
    7. function three.CurvePath.prototype.getCurveLengths ()
    8. function three.CurvePath.prototype.getLength ()
    9. function three.CurvePath.prototype.getPoint ( t )
    10. function three.CurvePath.prototype.getPoints ( divisions )
    11. function three.CurvePath.prototype.getSpacedPoints ( divisions )
    12. function three.CurvePath.prototype.updateArcLengths ()
  91. module three.CylinderBufferGeometry
    1. function three.CylinderBufferGeometry ( radiusTop, radiusBottom, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength )
  92. module three.CylinderBufferGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.CylinderBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radiusTop, radiusBottom, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength )
  93. module three.CylinderGeometry
    1. function three.CylinderGeometry ( radiusTop, radiusBottom, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength )
  94. module three.CylinderGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.CylinderGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radiusTop, radiusBottom, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength )
  95. module three.Cylindrical
    1. function three.Cylindrical ( radius, theta, y )
  96. module three.Cylindrical.prototype
    1. function three.Cylindrical.prototype.clone ()
    2. function three.Cylindrical.prototype.copy ( other )
    3. function three.Cylindrical.prototype.set ( radius, theta, y )
    4. function three.Cylindrical.prototype.setFromVector3 ( vec3 )
  97. module three.DataTexture
    1. function three.DataTexture ( data, width, height, format, type, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, anisotropy, encoding )
  98. module three.DataTexture.prototype
    1. boolean three.DataTexture.prototype.isDataTexture
    2. function three.DataTexture.prototype.constructor ( data, width, height, format, type, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, anisotropy, encoding )
  99. module three.DataTextureLoader
    1. function three.DataTextureLoader ( manager )
  100. module three.DataTextureLoader.prototype
    1. function three.DataTextureLoader.prototype.load ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError )
  101. module three.DefaultLoadingManager
    1. function three.DefaultLoadingManager.itemEnd ( url )
    2. function three.DefaultLoadingManager.itemError ( url )
    3. function three.DefaultLoadingManager.itemStart ( url )
  102. module three.DepthTexture
    1. function three.DepthTexture ( width, height, type, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, anisotropy, format )
  103. module three.DepthTexture.prototype
    1. boolean three.DepthTexture.prototype.isDepthTexture
    2. function three.DepthTexture.prototype.constructor ( width, height, type, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, anisotropy, format )
  104. module three.DirectionalLight
    1. function three.DirectionalLight ( color, intensity )
  105. module three.DirectionalLight.prototype
    1. boolean three.DirectionalLight.prototype.isDirectionalLight
    2. function three.DirectionalLight.prototype.constructor ( color, intensity )
    3. function three.DirectionalLight.prototype.copy ( source )
  106. module three.DirectionalLightHelper
    1. function three.DirectionalLightHelper ( light, size )
  107. module three.DirectionalLightHelper.prototype
    1. function three.DirectionalLightHelper.prototype.constructor ( light, size )
    2. function three.DirectionalLightHelper.prototype.dispose ()
    3. function three.DirectionalLightHelper.prototype.update ()
  108. module three.DirectionalLightShadow
    1. function three.DirectionalLightShadow ( )
  109. module three.DirectionalLightShadow.prototype
    1. function three.DirectionalLightShadow.prototype.constructor ( )
  110. module three.DiscreteInterpolant
    1. function three.DiscreteInterpolant ( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer )
  111. module three.DiscreteInterpolant.prototype
    1. function three.DiscreteInterpolant.prototype.constructor ( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer )
    2. function three.DiscreteInterpolant.prototype.interpolate_ ( i1, t0, t, t1 )
  112. module three.DodecahedronBufferGeometry
    1. function three.DodecahedronBufferGeometry ( radius, detail )
  113. module three.DodecahedronBufferGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.DodecahedronBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, detail )
  114. module three.DodecahedronGeometry
    1. function three.DodecahedronGeometry ( radius, detail )
  115. module three.DodecahedronGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.DodecahedronGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, detail )
  116. module three.EdgesGeometry
    1. function three.EdgesGeometry ( geometry, thresholdAngle )
  117. module three.EdgesGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.EdgesGeometry.prototype.constructor ( geometry, thresholdAngle )
  118. module three.EllipseCurve
    1. function three.EllipseCurve ( aX, aY, xRadius, yRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise, aRotation )
  119. module three.EllipseCurve.prototype
    1. boolean three.EllipseCurve.prototype.isEllipseCurve
    2. function three.EllipseCurve.prototype.constructor ( aX, aY, xRadius, yRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise, aRotation )
    3. function three.EllipseCurve.prototype.getPoint ( t )
  120. module three.Euler
    1. function three.Euler ( x, y, z, order )
    2. object three.Euler.RotationOrders
    3. string three.Euler.DefaultOrder
  121. module three.Euler.prototype
    1. boolean three.Euler.prototype.isEuler
    2. function three.Euler.prototype.clone ()
    3. function three.Euler.prototype.copy ( euler )
    4. function three.Euler.prototype.equals ( euler )
    5. function three.Euler.prototype.fromArray ( array )
    6. function three.Euler.prototype.onChange ( callback )
    7. function three.Euler.prototype.onChangeCallback ()
    8. function three.Euler.prototype.reorder ( newOrder )
    9. function three.Euler.prototype.set ( x, y, z, order )
    10. function three.Euler.prototype.setFromQuaternion ( q, order, update )
    11. function three.Euler.prototype.setFromRotationMatrix ( m, order, update )
    12. function three.Euler.prototype.setFromVector3 ( v, order )
    13. function three.Euler.prototype.toArray ( array, offset )
    14. function three.Euler.prototype.toVector3 ( optionalResult )
  122. module three.EventDispatcher
    1. function three.EventDispatcher ()
  123. module three.EventDispatcher.prototype
    1. function three.EventDispatcher.prototype.addEventListener ( type, listener )
    2. function three.EventDispatcher.prototype.dispatchEvent ( event )
    3. function three.EventDispatcher.prototype.hasEventListener ( type, listener )
    4. function three.EventDispatcher.prototype.removeEventListener ( type, listener )
  124. module three.ExtrudeBufferGeometry
    1. function three.ExtrudeBufferGeometry ( shapes, options )
  125. module three.ExtrudeBufferGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.ExtrudeBufferGeometry.prototype.addShape ( shape, options )
    2. function three.ExtrudeBufferGeometry.prototype.addShapeList ( shapes, options )
    3. function three.ExtrudeBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( shapes, options )
    4. function three.ExtrudeBufferGeometry.prototype.getArrays ()
  126. module three.ExtrudeGeometry
    1. function three.ExtrudeGeometry ( shapes, options )
    2. object three.ExtrudeGeometry.WorldUVGenerator
  127. module three.ExtrudeGeometry.WorldUVGenerator
    1. function three.ExtrudeGeometry.WorldUVGenerator.generateSideWallUV ( geometry, vertices, indexA, indexB, indexC, indexD )
    2. function three.ExtrudeGeometry.WorldUVGenerator.generateTopUV ( geometry, vertices, indexA, indexB, indexC )
  128. module three.ExtrudeGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.ExtrudeGeometry.prototype.constructor ( shapes, options )
  129. module three.Face3
    1. function three.Face3 ( a, b, c, normal, color, materialIndex )
  130. module three.Face3.prototype
    1. function three.Face3.prototype.clone ()
    2. function three.Face3.prototype.copy ( source )
  131. module three.FaceNormalsHelper
    1. function three.FaceNormalsHelper ( object, size, hex, linewidth )
  132. module three.FaceNormalsHelper.prototype
    1. function three.FaceNormalsHelper.prototype.constructor ( object, size, hex, linewidth )
    2. function three.FaceNormalsHelper.prototype.update ()
  133. module three.FileLoader
    1. function three.FileLoader ( manager )
  134. module three.FileLoader.prototype
    1. function three.FileLoader.prototype.load ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError )
    2. function three.FileLoader.prototype.setMimeType ( value )
    3. function three.FileLoader.prototype.setPath ( value )
    4. function three.FileLoader.prototype.setRequestHeader ( value )
    5. function three.FileLoader.prototype.setResponseType ( value )
    6. function three.FileLoader.prototype.setWithCredentials ( value )
  135. module three.Float32BufferAttribute
    1. function three.Float32BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )
  136. module three.Float32BufferAttribute.prototype
    1. function three.Float32BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor ( array, itemSize )
  137. module three.Float64BufferAttribute
    1. function three.Float64BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )
  138. module three.Float64BufferAttribute.prototype
    1. function three.Float64BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor ( array, itemSize )
  139. module three.Fog
    1. function three.Fog ( color, near, far )
  140. module three.Fog.prototype
    1. boolean three.Fog.prototype.isFog
    2. function three.Fog.prototype.clone ()
    3. function three.Fog.prototype.toJSON ( meta )
  141. module three.FogExp2
    1. function three.FogExp2 ( color, density )
  142. module three.FogExp2.prototype
    1. boolean three.FogExp2.prototype.isFogExp2
    2. function three.FogExp2.prototype.clone ()
    3. function three.FogExp2.prototype.toJSON ( meta )
  143. module three.Font
    1. function three.Font ( data )
  144. module three.Font.prototype
    1. boolean three.Font.prototype.isFont
    2. function three.Font.prototype.generateShapes ( text, size, divisions )
  145. module three.FontLoader
    1. function three.FontLoader ( manager )
  146. module three.FontLoader.prototype
    1. function three.FontLoader.prototype.load ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError )
    2. function three.FontLoader.prototype.parse ( json )
  147. module three.Frustum
    1. function three.Frustum ( p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 )
  148. module three.Frustum.prototype
    1. function three.Frustum.prototype.clone ()
    2. function three.Frustum.prototype.containsPoint ( point )
    3. function three.Frustum.prototype.copy ( frustum )
    4. function three.Frustum.prototype.intersectsBox ( box )
    5. function three.Frustum.prototype.intersectsObject ( object )
    6. function three.Frustum.prototype.intersectsSphere ( sphere )
    7. function three.Frustum.prototype.intersectsSprite ( sprite )
    8. function three.Frustum.prototype.set ( p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 )
    9. function three.Frustum.prototype.setFromMatrix ( m )
  149. module three.Geometry
    1. function three.Geometry ()
  150. module three.Geometry.prototype
    1. boolean three.Geometry.prototype.isGeometry
    2. function three.Geometry.prototype.addEventListener ( type, listener )
    3. function three.Geometry.prototype.applyMatrix ( matrix )
    4. function three.Geometry.prototype.center ()
    5. function three.Geometry.prototype.clone ()
    6. function three.Geometry.prototype.computeBoundingBox ()
    7. function three.Geometry.prototype.computeBoundingSphere ()
    8. function three.Geometry.prototype.computeFaceNormals ()
    9. function three.Geometry.prototype.computeFlatVertexNormals ()
    10. function three.Geometry.prototype.computeLineDistances ()
    11. function three.Geometry.prototype.computeMorphNormals ()
    12. function three.Geometry.prototype.computeTangents ()
    13. function three.Geometry.prototype.computeVertexNormals ( areaWeighted )
    14. function three.Geometry.prototype.copy ( source )
    15. function three.Geometry.prototype.dispatchEvent ( event )
    16. function three.Geometry.prototype.dispose ()
    17. function three.Geometry.prototype.fromBufferGeometry ( geometry )
    18. function three.Geometry.prototype.hasEventListener ( type, listener )
    19. function three.Geometry.prototype.lookAt ( vector )
    20. function three.Geometry.prototype.merge ( geometry, matrix, materialIndexOffset )
    21. function three.Geometry.prototype.mergeMesh ( mesh )
    22. function three.Geometry.prototype.mergeVertices ()
    23. function three.Geometry.prototype.normalize ()
    24. function three.Geometry.prototype.removeEventListener ( type, listener )
    25. function three.Geometry.prototype.rotateX ( angle )
    26. function three.Geometry.prototype.rotateY ( angle )
    27. function three.Geometry.prototype.rotateZ ( angle )
    28. function three.Geometry.prototype.scale ( x, y, z )
    29. function three.Geometry.prototype.sortFacesByMaterialIndex ()
    30. function three.Geometry.prototype.toJSON ()
    31. function three.Geometry.prototype.translate ( x, y, z )
  151. module three.GeometryUtils
    1. function three.GeometryUtils.center ( geometry )
    2. function three.GeometryUtils.merge ( geometry1, geometry2, materialIndexOffset )
  152. module three.GridHelper
    1. function three.GridHelper ( size, divisions, color1, color2 )
  153. module three.GridHelper.prototype
    1. function three.GridHelper.prototype.constructor ( size, divisions, color1, color2 )
    2. function three.GridHelper.prototype.setColors ()
  154. module three.Group
    1. function three.Group ()
  155. module three.Group.prototype
    1. function three.Group.prototype.constructor ()
  156. module three.HemisphereLight
    1. function three.HemisphereLight ( skyColor, groundColor, intensity )
  157. module three.HemisphereLight.prototype
    1. boolean three.HemisphereLight.prototype.isHemisphereLight
    2. function three.HemisphereLight.prototype.constructor ( skyColor, groundColor, intensity )
    3. function three.HemisphereLight.prototype.copy ( source )
  158. module three.HemisphereLightHelper
    1. function three.HemisphereLightHelper ( light, size )
  159. module three.HemisphereLightHelper.prototype
    1. function three.HemisphereLightHelper.prototype.constructor ( light, size )
    2. function three.HemisphereLightHelper.prototype.dispose ()
    3. function three.HemisphereLightHelper.prototype.update ()
  160. module three.IcosahedronBufferGeometry
    1. function three.IcosahedronBufferGeometry ( radius, detail )
  161. module three.IcosahedronBufferGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.IcosahedronBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, detail )
  162. module three.IcosahedronGeometry
    1. function three.IcosahedronGeometry ( radius, detail )
  163. module three.IcosahedronGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.IcosahedronGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, detail )
  164. module three.ImageLoader
    1. function three.ImageLoader ( manager )
  165. module three.ImageLoader.prototype
    1. function three.ImageLoader.prototype.load ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError )
    2. function three.ImageLoader.prototype.setCrossOrigin ( value )
    3. function three.ImageLoader.prototype.setPath ( value )
  166. module three.ImageUtils
    1. function three.ImageUtils.loadCompressedTexture ()
    2. function three.ImageUtils.loadCompressedTextureCube ()
    3. function three.ImageUtils.loadTexture ( url, mapping, onLoad, onError )
    4. function three.ImageUtils.loadTextureCube ( urls, mapping, onLoad, onError )
  167. module three.ImmediateRenderObject
    1. function three.ImmediateRenderObject ( material )
  168. module three.ImmediateRenderObject.prototype
    1. boolean three.ImmediateRenderObject.prototype.isImmediateRenderObject
    2. function three.ImmediateRenderObject.prototype.constructor ( material )
  169. module three.InstancedBufferAttribute
    1. function three.InstancedBufferAttribute ( array, itemSize, meshPerAttribute )
  170. module three.InstancedBufferAttribute.prototype
    1. boolean three.InstancedBufferAttribute.prototype.isInstancedBufferAttribute
    2. function three.InstancedBufferAttribute.prototype.constructor ( array, itemSize, meshPerAttribute )
    3. function three.InstancedBufferAttribute.prototype.copy ( source )
  171. module three.InstancedBufferGeometry
    1. function three.InstancedBufferGeometry ()
  172. module three.InstancedBufferGeometry.prototype
    1. boolean three.InstancedBufferGeometry.prototype.isInstancedBufferGeometry
    2. function three.InstancedBufferGeometry.prototype.addGroup ( start, count, materialIndex )
    3. function three.InstancedBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ()
    4. function three.InstancedBufferGeometry.prototype.copy ( source )
  173. module three.InstancedInterleavedBuffer
    1. function three.InstancedInterleavedBuffer ( array, stride, meshPerAttribute )
  174. module three.InstancedInterleavedBuffer.prototype
    1. boolean three.InstancedInterleavedBuffer.prototype.isInstancedInterleavedBuffer
    2. function three.InstancedInterleavedBuffer.prototype.constructor ( array, stride, meshPerAttribute )
    3. function three.InstancedInterleavedBuffer.prototype.copy ( source )
  175. module three.Int16BufferAttribute
    1. function three.Int16BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )
  176. module three.Int16BufferAttribute.prototype
    1. function three.Int16BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor ( array, itemSize )
  177. module three.Int32BufferAttribute
    1. function three.Int32BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )
  178. module three.Int32BufferAttribute.prototype
    1. function three.Int32BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor ( array, itemSize )
  179. module three.Int8BufferAttribute
    1. function three.Int8BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )
  180. module three.Int8BufferAttribute.prototype
    1. function three.Int8BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor ( array, itemSize )
  181. module three.InterleavedBuffer
    1. function three.InterleavedBuffer ( array, stride )
  182. module three.InterleavedBuffer.prototype
    1. boolean three.InterleavedBuffer.prototype.isInterleavedBuffer
    2. function three.InterleavedBuffer.prototype.clone ()
    3. function three.InterleavedBuffer.prototype.copy ( source )
    4. function three.InterleavedBuffer.prototype.copyAt ( index1, attribute, index2 )
    5. function three.InterleavedBuffer.prototype.onUpload ( callback )
    6. function three.InterleavedBuffer.prototype.set ( value, offset )
    7. function three.InterleavedBuffer.prototype.setArray ( array )
    8. function three.InterleavedBuffer.prototype.setDynamic ( value )
  183. module three.InterleavedBufferAttribute
    1. function three.InterleavedBufferAttribute ( interleavedBuffer, itemSize, offset, normalized )
  184. module three.InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype
    1. boolean three.InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype.isInterleavedBufferAttribute
    2. function three.InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype.getW ( index )
    3. function three.InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype.getX ( index )
    4. function three.InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype.getY ( index )
    5. function three.InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype.getZ ( index )
    6. function three.InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype.setW ( index, w )
    7. function three.InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype.setX ( index, x )
    8. function three.InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype.setXY ( index, x, y )
    9. function three.InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype.setXYZ ( index, x, y, z )
    10. function three.InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype.setXYZW ( index, x, y, z, w )
    11. function three.InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype.setY ( index, y )
    12. function three.InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype.setZ ( index, z )
  185. module three.Interpolant
    1. function three.Interpolant ( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer )
  186. module three.Interpolant.prototype
    1. function three.Interpolant.prototype.afterEnd_ ( index )
    2. function three.Interpolant.prototype.beforeStart_ ( index )
    3. function three.Interpolant.prototype.copySampleValue_ ( index )
    4. function three.Interpolant.prototype.evaluate ( t )
    5. function three.Interpolant.prototype.getSettings_ ()
    6. function three.Interpolant.prototype.interpolate_ ( i1, t0, t, t1 )
    7. function three.Interpolant.prototype.intervalChanged_ ( i1, t0, t1 )
    8. object three.Interpolant.prototype.DefaultSettings_
    9. object three.Interpolant.prototype.settings
  187. module three.JSONLoader
    1. function three.JSONLoader ( manager )
  188. module three.JSONLoader.prototype
    1. function three.JSONLoader.prototype.load ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError )
    2. function three.JSONLoader.prototype.parse ( json, texturePath )
    3. function three.JSONLoader.prototype.setTexturePath ( value )
  189. module three.KeyframeTrack
    1. function three.KeyframeTrack ( name, times, values, interpolation )
    2. function three.KeyframeTrack._getTrackTypeForValueTypeName ( typeName )
    3. function three.KeyframeTrack.parse ( json )
    4. function three.KeyframeTrack.toJSON ( track )
  190. module three.KeyframeTrack.prototype
    1. function three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.InterpolantFactoryMethodDiscrete ( result )
    2. function three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.InterpolantFactoryMethodLinear ( result )
    3. function three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.InterpolantFactoryMethodSmooth ( result )
    4. function three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.TimeBufferType ()
    5. function three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.ValueBufferType ()
    6. function three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.constructor ( name, times, values, interpolation )
    7. function three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.getInterpolation ()
    8. function three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.getValueSize ()
    9. function three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.optimize ()
    10. function three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.scale ( timeScale )
    11. function three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.setInterpolation ( interpolation )
    12. function three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.shift ( timeOffset )
    13. function three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.trim ( startTime, endTime )
    14. function three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.validate ()
    15. number three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.DefaultInterpolation
  191. module three.LOD
    1. function three.LOD ()
  192. module three.LOD.prototype
    1. function three.LOD.prototype.addLevel ( object, distance )
    2. function three.LOD.prototype.constructor ()
    3. function three.LOD.prototype.copy ( source )
    4. function three.LOD.prototype.getObjectForDistance ( distance )
    5. function three.LOD.prototype.raycast ( raycaster, intersects )
    6. function three.LOD.prototype.toJSON ( meta )
    7. function three.LOD.prototype.update ( camera )
  193. module three.LatheBufferGeometry
    1. function three.LatheBufferGeometry ( points, segments, phiStart, phiLength )
  194. module three.LatheBufferGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.LatheBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( points, segments, phiStart, phiLength )
  195. module three.LatheGeometry
    1. function three.LatheGeometry ( points, segments, phiStart, phiLength )
  196. module three.LatheGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.LatheGeometry.prototype.constructor ( points, segments, phiStart, phiLength )
  197. module three.Layers
    1. function three.Layers ()
  198. module three.Layers.prototype
    1. function three.Layers.prototype.disable ( channel )
    2. function three.Layers.prototype.enable ( channel )
    3. function three.Layers.prototype.set ( channel )
    4. function three.Layers.prototype.test ( layers )
    5. function three.Layers.prototype.toggle ( channel )
  199. module three.LensFlare
    1. function three.LensFlare ( texture, size, distance, blending, color )
  200. module three.LensFlare.prototype
    1. boolean three.LensFlare.prototype.isLensFlare
    2. function three.LensFlare.prototype.add ( texture, size, distance, blending, color, opacity )
    3. function three.LensFlare.prototype.constructor ( texture, size, distance, blending, color )
    4. function three.LensFlare.prototype.copy ( source )
    5. function three.LensFlare.prototype.updateLensFlares ()
  201. module three.Light
    1. function three.Light ( color, intensity )
  202. module three.Light.prototype
    1. boolean three.Light.prototype.isLight
    2. function three.Light.prototype.constructor ( color, intensity )
    3. function three.Light.prototype.copy ( source )
    4. function three.Light.prototype.toJSON ( meta )
  203. module three.LightShadow
    1. function three.LightShadow ( camera )
  204. module three.LightShadow.prototype
    1. function three.LightShadow.prototype.clone ()
    2. function three.LightShadow.prototype.copy ( source )
    3. function three.LightShadow.prototype.toJSON ()
  205. module three.Line
    1. function three.Line ( geometry, material, mode )
  206. module three.Line.prototype
    1. boolean three.Line.prototype.isLine
    2. function three.Line.prototype.clone ()
    3. function three.Line.prototype.constructor ( geometry, material, mode )
    4. function three.Line.prototype.raycast ( raycaster, intersects )
  207. module three.Line3
    1. function three.Line3 ( start, end )
  208. module three.Line3.prototype
    1. function three.Line3.prototype.applyMatrix4 ( matrix )
    2. function three.Line3.prototype.at ( t, optionalTarget )
    3. function three.Line3.prototype.center ( optionalTarget )
    4. function three.Line3.prototype.clone ()
    5. function three.Line3.prototype.closestPointToPoint ( point, clampToLine, optionalTarget )
    6. function three.Line3.prototype.closestPointToPointParameter ( point, clampToLine )
    7. function three.Line3.prototype.copy ( line )
    8. function three.Line3.prototype.delta ( optionalTarget )
    9. function three.Line3.prototype.distance ()
    10. function three.Line3.prototype.distanceSq ()
    11. function three.Line3.prototype.equals ( line )
    12. function three.Line3.prototype.getCenter ( optionalTarget )
    13. function three.Line3.prototype.set ( start, end )
  209. module three.LineBasicMaterial
    1. function three.LineBasicMaterial ( parameters )
  210. module three.LineBasicMaterial.prototype
    1. boolean three.LineBasicMaterial.prototype.isLineBasicMaterial
    2. function three.LineBasicMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )
    3. function three.LineBasicMaterial.prototype.copy ( source )
  211. module three.LineCurve
    1. function three.LineCurve ( v1, v2 )
  212. module three.LineCurve.prototype
    1. boolean three.LineCurve.prototype.isLineCurve
    2. function three.LineCurve.prototype.constructor ( v1, v2 )
    3. function three.LineCurve.prototype.getPoint ( t )
    4. function three.LineCurve.prototype.getPointAt ( u )
    5. function three.LineCurve.prototype.getTangent ( t )
  213. module three.LineCurve3
    1. function three.LineCurve3 ( v1, v2 )
  214. module three.LineCurve3.prototype
    1. function three.LineCurve3.prototype.constructor ( v1, v2 )
    2. function three.LineCurve3.prototype.getPoint ( t )
  215. module three.LineDashedMaterial
    1. function three.LineDashedMaterial ( parameters )
  216. module three.LineDashedMaterial.prototype
    1. boolean three.LineDashedMaterial.prototype.isLineDashedMaterial
    2. function three.LineDashedMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )
    3. function three.LineDashedMaterial.prototype.copy ( source )
  217. module three.LineLoop
    1. function three.LineLoop ( geometry, material )
  218. module three.LineLoop.prototype
    1. boolean three.LineLoop.prototype.isLineLoop
    2. function three.LineLoop.prototype.constructor ( geometry, material )
  219. module three.LineSegments
    1. function three.LineSegments ( geometry, material )
  220. module three.LineSegments.prototype
    1. boolean three.LineSegments.prototype.isLineSegments
    2. function three.LineSegments.prototype.constructor ( geometry, material )
  221. module three.LinearInterpolant
    1. function three.LinearInterpolant ( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer )
  222. module three.LinearInterpolant.prototype
    1. function three.LinearInterpolant.prototype.constructor ( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer )
    2. function three.LinearInterpolant.prototype.interpolate_ ( i1, t0, t, t1 )
  223. module three.Loader
    1. function three.Loader ()
    2. object three.Loader.Handlers
  224. module three.Loader.Handlers
    1. function three.Loader.Handlers.add ( regex, loader )
    2. function three.Loader.Handlers.get ( file )
    3. object three.Loader.Handlers.handlers
  225. module three.Loader.prototype
    1. function three.Loader.prototype.createMaterial ( m, texturePath, crossOrigin )
    2. function three.Loader.prototype.extractUrlBase ( url )
    3. function three.Loader.prototype.initMaterials ( materials, texturePath, crossOrigin )
  226. module three.Material
    1. function three.Material ()
  227. module three.Material.prototype
    1. boolean three.Material.prototype.isMaterial
    2. function three.Material.prototype.addEventListener ( type, listener )
    3. function three.Material.prototype.clone ()
    4. function three.Material.prototype.copy ( source )
    5. function three.Material.prototype.dispatchEvent ( event )
    6. function three.Material.prototype.dispose ()
    7. function three.Material.prototype.hasEventListener ( type, listener )
    8. function three.Material.prototype.removeEventListener ( type, listener )
    9. function three.Material.prototype.setValues ( values )
    10. function three.Material.prototype.toJSON ( meta )
  228. module three.MaterialLoader
    1. function three.MaterialLoader ( manager )
  229. module three.MaterialLoader.prototype
    1. function three.MaterialLoader.prototype.load ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError )
    2. function three.MaterialLoader.prototype.parse ( json )
    3. function three.MaterialLoader.prototype.setTextures ( value )
  230. module three.Math
    1. function three.Math.clamp ( value, min, max )
    2. function three.Math.degToRad ( degrees )
    3. function three.Math.euclideanModulo ( n, m )
    4. function three.Math.generateUUID ()
    5. function three.Math.isPowerOfTwo ( value )
    6. function three.Math.lerp ( x, y, t )
    7. function three.Math.mapLinear ( x, a1, a2, b1, b2 )
    8. function three.Math.nearestPowerOfTwo ( value )
    9. function three.Math.nextPowerOfTwo ( value )
    10. function three.Math.radToDeg ( radians )
    11. function three.Math.randFloat ( low, high )
    12. function three.Math.randFloatSpread ( range )
    13. function three.Math.randInt ( low, high )
    14. function three.Math.random16 ()
    15. function three.Math.smootherstep ( x, min, max )
    16. function three.Math.smoothstep ( x, min, max )
    17. number three.Math.DEG2RAD
    18. number three.Math.RAD2DEG
  231. module three.Matrix3
    1. function three.Matrix3 ()
  232. module three.Matrix3.prototype
    1. boolean three.Matrix3.prototype.isMatrix3
    2. function three.Matrix3.prototype.applyToBuffer ( buffer, offset, length )
    3. function three.Matrix3.prototype.applyToBufferAttribute ( attribute )
    4. function three.Matrix3.prototype.applyToVector3Array ( array, offset, length )
    5. function three.Matrix3.prototype.clone ()
    6. function three.Matrix3.prototype.copy ( m )
    7. function three.Matrix3.prototype.determinant ()
    8. function three.Matrix3.prototype.equals ( matrix )
    9. function three.Matrix3.prototype.flattenToArrayOffset ( array, offset )
    10. function three.Matrix3.prototype.fromArray ( array, offset )
    11. function three.Matrix3.prototype.getInverse ( matrix, throwOnDegenerate )
    12. function three.Matrix3.prototype.getNormalMatrix ( matrix4 )
    13. function three.Matrix3.prototype.identity ()
    14. function three.Matrix3.prototype.multiply ( m )
    15. function three.Matrix3.prototype.multiplyMatrices ( a, b )
    16. function three.Matrix3.prototype.multiplyScalar ( s )
    17. function three.Matrix3.prototype.multiplyVector3 ( vector )
    18. function three.Matrix3.prototype.multiplyVector3Array ( a )
    19. function three.Matrix3.prototype.premultiply ( m )
    20. function three.Matrix3.prototype.set ( n11, n12, n13, n21, n22, n23, n31, n32, n33 )
    21. function three.Matrix3.prototype.setFromMatrix4 ( m )
    22. function three.Matrix3.prototype.toArray ( array, offset )
    23. function three.Matrix3.prototype.transpose ()
    24. function three.Matrix3.prototype.transposeIntoArray ( r )
  233. module three.Matrix4
    1. function three.Matrix4 ()
  234. module three.Matrix4.prototype
    1. boolean three.Matrix4.prototype.isMatrix4
    2. function three.Matrix4.prototype.applyToBuffer ( buffer, offset, length )
    3. function three.Matrix4.prototype.applyToBufferAttribute ( attribute )
    4. function three.Matrix4.prototype.applyToVector3Array ( array, offset, length )
    5. function three.Matrix4.prototype.clone ()
    6. function three.Matrix4.prototype.compose ( position, quaternion, scale )
    7. function three.Matrix4.prototype.copy ( m )
    8. function three.Matrix4.prototype.copyPosition ( m )
    9. function three.Matrix4.prototype.crossVector ( vector )
    10. function three.Matrix4.prototype.decompose ( position, quaternion, scale )
    11. function three.Matrix4.prototype.determinant ()
    12. function three.Matrix4.prototype.equals ( matrix )
    13. function three.Matrix4.prototype.extractBasis ( xAxis, yAxis, zAxis )
    14. function three.Matrix4.prototype.extractPosition ( m )
    15. function three.Matrix4.prototype.extractRotation ( m )
    16. function three.Matrix4.prototype.flattenToArrayOffset ( array, offset )
    17. function three.Matrix4.prototype.fromArray ( array, offset )
    18. function three.Matrix4.prototype.getInverse ( m, throwOnDegenerate )
    19. function three.Matrix4.prototype.getMaxScaleOnAxis ()
    20. function three.Matrix4.prototype.getPosition ()
    21. function three.Matrix4.prototype.identity ()
    22. function three.Matrix4.prototype.lookAt ( eye, target, up )
    23. function three.Matrix4.prototype.makeBasis ( xAxis, yAxis, zAxis )
    24. function three.Matrix4.prototype.makeFrustum ( left, right, bottom, top, near, far )
    25. function three.Matrix4.prototype.makeOrthographic ( left, right, top, bottom, near, far )
    26. function three.Matrix4.prototype.makePerspective ( left, right, top, bottom, near, far )
    27. function three.Matrix4.prototype.makeRotationAxis ( axis, angle )
    28. function three.Matrix4.prototype.makeRotationFromEuler ( euler )
    29. function three.Matrix4.prototype.makeRotationFromQuaternion ( q )
    30. function three.Matrix4.prototype.makeRotationX ( theta )
    31. function three.Matrix4.prototype.makeRotationY ( theta )
    32. function three.Matrix4.prototype.makeRotationZ ( theta )
    33. function three.Matrix4.prototype.makeScale ( x, y, z )
    34. function three.Matrix4.prototype.makeShear ( x, y, z )
    35. function three.Matrix4.prototype.makeTranslation ( x, y, z )
    36. function three.Matrix4.prototype.multiply ( m, n )
    37. function three.Matrix4.prototype.multiplyMatrices ( a, b )
    38. function three.Matrix4.prototype.multiplyScalar ( s )
    39. function three.Matrix4.prototype.multiplyToArray ()
    40. function three.Matrix4.prototype.multiplyVector3 ( vector )
    41. function three.Matrix4.prototype.multiplyVector3Array ( a )
    42. function three.Matrix4.prototype.multiplyVector4 ( vector )
    43. function three.Matrix4.prototype.premultiply ( m )
    44. function three.Matrix4.prototype.rotateAxis ( v )
    45. function three.Matrix4.prototype.rotateByAxis ()
    46. function three.Matrix4.prototype.rotateX ()
    47. function three.Matrix4.prototype.rotateY ()
    48. function three.Matrix4.prototype.rotateZ ()
    49. function three.Matrix4.prototype.scale ( v )
    50. function three.Matrix4.prototype.set ( n11, n12, n13, n14, n21, n22, n23, n24, n31, n32, n33, n34, n41, n42, n43, n44 )
    51. function three.Matrix4.prototype.setPosition ( v )
    52. function three.Matrix4.prototype.setRotationFromQuaternion ( q )
    53. function three.Matrix4.prototype.toArray ( array, offset )
    54. function three.Matrix4.prototype.translate ()
    55. function three.Matrix4.prototype.transpose ()
  235. module three.Mesh
    1. function three.Mesh ( geometry, material )
  236. module three.Mesh.prototype
    1. boolean three.Mesh.prototype.isMesh
    2. function three.Mesh.prototype.clone ()
    3. function three.Mesh.prototype.constructor ( geometry, material )
    4. function three.Mesh.prototype.copy ( source )
    5. function three.Mesh.prototype.raycast ( raycaster, intersects )
    6. function three.Mesh.prototype.setDrawMode ( value )
    7. function three.Mesh.prototype.updateMorphTargets ()
  237. module three.MeshBasicMaterial
    1. function three.MeshBasicMaterial ( parameters )
  238. module three.MeshBasicMaterial.prototype
    1. boolean three.MeshBasicMaterial.prototype.isMeshBasicMaterial
    2. function three.MeshBasicMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )
    3. function three.MeshBasicMaterial.prototype.copy ( source )
  239. module three.MeshDepthMaterial
    1. function three.MeshDepthMaterial ( parameters )
  240. module three.MeshDepthMaterial.prototype
    1. boolean three.MeshDepthMaterial.prototype.isMeshDepthMaterial
    2. function three.MeshDepthMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )
    3. function three.MeshDepthMaterial.prototype.copy ( source )
  241. module three.MeshLambertMaterial
    1. function three.MeshLambertMaterial ( parameters )
  242. module three.MeshLambertMaterial.prototype
    1. boolean three.MeshLambertMaterial.prototype.isMeshLambertMaterial
    2. function three.MeshLambertMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )
    3. function three.MeshLambertMaterial.prototype.copy ( source )
  243. module three.MeshNormalMaterial
    1. function three.MeshNormalMaterial ( parameters )
  244. module three.MeshNormalMaterial.prototype
    1. boolean three.MeshNormalMaterial.prototype.isMeshNormalMaterial
    2. function three.MeshNormalMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )
    3. function three.MeshNormalMaterial.prototype.copy ( source )
  245. module three.MeshPhongMaterial
    1. function three.MeshPhongMaterial ( parameters )
  246. module three.MeshPhongMaterial.prototype
    1. boolean three.MeshPhongMaterial.prototype.isMeshPhongMaterial
    2. function three.MeshPhongMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )
    3. function three.MeshPhongMaterial.prototype.copy ( source )
  247. module three.MeshPhysicalMaterial
    1. function three.MeshPhysicalMaterial ( parameters )
  248. module three.MeshPhysicalMaterial.prototype
    1. boolean three.MeshPhysicalMaterial.prototype.isMeshPhysicalMaterial
    2. function three.MeshPhysicalMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )
    3. function three.MeshPhysicalMaterial.prototype.copy ( source )
  249. module three.MeshStandardMaterial
    1. function three.MeshStandardMaterial ( parameters )
  250. module three.MeshStandardMaterial.prototype
    1. boolean three.MeshStandardMaterial.prototype.isMeshStandardMaterial
    2. function three.MeshStandardMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )
    3. function three.MeshStandardMaterial.prototype.copy ( source )
  251. module three.MeshToonMaterial
    1. function three.MeshToonMaterial ( parameters )
  252. module three.MeshToonMaterial.prototype
    1. boolean three.MeshToonMaterial.prototype.isMeshToonMaterial
    2. function three.MeshToonMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )
    3. function three.MeshToonMaterial.prototype.copy ( source )
  253. module three.MorphBlendMesh
    1. function three.MorphBlendMesh ( geometry, material )
  254. module three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype
    1. function three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype.autoCreateAnimations ( fps )
    2. function three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype.constructor ( geometry, material )
    3. function three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype.createAnimation ( name, start, end, fps )
    4. function three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype.getAnimationDuration ( name )
    5. function three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype.getAnimationTime ( name )
    6. function three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype.playAnimation ( name )
    7. function three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype.setAnimationDirectionBackward ( name )
    8. function three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype.setAnimationDirectionForward ( name )
    9. function three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype.setAnimationDuration ( name, duration )
    10. function three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype.setAnimationFPS ( name, fps )
    11. function three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype.setAnimationTime ( name, time )
    12. function three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype.setAnimationWeight ( name, weight )
    13. function three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype.stopAnimation ( name )
    14. function three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype.update ( delta )
  255. module three.NumberKeyframeTrack
    1. function three.NumberKeyframeTrack ( name, times, values, interpolation )
  256. module three.NumberKeyframeTrack.prototype
    1. function three.NumberKeyframeTrack.prototype.constructor ( name, times, values, interpolation )
    2. string three.NumberKeyframeTrack.prototype.ValueTypeName
  257. module three.Object3D
    1. boolean three.Object3D.DefaultMatrixAutoUpdate
    2. function three.Object3D ()
    3. object three.Object3D.DefaultUp
  258. module three.Object3D.prototype
    1. boolean three.Object3D.prototype.isObject3D
    2. function three.Object3D.prototype.add ( object )
    3. function three.Object3D.prototype.addEventListener ( type, listener )
    4. function three.Object3D.prototype.applyMatrix ( matrix )
    5. function three.Object3D.prototype.clone ( recursive )
    6. function three.Object3D.prototype.copy ( source, recursive )
    7. function three.Object3D.prototype.dispatchEvent ( event )
    8. function three.Object3D.prototype.getChildByName ( name )
    9. function three.Object3D.prototype.getObjectById ( id )
    10. function three.Object3D.prototype.getObjectByName ( name )
    11. function three.Object3D.prototype.getObjectByProperty ( name, value )
    12. function three.Object3D.prototype.getWorldDirection ( optionalTarget )
    13. function three.Object3D.prototype.getWorldPosition ( optionalTarget )
    14. function three.Object3D.prototype.getWorldQuaternion ( optionalTarget )
    15. function three.Object3D.prototype.getWorldRotation ( optionalTarget )
    16. function three.Object3D.prototype.getWorldScale ( optionalTarget )
    17. function three.Object3D.prototype.hasEventListener ( type, listener )
    18. function three.Object3D.prototype.localToWorld ( vector )
    19. function three.Object3D.prototype.lookAt ( vector )
    20. function three.Object3D.prototype.raycast ()
    21. function three.Object3D.prototype.remove ( object )
    22. function three.Object3D.prototype.removeEventListener ( type, listener )
    23. function three.Object3D.prototype.renderDepth ()
    24. function three.Object3D.prototype.rotateOnAxis ( axis, angle )
    25. function three.Object3D.prototype.rotateX ( angle )
    26. function three.Object3D.prototype.rotateY ( angle )
    27. function three.Object3D.prototype.rotateZ ( angle )
    28. function three.Object3D.prototype.setRotationFromAxisAngle ( axis, angle )
    29. function three.Object3D.prototype.setRotationFromEuler ( euler )
    30. function three.Object3D.prototype.setRotationFromMatrix ( m )
    31. function three.Object3D.prototype.setRotationFromQuaternion ( q )
    32. function three.Object3D.prototype.toJSON ( meta )
    33. function three.Object3D.prototype.translate ( distance, axis )
    34. function three.Object3D.prototype.translateOnAxis ( axis, distance )
    35. function three.Object3D.prototype.translateX ( distance )
    36. function three.Object3D.prototype.translateY ( distance )
    37. function three.Object3D.prototype.translateZ ( distance )
    38. function three.Object3D.prototype.traverse ( callback )
    39. function three.Object3D.prototype.traverseAncestors ( callback )
    40. function three.Object3D.prototype.traverseVisible ( callback )
    41. function three.Object3D.prototype.updateMatrix ()
    42. function three.Object3D.prototype.updateMatrixWorld ( force )
    43. function three.Object3D.prototype.worldToLocal ( vector )
  259. module three.ObjectLoader
    1. function three.ObjectLoader ( manager )
  260. module three.ObjectLoader.prototype
    1. function three.ObjectLoader.prototype.load ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError )
    2. function three.ObjectLoader.prototype.parse ( json, onLoad )
    3. function three.ObjectLoader.prototype.parseAnimations ( json )
    4. function three.ObjectLoader.prototype.parseGeometries ( json )
    5. function three.ObjectLoader.prototype.parseImages ( json, onLoad )
    6. function three.ObjectLoader.prototype.parseMaterials ( json, textures )
    7. function three.ObjectLoader.prototype.parseObject ( data, geometries, materials )
    8. function three.ObjectLoader.prototype.parseTextures ( json, images )
    9. function three.ObjectLoader.prototype.setCrossOrigin ( value )
    10. function three.ObjectLoader.prototype.setTexturePath ( value )
  261. module three.OctahedronBufferGeometry
    1. function three.OctahedronBufferGeometry ( radius, detail )
  262. module three.OctahedronBufferGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.OctahedronBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, detail )
  263. module three.OctahedronGeometry
    1. function three.OctahedronGeometry ( radius, detail )
  264. module three.OctahedronGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.OctahedronGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, detail )
  265. module three.OrthographicCamera
    1. function three.OrthographicCamera ( left, right, top, bottom, near, far )
  266. module three.OrthographicCamera.prototype
    1. boolean three.OrthographicCamera.prototype.isOrthographicCamera
    2. function three.OrthographicCamera.prototype.clearViewOffset ()
    3. function three.OrthographicCamera.prototype.constructor ( left, right, top, bottom, near, far )
    4. function three.OrthographicCamera.prototype.copy ( source )
    5. function three.OrthographicCamera.prototype.setViewOffset ( fullWidth, fullHeight, x, y, width, height )
    6. function three.OrthographicCamera.prototype.toJSON ( meta )
    7. function three.OrthographicCamera.prototype.updateProjectionMatrix ()
  267. module three.ParametricBufferGeometry
    1. function three.ParametricBufferGeometry ( func, slices, stacks )
  268. module three.ParametricBufferGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.ParametricBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( func, slices, stacks )
  269. module three.ParametricGeometry
    1. function three.ParametricGeometry ( func, slices, stacks )
  270. module three.ParametricGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.ParametricGeometry.prototype.constructor ( func, slices, stacks )
  271. module three.Path
    1. function three.Path ( points )
  272. module three.Path.prototype
    1. function three.Path.prototype.absarc ( aX, aY, aRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise )
    2. function three.Path.prototype.absellipse ( aX, aY, xRadius, yRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise, aRotation )
    3. function three.Path.prototype.arc ( aX, aY, aRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise )
    4. function three.Path.prototype.bezierCurveTo ( aCP1x, aCP1y, aCP2x, aCP2y, aX, aY )
    5. function three.Path.prototype.constructor ( points )
    6. function three.Path.prototype.ellipse ( aX, aY, xRadius, yRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise, aRotation )
    7. function three.Path.prototype.fromPoints ( vectors )
    8. function three.Path.prototype.lineTo ( x, y )
    9. function three.Path.prototype.moveTo ( x, y )
    10. function three.Path.prototype.quadraticCurveTo ( aCPx, aCPy, aX, aY )
    11. function three.Path.prototype.splineThru ( pts)
  273. module three.PerspectiveCamera
    1. function three.PerspectiveCamera ( fov, aspect, near, far )
  274. module three.PerspectiveCamera.prototype
    1. boolean three.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.isPerspectiveCamera
    2. function three.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.clearViewOffset ()
    3. function three.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.constructor ( fov, aspect, near, far )
    4. function three.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.copy ( source )
    5. function three.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.getEffectiveFOV ()
    6. function three.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.getFilmHeight ()
    7. function three.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.getFilmWidth ()
    8. function three.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.getFocalLength ()
    9. function three.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.setFocalLength ( focalLength )
    10. function three.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.setLens ( focalLength, filmGauge )
    11. function three.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.setViewOffset ( fullWidth, fullHeight, x, y, width, height )
    12. function three.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.toJSON ( meta )
    13. function three.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.updateProjectionMatrix ()
  275. module three.Plane
    1. function three.Plane ( normal, constant )
  276. module three.Plane.prototype
    1. function three.Plane.prototype.applyMatrix4 ( matrix, optionalNormalMatrix )
    2. function three.Plane.prototype.clone ()
    3. function three.Plane.prototype.coplanarPoint ( optionalTarget )
    4. function three.Plane.prototype.copy ( plane )
    5. function three.Plane.prototype.distanceToPoint ( point )
    6. function three.Plane.prototype.distanceToSphere ( sphere )
    7. function three.Plane.prototype.equals ( plane )
    8. function three.Plane.prototype.intersectLine ( line, optionalTarget )
    9. function three.Plane.prototype.intersectsBox ( box )
    10. function three.Plane.prototype.intersectsLine ( line )
    11. function three.Plane.prototype.intersectsSphere ( sphere )
    12. function three.Plane.prototype.isIntersectionLine ( line )
    13. function three.Plane.prototype.negate ()
    14. function three.Plane.prototype.normalize ()
    15. function three.Plane.prototype.orthoPoint ( point, optionalTarget )
    16. function three.Plane.prototype.projectPoint ( point, optionalTarget )
    17. function three.Plane.prototype.set ( normal, constant )
    18. function three.Plane.prototype.setComponents ( x, y, z, w )
    19. function three.Plane.prototype.setFromCoplanarPoints ( a, b, c )
    20. function three.Plane.prototype.setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint ( normal, point )
    21. function three.Plane.prototype.translate ( offset )
  277. module three.PlaneBufferGeometry
    1. function three.PlaneBufferGeometry ( width, height, widthSegments, heightSegments )
  278. module three.PlaneBufferGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.PlaneBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( width, height, widthSegments, heightSegments )
  279. module three.PlaneGeometry
    1. function three.PlaneGeometry ( width, height, widthSegments, heightSegments )
  280. module three.PlaneGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.PlaneGeometry.prototype.constructor ( width, height, widthSegments, heightSegments )
  281. module three.PointLight
    1. function three.PointLight ( color, intensity, distance, decay )
  282. module three.PointLight.prototype
    1. boolean three.PointLight.prototype.isPointLight
    2. function three.PointLight.prototype.constructor ( color, intensity, distance, decay )
    3. function three.PointLight.prototype.copy ( source )
  283. module three.PointLightHelper
    1. function three.PointLightHelper ( light, sphereSize )
  284. module three.PointLightHelper.prototype
    1. function three.PointLightHelper.prototype.constructor ( light, sphereSize )
    2. function three.PointLightHelper.prototype.dispose ()
    3. function three.PointLightHelper.prototype.update ()
  285. module three.Points
    1. function three.Points ( geometry, material )
  286. module three.Points.prototype
    1. boolean three.Points.prototype.isPoints
    2. function three.Points.prototype.clone ()
    3. function three.Points.prototype.constructor ( geometry, material )
    4. function three.Points.prototype.raycast ( raycaster, intersects )
  287. module three.PointsMaterial
    1. function three.PointsMaterial ( parameters )
  288. module three.PointsMaterial.prototype
    1. boolean three.PointsMaterial.prototype.isPointsMaterial
    2. function three.PointsMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )
    3. function three.PointsMaterial.prototype.copy ( source )
  289. module three.PolarGridHelper
    1. function three.PolarGridHelper ( radius, radials, circles, divisions, color1, color2 )
  290. module three.PolarGridHelper.prototype
    1. function three.PolarGridHelper.prototype.constructor ( radius, radials, circles, divisions, color1, color2 )
  291. module three.PolyhedronBufferGeometry
    1. function three.PolyhedronBufferGeometry ( vertices, indices, radius, detail )
  292. module three.PolyhedronBufferGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.PolyhedronBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( vertices, indices, radius, detail )
  293. module three.PolyhedronGeometry
    1. function three.PolyhedronGeometry ( vertices, indices, radius, detail )
  294. module three.PolyhedronGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.PolyhedronGeometry.prototype.constructor ( vertices, indices, radius, detail )
  295. module three.PositionalAudio
    1. function three.PositionalAudio ( listener )
  296. module three.PositionalAudio.prototype
    1. function three.PositionalAudio.prototype.constructor ( listener )
    2. function three.PositionalAudio.prototype.getDistanceModel ()
    3. function three.PositionalAudio.prototype.getMaxDistance ()
    4. function three.PositionalAudio.prototype.getOutput ()
    5. function three.PositionalAudio.prototype.getRefDistance ()
    6. function three.PositionalAudio.prototype.getRolloffFactor ()
    7. function three.PositionalAudio.prototype.setDistanceModel ( value )
    8. function three.PositionalAudio.prototype.setMaxDistance ( value )
    9. function three.PositionalAudio.prototype.setRefDistance ( value )
    10. function three.PositionalAudio.prototype.setRolloffFactor ( value )
    11. function three.PositionalAudio.prototype.updateMatrixWorld ( force )
  297. module three.PropertyBinding
    1. function three.PropertyBinding ( rootNode, path, parsedPath )
    2. function three.PropertyBinding.Composite ( targetGroup, path, optionalParsedPath )
    3. function three.PropertyBinding.create ( root, path, parsedPath )
    4. function three.PropertyBinding.findNode ( root, nodeName )
    5. function three.PropertyBinding.parseTrackName ( trackName )
  298. module three.PropertyBinding.Composite
    1. function three.PropertyBinding.Composite ( targetGroup, path, optionalParsedPath )
  299. module three.PropertyBinding.Composite.prototype
    1. function three.PropertyBinding.Composite.prototype.bind ()
    2. function three.PropertyBinding.Composite.prototype.getValue ( array, offset )
    3. function three.PropertyBinding.Composite.prototype.setValue ( array, offset )
    4. function three.PropertyBinding.Composite.prototype.unbind ()
  300. module three.PropertyBinding.prototype
    1. function three.PropertyBinding.prototype._getValue_unavailable ()
    2. function three.PropertyBinding.prototype._getValue_unbound ( targetArray, offset )
    3. function three.PropertyBinding.prototype._setValue_unavailable ()
    4. function three.PropertyBinding.prototype._setValue_unbound ( sourceArray, offset )
    5. function three.PropertyBinding.prototype.bind ()
    6. function three.PropertyBinding.prototype.getValue ( targetArray, offset )
    7. function three.PropertyBinding.prototype.setValue ( sourceArray, offset )
    8. function three.PropertyBinding.prototype.unbind ()
    9. object three.PropertyBinding.prototype.BindingType
    10. object three.PropertyBinding.prototype.GetterByBindingType
    11. object three.PropertyBinding.prototype.SetterByBindingTypeAndVersioning
    12. object three.PropertyBinding.prototype.Versioning
  301. module three.PropertyBinding.prototype.GetterByBindingType
    1. function three.PropertyBinding.prototype.GetterByBindingType.0 ( buffer, offset )
    2. function three.PropertyBinding.prototype.GetterByBindingType.1 ( buffer, offset )
    3. function three.PropertyBinding.prototype.GetterByBindingType.2 ( buffer, offset )
    4. function three.PropertyBinding.prototype.GetterByBindingType.3 ( buffer, offset )
  302. module three.PropertyMixer
    1. function three.PropertyMixer ( binding, typeName, valueSize )
  303. module three.PropertyMixer.prototype
    1. function three.PropertyMixer.prototype._lerp ( buffer, dstOffset, srcOffset, t, stride )
    2. function three.PropertyMixer.prototype._select ( buffer, dstOffset, srcOffset, t, stride )
    3. function three.PropertyMixer.prototype._slerp ( buffer, dstOffset, srcOffset, t )
    4. function three.PropertyMixer.prototype.accumulate ( accuIndex, weight )
    5. function three.PropertyMixer.prototype.apply ( accuIndex )
    6. function three.PropertyMixer.prototype.restoreOriginalState ()
    7. function three.PropertyMixer.prototype.saveOriginalState ()
  304. module three.QuadraticBezierCurve
    1. function three.QuadraticBezierCurve ( v0, v1, v2 )
  305. module three.QuadraticBezierCurve.prototype
    1. function three.QuadraticBezierCurve.prototype.constructor ( v0, v1, v2 )
    2. function three.QuadraticBezierCurve.prototype.getPoint ( t )
  306. module three.QuadraticBezierCurve3
    1. function three.QuadraticBezierCurve3 ( v0, v1, v2 )
  307. module three.QuadraticBezierCurve3.prototype
    1. function three.QuadraticBezierCurve3.prototype.constructor ( v0, v1, v2 )
    2. function three.QuadraticBezierCurve3.prototype.getPoint ( t )
  308. module three.Quaternion
    1. function three.Quaternion ( x, y, z, w )
    2. function three.Quaternion.slerp ( qa, qb, qm, t )
    3. function three.Quaternion.slerpFlat ( dst, dstOffset, src0, srcOffset0, src1, srcOffset1, t )
  309. module three.Quaternion.prototype
    1. function three.Quaternion.prototype.clone ()
    2. function three.Quaternion.prototype.conjugate ()
    3. function three.Quaternion.prototype.copy ( quaternion )
    4. function three.Quaternion.prototype.dot ( v )
    5. function three.Quaternion.prototype.equals ( quaternion )
    6. function three.Quaternion.prototype.fromArray ( array, offset )
    7. function three.Quaternion.prototype.inverse ()
    8. function three.Quaternion.prototype.length ()
    9. function three.Quaternion.prototype.lengthSq ()
    10. function three.Quaternion.prototype.multiply ( q, p )
    11. function three.Quaternion.prototype.multiplyQuaternions ( a, b )
    12. function three.Quaternion.prototype.multiplyVector3 ( vector )
    13. function three.Quaternion.prototype.normalize ()
    14. function three.Quaternion.prototype.onChange ( callback )
    15. function three.Quaternion.prototype.onChangeCallback ()
    16. function three.Quaternion.prototype.premultiply ( q )
    17. function three.Quaternion.prototype.set ( x, y, z, w )
    18. function three.Quaternion.prototype.setFromAxisAngle ( axis, angle )
    19. function three.Quaternion.prototype.setFromEuler ( euler, update )
    20. function three.Quaternion.prototype.setFromRotationMatrix ( m )
    21. function three.Quaternion.prototype.setFromUnitVectors ( vFrom, vTo )
    22. function three.Quaternion.prototype.slerp ( qb, t )
    23. function three.Quaternion.prototype.toArray ( array, offset )
  310. module three.QuaternionKeyframeTrack
    1. function three.QuaternionKeyframeTrack ( name, times, values, interpolation )
  311. module three.QuaternionKeyframeTrack.prototype
    1. function three.QuaternionKeyframeTrack.prototype.InterpolantFactoryMethodLinear ( result )
    2. function three.QuaternionKeyframeTrack.prototype.constructor ( name, times, values, interpolation )
    3. number three.QuaternionKeyframeTrack.prototype.DefaultInterpolation
    4. string three.QuaternionKeyframeTrack.prototype.ValueTypeName
  312. module three.QuaternionLinearInterpolant
    1. function three.QuaternionLinearInterpolant ( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer )
  313. module three.QuaternionLinearInterpolant.prototype
    1. function three.QuaternionLinearInterpolant.prototype.constructor ( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer )
    2. function three.QuaternionLinearInterpolant.prototype.interpolate_ ( i1, t0, t, t1 )
  314. module three.RawShaderMaterial
    1. function three.RawShaderMaterial ( parameters )
  315. module three.RawShaderMaterial.prototype
    1. boolean three.RawShaderMaterial.prototype.isRawShaderMaterial
    2. function three.RawShaderMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )
  316. module three.Ray
    1. function three.Ray ( origin, direction )
  317. module three.Ray.prototype
    1. function three.Ray.prototype.applyMatrix4 ( matrix4 )
    2. function three.Ray.prototype.at ( t, optionalTarget )
    3. function three.Ray.prototype.clone ()
    4. function three.Ray.prototype.closestPointToPoint ( point, optionalTarget )
    5. function three.Ray.prototype.copy ( ray )
    6. function three.Ray.prototype.distanceSqToPoint ( point )
    7. function three.Ray.prototype.distanceSqToSegment ( v0, v1, optionalPointOnRay, optionalPointOnSegment )
    8. function three.Ray.prototype.distanceToPlane ( plane )
    9. function three.Ray.prototype.distanceToPoint ( point )
    10. function three.Ray.prototype.equals ( ray )
    11. function three.Ray.prototype.intersectBox ( box, optionalTarget )
    12. function three.Ray.prototype.intersectPlane ( plane, optionalTarget )
    13. function three.Ray.prototype.intersectSphere ( sphere, optionalTarget )
    14. function three.Ray.prototype.intersectTriangle ( a, b, c, backfaceCulling, optionalTarget )
    15. function three.Ray.prototype.intersectsBox ( box )
    16. function three.Ray.prototype.intersectsPlane ( plane )
    17. function three.Ray.prototype.intersectsSphere ( sphere )
    18. function three.Ray.prototype.isIntersectionBox ( box )
    19. function three.Ray.prototype.isIntersectionPlane ( plane )
    20. function three.Ray.prototype.isIntersectionSphere ( sphere )
    21. function three.Ray.prototype.lookAt ( v )
    22. function three.Ray.prototype.recast ( t )
    23. function three.Ray.prototype.set ( origin, direction )
  318. module three.Raycaster
    1. function three.Raycaster ( origin, direction, near, far )
  319. module three.Raycaster.prototype
    1. function three.Raycaster.prototype.intersectObject ( object, recursive )
    2. function three.Raycaster.prototype.intersectObjects ( objects, recursive )
    3. function three.Raycaster.prototype.set ( origin, direction )
    4. function three.Raycaster.prototype.setFromCamera ( coords, camera )
    5. number three.Raycaster.prototype.linePrecision
  320. module three.RectAreaLight
    1. function three.RectAreaLight ( color, intensity, width, height )
  321. module three.RectAreaLight.prototype
    1. boolean three.RectAreaLight.prototype.isRectAreaLight
    2. function three.RectAreaLight.prototype.constructor ( color, intensity, width, height )
    3. function three.RectAreaLight.prototype.copy ( source )
    4. function three.RectAreaLight.prototype.toJSON ( meta )
  322. module three.RectAreaLightHelper
    1. function three.RectAreaLightHelper ( light )
  323. module three.RectAreaLightHelper.prototype
    1. function three.RectAreaLightHelper.prototype.constructor ( light )
    2. function three.RectAreaLightHelper.prototype.dispose ()
    3. function three.RectAreaLightHelper.prototype.update ()
  324. module three.RingBufferGeometry
    1. function three.RingBufferGeometry ( innerRadius, outerRadius, thetaSegments, phiSegments, thetaStart, thetaLength )
  325. module three.RingBufferGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.RingBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( innerRadius, outerRadius, thetaSegments, phiSegments, thetaStart, thetaLength )
  326. module three.RingGeometry
    1. function three.RingGeometry ( innerRadius, outerRadius, thetaSegments, phiSegments, thetaStart, thetaLength )
  327. module three.RingGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.RingGeometry.prototype.constructor ( innerRadius, outerRadius, thetaSegments, phiSegments, thetaStart, thetaLength )
  328. module three.Scene
    1. function three.Scene ()
  329. module three.Scene.prototype
    1. function three.Scene.prototype.constructor ()
    2. function three.Scene.prototype.copy ( source, recursive )
    3. function three.Scene.prototype.toJSON ( meta )
  330. module three.SceneUtils
    1. function three.SceneUtils.attach ( child, scene, parent )
    2. function three.SceneUtils.createMultiMaterialObject ( geometry, materials )
    3. function three.SceneUtils.detach ( child, parent, scene )
  331. module three.ShaderMaterial
    1. function three.ShaderMaterial ( parameters )
  332. module three.ShaderMaterial.prototype
    1. boolean three.ShaderMaterial.prototype.isShaderMaterial
    2. function three.ShaderMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )
    3. function three.ShaderMaterial.prototype.copy ( source )
    4. function three.ShaderMaterial.prototype.toJSON ( meta )
  333. module three.ShadowMaterial
    1. function three.ShadowMaterial ( parameters )
  334. module three.ShadowMaterial.prototype
    1. boolean three.ShadowMaterial.prototype.isShadowMaterial
    2. function three.ShadowMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )
  335. module three.Shape
    1. function three.Shape ()
  336. module three.Shape.prototype
    1. function three.Shape.prototype.constructor ()
    2. function three.Shape.prototype.extractAllPoints ( divisions )
    3. function three.Shape.prototype.extractPoints ( divisions )
    4. function three.Shape.prototype.extrude ( options )
    5. function three.Shape.prototype.getPointsHoles ( divisions )
    6. function three.Shape.prototype.makeGeometry ( options )
  337. module three.ShapeBufferGeometry
    1. function three.ShapeBufferGeometry ( shapes, curveSegments )
  338. module three.ShapeBufferGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.ShapeBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( shapes, curveSegments )
  339. module three.ShapeGeometry
    1. function three.ShapeGeometry ( shapes, curveSegments )
  340. module three.ShapeGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.ShapeGeometry.prototype.constructor ( shapes, curveSegments )
  341. module three.ShapePath
    1. function three.ShapePath ()
  342. module three.ShapePath.prototype
    1. function three.ShapePath.prototype.bezierCurveTo ( aCP1x, aCP1y, aCP2x, aCP2y, aX, aY )
    2. function three.ShapePath.prototype.lineTo ( x, y )
    3. function three.ShapePath.prototype.moveTo ( x, y )
    4. function three.ShapePath.prototype.quadraticCurveTo ( aCPx, aCPy, aX, aY )
    5. function three.ShapePath.prototype.splineThru ( pts )
    6. function three.ShapePath.prototype.toShapes ( isCCW, noHoles )
  343. module three.ShapeUtils
    1. function three.ShapeUtils.area ( contour )
    2. function three.ShapeUtils.isClockWise ( pts )
    3. function three.ShapeUtils.triangulate ( contour, indices )
    4. function three.ShapeUtils.triangulateShape ( contour, holes )
  344. module three.Skeleton
    1. function three.Skeleton ( bones, boneInverses )
  345. module three.Skeleton.prototype
    1. function three.Skeleton.prototype.calculateInverses ()
    2. function three.Skeleton.prototype.clone ()
    3. function three.Skeleton.prototype.pose ()
    4. function three.Skeleton.prototype.update ()
  346. module three.SkeletonHelper
    1. function three.SkeletonHelper ( object )
  347. module three.SkeletonHelper.prototype
    1. function three.SkeletonHelper.prototype.constructor ( object )
    2. function three.SkeletonHelper.prototype.getBoneList ( object )
    3. function three.SkeletonHelper.prototype.update ()
  348. module three.SkinnedMesh
    1. function three.SkinnedMesh ( geometry, material )
  349. module three.SkinnedMesh.prototype
    1. boolean three.SkinnedMesh.prototype.isSkinnedMesh
    2. function three.SkinnedMesh.prototype.bind ( skeleton, bindMatrix )
    3. function three.SkinnedMesh.prototype.clone ()
    4. function three.SkinnedMesh.prototype.constructor ( geometry, material )
    5. function three.SkinnedMesh.prototype.initBones ()
    6. function three.SkinnedMesh.prototype.normalizeSkinWeights ()
    7. function three.SkinnedMesh.prototype.pose ()
    8. function three.SkinnedMesh.prototype.updateMatrixWorld ( force )
  350. module three.Sphere
    1. function three.Sphere ( center, radius )
  351. module three.Sphere.prototype
    1. function three.Sphere.prototype.applyMatrix4 ( matrix )
    2. function three.Sphere.prototype.clampPoint ( point, optionalTarget )
    3. function three.Sphere.prototype.clone ()
    4. function three.Sphere.prototype.containsPoint ( point )
    5. function three.Sphere.prototype.copy ( sphere )
    6. function three.Sphere.prototype.distanceToPoint ( point )
    7. function three.Sphere.prototype.empty ()
    8. function three.Sphere.prototype.equals ( sphere )
    9. function three.Sphere.prototype.getBoundingBox ( optionalTarget )
    10. function three.Sphere.prototype.intersectsBox ( box )
    11. function three.Sphere.prototype.intersectsPlane ( plane )
    12. function three.Sphere.prototype.intersectsSphere ( sphere )
    13. function three.Sphere.prototype.set ( center, radius )
    14. function three.Sphere.prototype.setFromPoints ( points, optionalCenter )
    15. function three.Sphere.prototype.translate ( offset )
  352. module three.SphereBufferGeometry
    1. function three.SphereBufferGeometry ( radius, widthSegments, heightSegments, phiStart, phiLength, thetaStart, thetaLength )
  353. module three.SphereBufferGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.SphereBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, widthSegments, heightSegments, phiStart, phiLength, thetaStart, thetaLength )
  354. module three.SphereGeometry
    1. function three.SphereGeometry ( radius, widthSegments, heightSegments, phiStart, phiLength, thetaStart, thetaLength )
  355. module three.SphereGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.SphereGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, widthSegments, heightSegments, phiStart, phiLength, thetaStart, thetaLength )
  356. module three.Spherical
    1. function three.Spherical ( radius, phi, theta )
  357. module three.Spherical.prototype
    1. function three.Spherical.prototype.clone ()
    2. function three.Spherical.prototype.copy ( other )
    3. function three.Spherical.prototype.makeSafe ()
    4. function three.Spherical.prototype.set ( radius, phi, theta )
    5. function three.Spherical.prototype.setFromVector3 ( vec3 )
  358. module three.Spline
    1. function three.Spline ( points )
  359. module three.Spline.prototype
    1. function three.Spline.prototype.getControlPointsArray ( optionalTarget )
    2. function three.Spline.prototype.initFromArray ( a )
    3. function three.Spline.prototype.reparametrizeByArcLength ( samplingCoef )
  360. module three.SplineCurve
    1. function three.SplineCurve ( points)
  361. module three.SplineCurve.prototype
    1. boolean three.SplineCurve.prototype.isSplineCurve
    2. function three.SplineCurve.prototype.constructor ( points)
    3. function three.SplineCurve.prototype.getPoint ( t )
  362. module three.SpotLight
    1. function three.SpotLight ( color, intensity, distance, angle, penumbra, decay )
  363. module three.SpotLight.prototype
    1. boolean three.SpotLight.prototype.isSpotLight
    2. function three.SpotLight.prototype.constructor ( color, intensity, distance, angle, penumbra, decay )
    3. function three.SpotLight.prototype.copy ( source )
  364. module three.SpotLightHelper
    1. function three.SpotLightHelper ( light )
  365. module three.SpotLightHelper.prototype
    1. function three.SpotLightHelper.prototype.constructor ( light )
    2. function three.SpotLightHelper.prototype.dispose ()
    3. function three.SpotLightHelper.prototype.update ()
  366. module three.SpotLightShadow
    1. function three.SpotLightShadow ()
  367. module three.SpotLightShadow.prototype
    1. boolean three.SpotLightShadow.prototype.isSpotLightShadow
    2. function three.SpotLightShadow.prototype.constructor ()
    3. function three.SpotLightShadow.prototype.update ( light )
  368. module three.Sprite
    1. function three.Sprite ( material )
  369. module three.Sprite.prototype
    1. boolean three.Sprite.prototype.isSprite
    2. function three.Sprite.prototype.clone ()
    3. function three.Sprite.prototype.constructor ( material )
    4. function three.Sprite.prototype.raycast ( raycaster, intersects )
  370. module three.SpriteMaterial
    1. function three.SpriteMaterial ( parameters )
  371. module three.SpriteMaterial.prototype
    1. boolean three.SpriteMaterial.prototype.isSpriteMaterial
    2. function three.SpriteMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )
    3. function three.SpriteMaterial.prototype.copy ( source )
  372. module three.StereoCamera
    1. function three.StereoCamera ()
  373. module three.StereoCamera.prototype
    1. function three.StereoCamera.prototype.update ( camera )
  374. module three.StringKeyframeTrack
    1. function three.StringKeyframeTrack ( name, times, values, interpolation )
  375. module three.StringKeyframeTrack.prototype
    1. function three.StringKeyframeTrack.prototype.ValueBufferType ()
    2. function three.StringKeyframeTrack.prototype.constructor ( name, times, values, interpolation )
    3. number three.StringKeyframeTrack.prototype.DefaultInterpolation
    4. string three.StringKeyframeTrack.prototype.ValueTypeName
  376. module three.TetrahedronBufferGeometry
    1. function three.TetrahedronBufferGeometry ( radius, detail )
  377. module three.TetrahedronBufferGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.TetrahedronBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, detail )
  378. module three.TetrahedronGeometry
    1. function three.TetrahedronGeometry ( radius, detail )
  379. module three.TetrahedronGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.TetrahedronGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, detail )
  380. module three.TextBufferGeometry
    1. function three.TextBufferGeometry ( text, parameters )
  381. module three.TextBufferGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.TextBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( text, parameters )
  382. module three.TextGeometry
    1. function three.TextGeometry ( text, parameters )
  383. module three.TextGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.TextGeometry.prototype.constructor ( text, parameters )
  384. module three.Texture
    1. function three.Texture ( image, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy, encoding )
    2. number three.Texture.DEFAULT_MAPPING
  385. module three.Texture.prototype
    1. boolean three.Texture.prototype.isTexture
    2. function three.Texture.prototype.addEventListener ( type, listener )
    3. function three.Texture.prototype.clone ()
    4. function three.Texture.prototype.copy ( source )
    5. function three.Texture.prototype.dispatchEvent ( event )
    6. function three.Texture.prototype.dispose ()
    7. function three.Texture.prototype.hasEventListener ( type, listener )
    8. function three.Texture.prototype.removeEventListener ( type, listener )
    9. function three.Texture.prototype.toJSON ( meta )
    10. function three.Texture.prototype.transformUv ( uv )
  386. module three.TextureLoader
    1. function three.TextureLoader ( manager )
  387. module three.TextureLoader.prototype
    1. function three.TextureLoader.prototype.load ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError )
    2. function three.TextureLoader.prototype.setCrossOrigin ( value )
    3. function three.TextureLoader.prototype.setPath ( value )
  388. module three.TorusBufferGeometry
    1. function three.TorusBufferGeometry ( radius, tube, radialSegments, tubularSegments, arc )
  389. module three.TorusBufferGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.TorusBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, tube, radialSegments, tubularSegments, arc )
  390. module three.TorusGeometry
    1. function three.TorusGeometry ( radius, tube, radialSegments, tubularSegments, arc )
  391. module three.TorusGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.TorusGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, tube, radialSegments, tubularSegments, arc )
  392. module three.TorusKnotBufferGeometry
    1. function three.TorusKnotBufferGeometry ( radius, tube, tubularSegments, radialSegments, p, q )
  393. module three.TorusKnotBufferGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.TorusKnotBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, tube, tubularSegments, radialSegments, p, q )
  394. module three.TorusKnotGeometry
    1. function three.TorusKnotGeometry ( radius, tube, tubularSegments, radialSegments, p, q, heightScale )
  395. module three.TorusKnotGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.TorusKnotGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, tube, tubularSegments, radialSegments, p, q, heightScale )
  396. module three.Triangle
    1. function three.Triangle ( a, b, c )
    2. function three.Triangle.barycoordFromPoint ( point, a, b, c, optionalTarget )
    3. function three.Triangle.containsPoint ( point, a, b, c )
    4. function three.Triangle.normal ( a, b, c, optionalTarget )
  397. module three.Triangle.prototype
    1. function three.Triangle.prototype.area ()
    2. function three.Triangle.prototype.barycoordFromPoint ( point, optionalTarget )
    3. function three.Triangle.prototype.clone ()
    4. function three.Triangle.prototype.closestPointToPoint ( point, optionalTarget )
    5. function three.Triangle.prototype.containsPoint ( point )
    6. function three.Triangle.prototype.copy ( triangle )
    7. function three.Triangle.prototype.equals ( triangle )
    8. function three.Triangle.prototype.midpoint ( optionalTarget )
    9. function three.Triangle.prototype.normal ( optionalTarget )
    10. function three.Triangle.prototype.plane ( optionalTarget )
    11. function three.Triangle.prototype.set ( a, b, c )
    12. function three.Triangle.prototype.setFromPointsAndIndices ( points, i0, i1, i2 )
  398. module three.TubeBufferGeometry
    1. function three.TubeBufferGeometry ( path, tubularSegments, radius, radialSegments, closed )
  399. module three.TubeBufferGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.TubeBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( path, tubularSegments, radius, radialSegments, closed )
  400. module three.TubeGeometry
    1. function three.TubeGeometry ( path, tubularSegments, radius, radialSegments, closed, taper )
  401. module three.TubeGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.TubeGeometry.prototype.constructor ( path, tubularSegments, radius, radialSegments, closed, taper )
  402. module three.Uint16BufferAttribute
    1. function three.Uint16BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )
  403. module three.Uint16BufferAttribute.prototype
    1. function three.Uint16BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor ( array, itemSize )
  404. module three.Uint32BufferAttribute
    1. function three.Uint32BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )
  405. module three.Uint32BufferAttribute.prototype
    1. function three.Uint32BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor ( array, itemSize )
  406. module three.Uint8BufferAttribute
    1. function three.Uint8BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )
  407. module three.Uint8BufferAttribute.prototype
    1. function three.Uint8BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor ( array, itemSize )
  408. module three.Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute
    1. function three.Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )
  409. module three.Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute.prototype
    1. function three.Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute.prototype.constructor ( array, itemSize )
  410. module three.Uniform
    1. function three.Uniform ( value )
  411. module three.Uniform.prototype
    1. function three.Uniform.prototype.clone ()
  412. module three.UniformsUtils
    1. function three.UniformsUtils.clone ( uniforms_src )
    2. function three.UniformsUtils.merge ( uniforms )
  413. module three.Vector2
    1. function three.Vector2 ( x, y )
  414. module three.Vector2.prototype
    1. boolean three.Vector2.prototype.isVector2
    2. function three.Vector2.prototype.add ( v, w )
    3. function three.Vector2.prototype.addScalar ( s )
    4. function three.Vector2.prototype.addScaledVector ( v, s )
    5. function three.Vector2.prototype.addVectors ( a, b )
    6. function three.Vector2.prototype.angle ()
    7. function three.Vector2.prototype.ceil ()
    8. function three.Vector2.prototype.clamp ( min, max )
    9. function three.Vector2.prototype.clampLength ( min, max )
    10. function three.Vector2.prototype.clampScalar ( minVal, maxVal )
    11. function three.Vector2.prototype.clone ()
    12. function three.Vector2.prototype.copy ( v )
    13. function three.Vector2.prototype.distanceTo ( v )
    14. function three.Vector2.prototype.distanceToManhattan ( v )
    15. function three.Vector2.prototype.distanceToSquared ( v )
    16. function three.Vector2.prototype.divide ( v )
    17. function three.Vector2.prototype.divideScalar ( scalar )
    18. function three.Vector2.prototype.dot ( v )
    19. function three.Vector2.prototype.equals ( v )
    20. function three.Vector2.prototype.floor ()
    21. function three.Vector2.prototype.fromArray ( array, offset )
    22. function three.Vector2.prototype.fromAttribute ( attribute, index, offset )
    23. function three.Vector2.prototype.fromBufferAttribute ( attribute, index, offset )
    24. function three.Vector2.prototype.getComponent ( index )
    25. function three.Vector2.prototype.length ()
    26. function three.Vector2.prototype.lengthManhattan ()
    27. function three.Vector2.prototype.lengthSq ()
    28. function three.Vector2.prototype.lerp ( v, alpha )
    29. function three.Vector2.prototype.lerpVectors ( v1, v2, alpha )
    30. function three.Vector2.prototype.max ( v )
    31. function three.Vector2.prototype.min ( v )
    32. function three.Vector2.prototype.multiply ( v )
    33. function three.Vector2.prototype.multiplyScalar ( scalar )
    34. function three.Vector2.prototype.negate ()
    35. function three.Vector2.prototype.normalize ()
    36. function three.Vector2.prototype.rotateAround ( center, angle )
    37. function three.Vector2.prototype.round ()
    38. function three.Vector2.prototype.roundToZero ()
    39. function three.Vector2.prototype.set ( x, y )
    40. function three.Vector2.prototype.setComponent ( index, value )
    41. function three.Vector2.prototype.setLength ( length )
    42. function three.Vector2.prototype.setScalar ( scalar )
    43. function three.Vector2.prototype.setX ( x )
    44. function three.Vector2.prototype.setY ( y )
    45. function three.Vector2.prototype.sub ( v, w )
    46. function three.Vector2.prototype.subScalar ( s )
    47. function three.Vector2.prototype.subVectors ( a, b )
    48. function three.Vector2.prototype.toArray ( array, offset )
  415. module three.Vector3
    1. function three.Vector3 ( x, y, z )
  416. module three.Vector3.prototype
    1. boolean three.Vector3.prototype.isVector3
    2. function three.Vector3.prototype.add ( v, w )
    3. function three.Vector3.prototype.addScalar ( s )
    4. function three.Vector3.prototype.addScaledVector ( v, s )
    5. function three.Vector3.prototype.addVectors ( a, b )
    6. function three.Vector3.prototype.angleTo ( v )
    7. function three.Vector3.prototype.applyAxisAngle ( axis, angle )
    8. function three.Vector3.prototype.applyEuler ( euler )
    9. function three.Vector3.prototype.applyMatrix3 ( m )
    10. function three.Vector3.prototype.applyMatrix4 ( m )
    11. function three.Vector3.prototype.applyProjection ( m )
    12. function three.Vector3.prototype.applyQuaternion ( q )
    13. function three.Vector3.prototype.ceil ()
    14. function three.Vector3.prototype.clamp ( min, max )
    15. function three.Vector3.prototype.clampLength ( min, max )
    16. function three.Vector3.prototype.clampScalar ( minVal, maxVal )
    17. function three.Vector3.prototype.clone ()
    18. function three.Vector3.prototype.copy ( v )
    19. function three.Vector3.prototype.cross ( v, w )
    20. function three.Vector3.prototype.crossVectors ( a, b )
    21. function three.Vector3.prototype.distanceTo ( v )
    22. function three.Vector3.prototype.distanceToManhattan ( v )
    23. function three.Vector3.prototype.distanceToSquared ( v )
    24. function three.Vector3.prototype.divide ( v )
    25. function three.Vector3.prototype.divideScalar ( scalar )
    26. function three.Vector3.prototype.dot ( v )
    27. function three.Vector3.prototype.equals ( v )
    28. function three.Vector3.prototype.floor ()
    29. function three.Vector3.prototype.fromArray ( array, offset )
    30. function three.Vector3.prototype.fromAttribute ( attribute, index, offset )
    31. function three.Vector3.prototype.fromBufferAttribute ( attribute, index, offset )
    32. function three.Vector3.prototype.getColumnFromMatrix ( index, matrix )
    33. function three.Vector3.prototype.getComponent ( index )
    34. function three.Vector3.prototype.getPositionFromMatrix ( m )
    35. function three.Vector3.prototype.getScaleFromMatrix ( m )
    36. function three.Vector3.prototype.length ()
    37. function three.Vector3.prototype.lengthManhattan ()
    38. function three.Vector3.prototype.lengthSq ()
    39. function three.Vector3.prototype.lerp ( v, alpha )
    40. function three.Vector3.prototype.lerpVectors ( v1, v2, alpha )
    41. function three.Vector3.prototype.max ( v )
    42. function three.Vector3.prototype.min ( v )
    43. function three.Vector3.prototype.multiply ( v, w )
    44. function three.Vector3.prototype.multiplyScalar ( scalar )
    45. function three.Vector3.prototype.multiplyVectors ( a, b )
    46. function three.Vector3.prototype.negate ()
    47. function three.Vector3.prototype.normalize ()
    48. function three.Vector3.prototype.project ( camera )
    49. function three.Vector3.prototype.projectOnPlane ( planeNormal )
    50. function three.Vector3.prototype.projectOnVector ( vector )
    51. function three.Vector3.prototype.reflect ( normal )
    52. function three.Vector3.prototype.round ()
    53. function three.Vector3.prototype.roundToZero ()
    54. function three.Vector3.prototype.set ( x, y, z )
    55. function three.Vector3.prototype.setComponent ( index, value )
    56. function three.Vector3.prototype.setEulerFromQuaternion ()
    57. function three.Vector3.prototype.setEulerFromRotationMatrix ()
    58. function three.Vector3.prototype.setFromCylindrical ( c )
    59. function three.Vector3.prototype.setFromMatrixColumn ( m, index )
    60. function three.Vector3.prototype.setFromMatrixPosition ( m )
    61. function three.Vector3.prototype.setFromMatrixScale ( m )
    62. function three.Vector3.prototype.setFromSpherical ( s )
    63. function three.Vector3.prototype.setLength ( length )
    64. function three.Vector3.prototype.setScalar ( scalar )
    65. function three.Vector3.prototype.setX ( x )
    66. function three.Vector3.prototype.setY ( y )
    67. function three.Vector3.prototype.setZ ( z )
    68. function three.Vector3.prototype.sub ( v, w )
    69. function three.Vector3.prototype.subScalar ( s )
    70. function three.Vector3.prototype.subVectors ( a, b )
    71. function three.Vector3.prototype.toArray ( array, offset )
    72. function three.Vector3.prototype.transformDirection ( m )
    73. function three.Vector3.prototype.unproject ( camera )
  417. module three.Vector4
    1. function three.Vector4 ( x, y, z, w )
  418. module three.Vector4.prototype
    1. boolean three.Vector4.prototype.isVector4
    2. function three.Vector4.prototype.add ( v, w )
    3. function three.Vector4.prototype.addScalar ( s )
    4. function three.Vector4.prototype.addScaledVector ( v, s )
    5. function three.Vector4.prototype.addVectors ( a, b )
    6. function three.Vector4.prototype.applyMatrix4 ( m )
    7. function three.Vector4.prototype.ceil ()
    8. function three.Vector4.prototype.clamp ( min, max )
    9. function three.Vector4.prototype.clampScalar ( minVal, maxVal )
    10. function three.Vector4.prototype.clone ()
    11. function three.Vector4.prototype.copy ( v )
    12. function three.Vector4.prototype.divideScalar ( scalar )
    13. function three.Vector4.prototype.dot ( v )
    14. function three.Vector4.prototype.equals ( v )
    15. function three.Vector4.prototype.floor ()
    16. function three.Vector4.prototype.fromArray ( array, offset )
    17. function three.Vector4.prototype.fromAttribute ( attribute, index, offset )
    18. function three.Vector4.prototype.fromBufferAttribute ( attribute, index, offset )
    19. function three.Vector4.prototype.getComponent ( index )
    20. function three.Vector4.prototype.length ()
    21. function three.Vector4.prototype.lengthManhattan ()
    22. function three.Vector4.prototype.lengthSq ()
    23. function three.Vector4.prototype.lerp ( v, alpha )
    24. function three.Vector4.prototype.lerpVectors ( v1, v2, alpha )
    25. function three.Vector4.prototype.max ( v )
    26. function three.Vector4.prototype.min ( v )
    27. function three.Vector4.prototype.multiplyScalar ( scalar )
    28. function three.Vector4.prototype.negate ()
    29. function three.Vector4.prototype.normalize ()
    30. function three.Vector4.prototype.round ()
    31. function three.Vector4.prototype.roundToZero ()
    32. function three.Vector4.prototype.set ( x, y, z, w )
    33. function three.Vector4.prototype.setAxisAngleFromQuaternion ( q )
    34. function three.Vector4.prototype.setAxisAngleFromRotationMatrix ( m )
    35. function three.Vector4.prototype.setComponent ( index, value )
    36. function three.Vector4.prototype.setLength ( length )
    37. function three.Vector4.prototype.setScalar ( scalar )
    38. function three.Vector4.prototype.setW ( w )
    39. function three.Vector4.prototype.setX ( x )
    40. function three.Vector4.prototype.setY ( y )
    41. function three.Vector4.prototype.setZ ( z )
    42. function three.Vector4.prototype.sub ( v, w )
    43. function three.Vector4.prototype.subScalar ( s )
    44. function three.Vector4.prototype.subVectors ( a, b )
    45. function three.Vector4.prototype.toArray ( array, offset )
  419. module three.VectorKeyframeTrack
    1. function three.VectorKeyframeTrack ( name, times, values, interpolation )
  420. module three.VectorKeyframeTrack.prototype
    1. function three.VectorKeyframeTrack.prototype.constructor ( name, times, values, interpolation )
    2. string three.VectorKeyframeTrack.prototype.ValueTypeName
  421. module three.VertexNormalsHelper
    1. function three.VertexNormalsHelper ( object, size, hex, linewidth )
  422. module three.VertexNormalsHelper.prototype
    1. function three.VertexNormalsHelper.prototype.constructor ( object, size, hex, linewidth )
    2. function three.VertexNormalsHelper.prototype.update ()
  423. module three.VideoTexture
    1. function three.VideoTexture ( video, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy )
  424. module three.VideoTexture.prototype
    1. function three.VideoTexture.prototype.constructor ( video, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy )
  425. module three.WebGLRenderTarget
    1. function three.WebGLRenderTarget ( width, height, options )
  426. module three.WebGLRenderTarget.prototype
    1. boolean three.WebGLRenderTarget.prototype.isWebGLRenderTarget
    2. function three.WebGLRenderTarget.prototype.addEventListener ( type, listener )
    3. function three.WebGLRenderTarget.prototype.clone ()
    4. function three.WebGLRenderTarget.prototype.copy ( source )
    5. function three.WebGLRenderTarget.prototype.dispatchEvent ( event )
    6. function three.WebGLRenderTarget.prototype.dispose ()
    7. function three.WebGLRenderTarget.prototype.hasEventListener ( type, listener )
    8. function three.WebGLRenderTarget.prototype.removeEventListener ( type, listener )
    9. function three.WebGLRenderTarget.prototype.setSize ( width, height )
  427. module three.WebGLRenderTargetCube
    1. function three.WebGLRenderTargetCube ( width, height, options )
  428. module three.WebGLRenderTargetCube.prototype
    1. boolean three.WebGLRenderTargetCube.prototype.isWebGLRenderTargetCube
    2. function three.WebGLRenderTargetCube.prototype.constructor ( width, height, options )
  429. module three.WebGLRenderer
    1. function three.WebGLRenderer ( parameters )
  430. module three.WebGLRenderer.prototype
    1. function three.WebGLRenderer.prototype.addPostPlugin ()
    2. function three.WebGLRenderer.prototype.addPrePlugin ()
    3. function three.WebGLRenderer.prototype.enableScissorTest ( boolean )
    4. function three.WebGLRenderer.prototype.getCurrentRenderTarget ()
    5. function three.WebGLRenderer.prototype.initMaterial ()
    6. function three.WebGLRenderer.prototype.supportsBlendMinMax ()
    7. function three.WebGLRenderer.prototype.supportsCompressedTexturePVRTC ()
    8. function three.WebGLRenderer.prototype.supportsCompressedTextureS3TC ()
    9. function three.WebGLRenderer.prototype.supportsFloatTextures ()
    10. function three.WebGLRenderer.prototype.supportsHalfFloatTextures ()
    11. function three.WebGLRenderer.prototype.supportsInstancedArrays ()
    12. function three.WebGLRenderer.prototype.supportsStandardDerivatives ()
    13. function three.WebGLRenderer.prototype.supportsVertexTextures ()
    14. function three.WebGLRenderer.prototype.updateShadowMap ()
  431. module three.WireframeGeometry
    1. function three.WireframeGeometry ( geometry )
  432. module three.WireframeGeometry.prototype
    1. function three.WireframeGeometry.prototype.constructor ( geometry )

module three

function three.AmbientLight ( color, intensity )

function three.AnimationClip ( name, duration, tracks )

function three.AnimationMixer ( root )

function three.AnimationObjectGroup ( var_args )

function three.ArcCurve ( aX, aY, aRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise )

function three.ArrayCamera ( array )

function three.ArrowHelper ( dir, origin, length, color, headLength, headWidth )

function three.Audio ( listener )

function three.AudioAnalyser ( audio, fftSize )

function three.AudioListener ()

function three.AudioLoader ( manager )

function three.AxisHelper ( size )

function three.BinaryTextureLoader ( manager )

function three.Bone ()

function three.BooleanKeyframeTrack ( name, times, values )

function three.BoundingBoxHelper ( object, color )

function three.Box2 ( min, max )

function three.Box3 ( min, max )

function three.BoxBufferGeometry ( width, height, depth, widthSegments, heightSegments, depthSegments )

function three.BoxGeometry ( width, height, depth, widthSegments, heightSegments, depthSegments )

function three.BoxHelper ( object, color )

function three.BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize, normalized )

function three.BufferGeometry ()

function three.BufferGeometryLoader ( manager )

function three.Camera ()

function three.CameraHelper ( camera )

function three.CanvasRenderer ()

function three.CanvasTexture ( canvas, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy )

function three.CatmullRomCurve3 ( p)

function three.CircleBufferGeometry ( radius, segments, thetaStart, thetaLength )

function three.CircleGeometry ( radius, segments, thetaStart, thetaLength )

function three.Clock ( autoStart )

function three.ClosedSplineCurve3 ( points )

function three.Color ( r, g, b )

function three.ColorKeyframeTrack ( name, times, values, interpolation )

function three.CompressedTexture ( mipmaps, width, height, format, type, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, anisotropy, encoding )

function three.CompressedTextureLoader ( manager )

function three.ConeBufferGeometry ( radius, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength )

function three.ConeGeometry ( radius, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength )

function three.CubeCamera ( near, far, cubeResolution )

function three.CubeGeometry ( width, height, depth, widthSegments, heightSegments, depthSegments )

function three.CubeTexture ( images, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy, encoding )

function three.CubeTextureLoader ( manager )

function three.CubicBezierCurve ( v0, v1, v2, v3 )

function three.CubicBezierCurve3 ( v0, v1, v2, v3 )

function three.CubicInterpolant ( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer )

function three.Curve ()

function three.CurvePath ()

function three.CylinderBufferGeometry ( radiusTop, radiusBottom, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength )

function three.CylinderGeometry ( radiusTop, radiusBottom, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength )

function three.Cylindrical ( radius, theta, y )

function three.DataTexture ( data, width, height, format, type, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, anisotropy, encoding )

function three.DataTextureLoader ( manager )

function three.DepthTexture ( width, height, type, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, anisotropy, format )

function three.DirectionalLight ( color, intensity )

function three.DirectionalLightHelper ( light, size )

function three.DirectionalLightShadow ( )

function three.DiscreteInterpolant ( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer )

function three.DodecahedronBufferGeometry ( radius, detail )

function three.DodecahedronGeometry ( radius, detail )

function three.DynamicBufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )

function three.EdgesGeometry ( geometry, thresholdAngle )

function three.EdgesHelper ( object, hex )

function three.EllipseCurve ( aX, aY, xRadius, yRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise, aRotation )

function three.Euler ( x, y, z, order )

function three.EventDispatcher ()

function three.ExtrudeBufferGeometry ( shapes, options )

function three.ExtrudeGeometry ( shapes, options )

function three.Face3 ( a, b, c, normal, color, materialIndex )

function three.Face4 ( a, b, c, d, normal, color, materialIndex )

function three.FaceNormalsHelper ( object, size, hex, linewidth )

function three.FileLoader ( manager )

function three.Float32Attribute ( array, itemSize )

function three.Float32BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )

function three.Float64Attribute ( array, itemSize )

function three.Float64BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )

function three.Fog ( color, near, far )

function three.FogExp2 ( color, density )

function three.Font ( data )

function three.FontLoader ( manager )

function three.Frustum ( p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 )

function three.Geometry ()

function three.GeometryIdCount ()

function three.GridHelper ( size, divisions, color1, color2 )

function three.Group ()

function three.HemisphereLight ( skyColor, groundColor, intensity )

function three.HemisphereLightHelper ( light, size )

function three.IcosahedronBufferGeometry ( radius, detail )

function three.IcosahedronGeometry ( radius, detail )

function three.ImageLoader ( manager )

function three.ImmediateRenderObject ( material )

function three.InstancedBufferAttribute ( array, itemSize, meshPerAttribute )

function three.InstancedBufferGeometry ()

function three.InstancedInterleavedBuffer ( array, stride, meshPerAttribute )

function three.Int16Attribute ( array, itemSize )

function three.Int16BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )

function three.Int32Attribute ( array, itemSize )

function three.Int32BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )

function three.Int8Attribute ( array, itemSize )

function three.Int8BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )

function three.InterleavedBuffer ( array, stride )

function three.InterleavedBufferAttribute ( interleavedBuffer, itemSize, offset, normalized )

function three.Interpolant ( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer )

function three.JSONLoader ( manager )

function three.KeyframeTrack ( name, times, values, interpolation )

function three.LOD ()

function three.LatheBufferGeometry ( points, segments, phiStart, phiLength )

function three.LatheGeometry ( points, segments, phiStart, phiLength )

function three.Layers ()

function three.LensFlare ( texture, size, distance, blending, color )

function three.Light ( color, intensity )

function three.LightShadow ( camera )

function three.Line ( geometry, material, mode )

function three.Line3 ( start, end )

function three.LineBasicMaterial ( parameters )

function three.LineCurve ( v1, v2 )

function three.LineCurve3 ( v1, v2 )

function three.LineDashedMaterial ( parameters )

function three.LineLoop ( geometry, material )

function three.LineSegments ( geometry, material )

function three.LinearInterpolant ( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer )

function three.Loader ()

function three.LoadingManager ( onLoad, onProgress, onError )

function three.Material ()

function three.MaterialLoader ( manager )

function three.Matrix3 ()

function three.Matrix4 ()

function three.Mesh ( geometry, material )

function three.MeshBasicMaterial ( parameters )

function three.MeshDepthMaterial ( parameters )

function three.MeshFaceMaterial ( materials )

function three.MeshLambertMaterial ( parameters )

function three.MeshNormalMaterial ( parameters )

function three.MeshPhongMaterial ( parameters )

function three.MeshPhysicalMaterial ( parameters )

function three.MeshStandardMaterial ( parameters )

function three.MeshToonMaterial ( parameters )

function three.MorphBlendMesh ( geometry, material )

function three.MultiMaterial ( materials )

function three.NumberKeyframeTrack ( name, times, values, interpolation )

function three.Object3D ()

function three.ObjectLoader ( manager )

function three.OctahedronBufferGeometry ( radius, detail )

function three.OctahedronGeometry ( radius, detail )

function three.OrthographicCamera ( left, right, top, bottom, near, far )

function three.ParametricBufferGeometry ( func, slices, stacks )

function three.ParametricGeometry ( func, slices, stacks )

function three.Particle ( material )

function three.ParticleBasicMaterial ( parameters )

function three.ParticleSystem ( geometry, material )

function three.ParticleSystemMaterial ( parameters )

function three.Path ( points )

function three.PerspectiveCamera ( fov, aspect, near, far )

function three.Plane ( normal, constant )

function three.PlaneBufferGeometry ( width, height, widthSegments, heightSegments )

function three.PlaneGeometry ( width, height, widthSegments, heightSegments )

function three.PointCloud ( geometry, material )

function three.PointCloudMaterial ( parameters )

function three.PointLight ( color, intensity, distance, decay )

function three.PointLightHelper ( light, sphereSize )

function three.Points ( geometry, material )

function three.PointsMaterial ( parameters )

function three.PolarGridHelper ( radius, radials, circles, divisions, color1, color2 )

function three.PolyhedronBufferGeometry ( vertices, indices, radius, detail )

function three.PolyhedronGeometry ( vertices, indices, radius, detail )

function three.PositionalAudio ( listener )

function three.Projector ()

function three.PropertyBinding ( rootNode, path, parsedPath )

function three.PropertyBinding.Composite ( targetGroup, path, optionalParsedPath )

function three.PropertyMixer ( binding, typeName, valueSize )

function three.QuadraticBezierCurve ( v0, v1, v2 )

function three.QuadraticBezierCurve3 ( v0, v1, v2 )

function three.Quaternion ( x, y, z, w )

function three.QuaternionKeyframeTrack ( name, times, values, interpolation )

function three.QuaternionLinearInterpolant ( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer )

function three.RawShaderMaterial ( parameters )

function three.Ray ( origin, direction )

function three.Raycaster ( origin, direction, near, far )

function three.RectAreaLight ( color, intensity, width, height )

function three.RectAreaLightHelper ( light )

function three.RingBufferGeometry ( innerRadius, outerRadius, thetaSegments, phiSegments, thetaStart, thetaLength )

function three.RingGeometry ( innerRadius, outerRadius, thetaSegments, phiSegments, thetaStart, thetaLength )

function three.Scene ()

function three.ShaderMaterial ( parameters )

function three.ShadowMaterial ( parameters )

function three.Shape ()

function three.ShapeBufferGeometry ( shapes, curveSegments )

function three.ShapeGeometry ( shapes, curveSegments )

function three.ShapePath ()

function three.Skeleton ( bones, boneInverses )

function three.SkeletonHelper ( object )

function three.SkinnedMesh ( geometry, material )

function three.Sphere ( center, radius )

function three.SphereBufferGeometry ( radius, widthSegments, heightSegments, phiStart, phiLength, thetaStart, thetaLength )

function three.SphereGeometry ( radius, widthSegments, heightSegments, phiStart, phiLength, thetaStart, thetaLength )

function three.Spherical ( radius, phi, theta )

function three.Spline ( points )

function three.SplineCurve ( points)

function three.SplineCurve3 ( points )

function three.SpotLight ( color, intensity, distance, angle, penumbra, decay )

function three.SpotLightHelper ( light )

function three.SpotLightShadow ()

function three.Sprite ( material )

function three.SpriteMaterial ( parameters )

function three.StereoCamera ()

function three.StringKeyframeTrack ( name, times, values, interpolation )

function three.TetrahedronBufferGeometry ( radius, detail )

function three.TetrahedronGeometry ( radius, detail )

function three.TextBufferGeometry ( text, parameters )

function three.TextGeometry ( text, parameters )

function three.Texture ( image, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy, encoding )

function three.TextureLoader ( manager )

function three.TorusBufferGeometry ( radius, tube, radialSegments, tubularSegments, arc )

function three.TorusGeometry ( radius, tube, radialSegments, tubularSegments, arc )

function three.TorusKnotBufferGeometry ( radius, tube, tubularSegments, radialSegments, p, q )

function three.TorusKnotGeometry ( radius, tube, tubularSegments, radialSegments, p, q, heightScale )

function three.Triangle ( a, b, c )

function three.TubeBufferGeometry ( path, tubularSegments, radius, radialSegments, closed )

function three.TubeGeometry ( path, tubularSegments, radius, radialSegments, closed, taper )

function three.Uint16Attribute ( array, itemSize )

function three.Uint16BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )

function three.Uint32Attribute ( array, itemSize )

function three.Uint32BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )

function three.Uint8Attribute ( array, itemSize )

function three.Uint8BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )

function three.Uint8ClampedAttribute ( array, itemSize )

function three.Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )

function three.Uniform ( value )

function three.Vector2 ( x, y )

function three.Vector3 ( x, y, z )

function three.Vector4 ( x, y, z, w )

function three.VectorKeyframeTrack ( name, times, values, interpolation )

function three.Vertex ( x, y, z )

function three.VertexNormalsHelper ( object, size, hex, linewidth )

function three.VideoTexture ( video, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy )

function three.WebGLRenderTarget ( width, height, options )

function three.WebGLRenderTargetCube ( width, height, options )

function three.WebGLRenderer ( parameters )

function three.WireframeGeometry ( geometry )

function three.WireframeHelper ( object, hex )

function three.XHRLoader ( manager )

module three.AmbientLight

function three.AmbientLight ( color, intensity )

module three.AmbientLight.prototype

function three.AmbientLight.prototype.constructor ( color, intensity )

module three.AnimationClip

function three.AnimationClip ( name, duration, tracks )

function three.AnimationClip.CreateClipsFromMorphTargetSequences ( morphTargets, fps, noLoop )

function three.AnimationClip.CreateFromMorphTargetSequence ( name, morphTargetSequence, fps, noLoop )

function three.AnimationClip.findByName ( objectOrClipArray, name )

function three.AnimationClip.parse ( json )

function three.AnimationClip.parseAnimation ( animation, bones )

function three.AnimationClip.toJSON ( clip )

module three.AnimationClip.prototype

function three.AnimationClip.prototype.optimize ()

function three.AnimationClip.prototype.resetDuration ()

function three.AnimationClip.prototype.trim ()

module three.AnimationMixer

function three.AnimationMixer ( root )

module three.AnimationMixer.prototype

function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._activateAction ( action )

function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._addInactiveAction ( action, clipUuid, rootUuid )

function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._addInactiveBinding ( binding, rootUuid, trackName )

function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._bindAction ( action, prototypeAction )

function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._deactivateAction ( action )

function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._initMemoryManager ()

function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._isActiveAction ( action )

function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._lendAction ( action )

function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._lendBinding ( binding )

function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._lendControlInterpolant ()

function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._removeInactiveAction ( action )

function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._removeInactiveBinding ( binding )

function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._removeInactiveBindingsForAction ( action )

function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._takeBackAction ( action )

function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._takeBackBinding ( binding )

function three.AnimationMixer.prototype._takeBackControlInterpolant ( interpolant )

function three.AnimationMixer.prototype.addEventListener ( type, listener )

function three.AnimationMixer.prototype.clipAction ( clip, optionalRoot )

function three.AnimationMixer.prototype.dispatchEvent ( event )

function three.AnimationMixer.prototype.existingAction ( clip, optionalRoot )

function three.AnimationMixer.prototype.getRoot ()

function three.AnimationMixer.prototype.hasEventListener ( type, listener )

function three.AnimationMixer.prototype.removeEventListener ( type, listener )

function three.AnimationMixer.prototype.stopAllAction ()

function three.AnimationMixer.prototype.uncacheAction ( clip, optionalRoot )

function three.AnimationMixer.prototype.uncacheClip ( clip )

function three.AnimationMixer.prototype.uncacheRoot ( root )

function three.AnimationMixer.prototype.update ( deltaTime )

module three.AnimationObjectGroup

function three.AnimationObjectGroup ( var_args )

module three.AnimationObjectGroup.prototype

function three.AnimationObjectGroup.prototype.add ( var_args )

function three.AnimationObjectGroup.prototype.remove ( var_args )

function three.AnimationObjectGroup.prototype.subscribe_ ( path, parsedPath )

function three.AnimationObjectGroup.prototype.uncache ( var_args )

function three.AnimationObjectGroup.prototype.unsubscribe_ ( path )

module three.AnimationUtils

function three.AnimationUtils.arraySlice ( array, from, to )

function three.AnimationUtils.convertArray ( array, type, forceClone )

function three.AnimationUtils.flattenJSON ( jsonKeys, times, values, valuePropertyName )

function three.AnimationUtils.getKeyframeOrder ( times )

function three.AnimationUtils.isTypedArray ( object )

function three.AnimationUtils.sortedArray ( values, stride, order )

module three.ArcCurve

function three.ArcCurve ( aX, aY, aRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise )

module three.ArcCurve.prototype

function three.ArcCurve.prototype.constructor ( aX, aY, aRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise )

module three.ArrayCamera

function three.ArrayCamera ( array )

module three.ArrayCamera.prototype

function three.ArrayCamera.prototype.constructor ( array )

module three.ArrowHelper

function three.ArrowHelper ( dir, origin, length, color, headLength, headWidth )

module three.ArrowHelper.prototype

function three.ArrowHelper.prototype.constructor ( dir, origin, length, color, headLength, headWidth )

function three.ArrowHelper.prototype.setColor ( color )

function three.ArrowHelper.prototype.setDirection ( dir )

function three.ArrowHelper.prototype.setLength ( length, headLength, headWidth )

module three.Audio

function three.Audio ( listener )

module three.Audio.prototype

function three.Audio.prototype.connect ()

function three.Audio.prototype.constructor ( listener )

function three.Audio.prototype.disconnect ()

function three.Audio.prototype.getFilter ()

function three.Audio.prototype.getFilters ()

function three.Audio.prototype.getLoop ()

function three.Audio.prototype.getOutput ()

function three.Audio.prototype.getPlaybackRate ()

function three.Audio.prototype.getVolume ()

function three.Audio.prototype.load ( file )

function three.Audio.prototype.onEnded ()

function three.Audio.prototype.pause ()

function three.Audio.prototype.play ()

function three.Audio.prototype.setBuffer ( audioBuffer )

function three.Audio.prototype.setFilter ( filter )

function three.Audio.prototype.setFilters ( value )

function three.Audio.prototype.setLoop ( value )

function three.Audio.prototype.setNodeSource ( audioNode )

function three.Audio.prototype.setPlaybackRate ( value )

function three.Audio.prototype.setVolume ( value )

function three.Audio.prototype.stop ()

module three.AudioAnalyser

function three.AudioAnalyser ( audio, fftSize )

module three.AudioAnalyser.prototype

function three.AudioAnalyser.prototype.getAverageFrequency ()

function three.AudioAnalyser.prototype.getData ()

function three.AudioAnalyser.prototype.getFrequencyData ()

module three.AudioContext

function three.AudioContext.getContext ()

function three.AudioContext.setContext ( value )

module three.AudioListener

function three.AudioListener ()

module three.AudioListener.prototype

function three.AudioListener.prototype.constructor ()

function three.AudioListener.prototype.getFilter ()

function three.AudioListener.prototype.getInput ()

function three.AudioListener.prototype.getMasterVolume ()

function three.AudioListener.prototype.removeFilter ( )

function three.AudioListener.prototype.setFilter ( value )

function three.AudioListener.prototype.setMasterVolume ( value )

function three.AudioListener.prototype.updateMatrixWorld ( force )

module three.AudioLoader

function three.AudioLoader ( manager )

module three.AudioLoader.prototype

function three.AudioLoader.prototype.load ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError )

module three.AxisHelper

function three.AxisHelper ( size )

module three.AxisHelper.prototype

function three.AxisHelper.prototype.constructor ( size )

module three.Bone

function three.Bone ()

module three.Bone.prototype

function three.Bone.prototype.constructor ()

module three.BooleanKeyframeTrack

function three.BooleanKeyframeTrack ( name, times, values )

module three.BooleanKeyframeTrack.prototype

function three.BooleanKeyframeTrack.prototype.ValueBufferType ()

function three.BooleanKeyframeTrack.prototype.constructor ( name, times, values )

module three.Box2

function three.Box2 ( min, max )

module three.Box2.prototype

function three.Box2.prototype.center ( optionalTarget )

function three.Box2.prototype.clampPoint ( point, optionalTarget )

function three.Box2.prototype.clone ()

function three.Box2.prototype.containsBox ( box )

function three.Box2.prototype.containsPoint ( point )

function three.Box2.prototype.copy ( box )

function three.Box2.prototype.distanceToPoint ( point )

function three.Box2.prototype.empty ()

function three.Box2.prototype.equals ( box )

function three.Box2.prototype.expandByPoint ( point )

function three.Box2.prototype.expandByScalar ( scalar )

function three.Box2.prototype.expandByVector ( vector )

function three.Box2.prototype.getCenter ( optionalTarget )

function three.Box2.prototype.getParameter ( point, optionalTarget )

function three.Box2.prototype.getSize ( optionalTarget )

function three.Box2.prototype.intersect ( box )

function three.Box2.prototype.intersectsBox ( box )

function three.Box2.prototype.isEmpty ()

function three.Box2.prototype.isIntersectionBox ( box )

function three.Box2.prototype.makeEmpty ()

function three.Box2.prototype.set ( min, max )

function three.Box2.prototype.setFromCenterAndSize ( center, size )

function three.Box2.prototype.setFromPoints ( points )

function three.Box2.prototype.size ( optionalTarget )

function three.Box2.prototype.translate ( offset )

function three.Box2.prototype.union ( box )

module three.Box3

function three.Box3 ( min, max )

module three.Box3.prototype

function three.Box3.prototype.applyMatrix4 ( matrix )

function three.Box3.prototype.center ( optionalTarget )

function three.Box3.prototype.clampPoint ( point, optionalTarget )

function three.Box3.prototype.clone ()

function three.Box3.prototype.containsBox ( box )

function three.Box3.prototype.containsPoint ( point )

function three.Box3.prototype.copy ( box )

function three.Box3.prototype.distanceToPoint ( point )

function three.Box3.prototype.empty ()

function three.Box3.prototype.equals ( box )

function three.Box3.prototype.expandByObject ( object )

function three.Box3.prototype.expandByPoint ( point )

function three.Box3.prototype.expandByScalar ( scalar )

function three.Box3.prototype.expandByVector ( vector )

function three.Box3.prototype.getBoundingSphere ( optionalTarget )

function three.Box3.prototype.getCenter ( optionalTarget )

function three.Box3.prototype.getParameter ( point, optionalTarget )

function three.Box3.prototype.getSize ( optionalTarget )

function three.Box3.prototype.intersect ( box )

function three.Box3.prototype.intersectsBox ( box )

function three.Box3.prototype.intersectsPlane ( plane )

function three.Box3.prototype.intersectsSphere ( sphere )

function three.Box3.prototype.isEmpty ()

function three.Box3.prototype.isIntersectionBox ( box )

function three.Box3.prototype.isIntersectionSphere ( sphere )

function three.Box3.prototype.makeEmpty ()

function three.Box3.prototype.set ( min, max )

function three.Box3.prototype.setFromArray ( array )

function three.Box3.prototype.setFromBufferAttribute ( attribute )

function three.Box3.prototype.setFromCenterAndSize ( center, size )

function three.Box3.prototype.setFromObject ( object )

function three.Box3.prototype.setFromPoints ( points )

function three.Box3.prototype.size ( optionalTarget )

function three.Box3.prototype.translate ( offset )

function three.Box3.prototype.union ( box )

module three.BoxBufferGeometry

function three.BoxBufferGeometry ( width, height, depth, widthSegments, heightSegments, depthSegments )

module three.BoxBufferGeometry.prototype

function three.BoxBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( width, height, depth, widthSegments, heightSegments, depthSegments )

module three.BoxGeometry

function three.BoxGeometry ( width, height, depth, widthSegments, heightSegments, depthSegments )

module three.BoxGeometry.prototype

function three.BoxGeometry.prototype.constructor ( width, height, depth, widthSegments, heightSegments, depthSegments )

module three.BoxHelper

function three.BoxHelper ( object, color )

module three.BoxHelper.prototype

function three.BoxHelper.prototype.constructor ( object, color )

function three.BoxHelper.prototype.setFromObject ( object )

function three.BoxHelper.prototype.update ( object )

module three.BufferAttribute

function three.BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize, normalized )

module three.BufferAttribute.prototype

function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.clone ()

function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.copy ( source )

function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.copyArray ( array )

function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.copyAt ( index1, attribute, index2 )

function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.copyColorsArray ( colors )

function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.copyIndicesArray ( indices )

function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.copyVector2sArray ( vectors )

function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.copyVector3sArray ( vectors )

function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.copyVector4sArray ( vectors )

function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.getW ( index )

function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.getX ( index )

function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.getY ( index )

function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.getZ ( index )

function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.onUpload ( callback )

function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.set ( value, offset )

function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.setArray ( array )

function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.setDynamic ( value )

function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.setW ( index, w )

function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.setX ( index, x )

function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.setXY ( index, x, y )

function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.setXYZ ( index, x, y, z )

function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.setXYZW ( index, x, y, z, w )

function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.setY ( index, y )

function three.BufferAttribute.prototype.setZ ( index, z )

module three.BufferGeometry

function three.BufferGeometry ()

module three.BufferGeometry.prototype

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.addAttribute ( name, attribute )

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.addDrawCall ( start, count, indexOffset )

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.addEventListener ( type, listener )

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.addGroup ( start, count, materialIndex )

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.addIndex ( index )

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.applyMatrix ( matrix )

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.center ()

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.clearDrawCalls ()

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.clearGroups ()

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.clone ()

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.computeBoundingBox ()

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.computeBoundingSphere ()

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.computeFaceNormals ()

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.computeOffsets ()

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.computeTangents ()

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.computeVertexNormals ()

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.copy ( source )

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.dispatchEvent ( event )

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.dispose ()

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.fromDirectGeometry ( geometry )

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.fromGeometry ( geometry )

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.getAttribute ( name )

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.getIndex ()

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.hasEventListener ( type, listener )

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.lookAt ( vector )

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.merge ( geometry, offset )

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.normalizeNormals ()

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.removeAttribute ( name )

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.removeEventListener ( type, listener )

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.rotateX ( angle )

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.rotateY ( angle )

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.rotateZ ( angle )

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.scale ( x, y, z )

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.setDrawRange ( start, count )

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.setFromObject ( object )

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.setIndex ( index )

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.toJSON ()

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.toNonIndexed ()

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.translate ( x, y, z )

function three.BufferGeometry.prototype.updateFromObject ( object )

module three.BufferGeometryLoader

function three.BufferGeometryLoader ( manager )

module three.BufferGeometryLoader.prototype

function three.BufferGeometryLoader.prototype.load ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError )

function three.BufferGeometryLoader.prototype.parse ( json )

module three.Cache

function three.Cache.add ( key, file )

function three.Cache.clear ()

function three.Cache.get ( key )

function three.Cache.remove ( key )

module three.Camera

function three.Camera ()

module three.Camera.prototype

function three.Camera.prototype.clone ()

function three.Camera.prototype.constructor ()

function three.Camera.prototype.copy ( source )

function three.Camera.prototype.getWorldDirection ( optionalTarget )

module three.CameraHelper

function three.CameraHelper ( camera )

module three.CameraHelper.prototype

function three.CameraHelper.prototype.constructor ( camera )

function three.CameraHelper.prototype.update ()

module three.CanvasTexture

function three.CanvasTexture ( canvas, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy )

module three.CanvasTexture.prototype

function three.CanvasTexture.prototype.constructor ( canvas, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy )

module three.CatmullRomCurve3

function three.CatmullRomCurve3 ( p)

module three.CatmullRomCurve3.prototype

function three.CatmullRomCurve3.prototype.constructor ( p)

function three.CatmullRomCurve3.prototype.getPoint ( t )

module three.CircleBufferGeometry

function three.CircleBufferGeometry ( radius, segments, thetaStart, thetaLength )

module three.CircleBufferGeometry.prototype

function three.CircleBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, segments, thetaStart, thetaLength )

module three.CircleGeometry

function three.CircleGeometry ( radius, segments, thetaStart, thetaLength )

module three.CircleGeometry.prototype

function three.CircleGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, segments, thetaStart, thetaLength )

module three.Clock

function three.Clock ( autoStart )

module three.Clock.prototype

function three.Clock.prototype.getDelta ()

function three.Clock.prototype.getElapsedTime ()

function three.Clock.prototype.start ()

function three.Clock.prototype.stop ()

module three.Color

function three.Color ( r, g, b )

module three.Color.prototype

function three.Color.prototype.add ( color )

function three.Color.prototype.addColors ( color1, color2 )

function three.Color.prototype.addScalar ( s )

function three.Color.prototype.clone ()

function three.Color.prototype.convertGammaToLinear ()

function three.Color.prototype.convertLinearToGamma ()

function three.Color.prototype.copy ( color )

function three.Color.prototype.copyGammaToLinear ( color, gammaFactor )

function three.Color.prototype.copyLinearToGamma ( color, gammaFactor )

function three.Color.prototype.equals ( c )

function three.Color.prototype.fromArray ( array, offset )

function three.Color.prototype.getHSL ( optionalTarget )

function three.Color.prototype.getHex ()

function three.Color.prototype.getHexString ()

function three.Color.prototype.getStyle ()

function three.Color.prototype.lerp ( color, alpha )

function three.Color.prototype.multiply ( color )

function three.Color.prototype.multiplyScalar ( s )

function three.Color.prototype.offsetHSL ( h, s, l )

function three.Color.prototype.set ( value )

function three.Color.prototype.setHSL ( h, s, l )

function three.Color.prototype.setHex ( hex )

function three.Color.prototype.setRGB ( r, g, b )

function three.Color.prototype.setScalar ( scalar )

function three.Color.prototype.setStyle ( style )

function three.Color.prototype.sub ( color )

function three.Color.prototype.toArray ( array, offset )

function three.Color.prototype.toJSON ()

module three.ColorKeyframeTrack

function three.ColorKeyframeTrack ( name, times, values, interpolation )

module three.ColorKeyframeTrack.prototype

function three.ColorKeyframeTrack.prototype.constructor ( name, times, values, interpolation )

module three.CompressedTexture

function three.CompressedTexture ( mipmaps, width, height, format, type, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, anisotropy, encoding )

module three.CompressedTexture.prototype

function three.CompressedTexture.prototype.constructor ( mipmaps, width, height, format, type, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, anisotropy, encoding )

module three.CompressedTextureLoader

function three.CompressedTextureLoader ( manager )

module three.CompressedTextureLoader.prototype

function three.CompressedTextureLoader.prototype.load ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError )

function three.CompressedTextureLoader.prototype.setPath ( value )

module three.ConeBufferGeometry

function three.ConeBufferGeometry ( radius, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength )

module three.ConeBufferGeometry.prototype

function three.ConeBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength )

module three.ConeGeometry

function three.ConeGeometry ( radius, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength )

module three.ConeGeometry.prototype

function three.ConeGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength )

module three.CubeCamera

function three.CubeCamera ( near, far, cubeResolution )

module three.CubeCamera.prototype

function three.CubeCamera.prototype.constructor ( near, far, cubeResolution )

module three.CubeTexture

function three.CubeTexture ( images, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy, encoding )

module three.CubeTexture.prototype

function three.CubeTexture.prototype.constructor ( images, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy, encoding )

module three.CubeTextureLoader

function three.CubeTextureLoader ( manager )

module three.CubeTextureLoader.prototype

function three.CubeTextureLoader.prototype.load ( urls, onLoad, onProgress, onError )

function three.CubeTextureLoader.prototype.setCrossOrigin ( value )

function three.CubeTextureLoader.prototype.setPath ( value )

module three.CubicBezierCurve

function three.CubicBezierCurve ( v0, v1, v2, v3 )

module three.CubicBezierCurve.prototype

function three.CubicBezierCurve.prototype.constructor ( v0, v1, v2, v3 )

function three.CubicBezierCurve.prototype.getPoint ( t )

module three.CubicBezierCurve3

function three.CubicBezierCurve3 ( v0, v1, v2, v3 )

module three.CubicBezierCurve3.prototype

function three.CubicBezierCurve3.prototype.constructor ( v0, v1, v2, v3 )

function three.CubicBezierCurve3.prototype.getPoint ( t )

module three.CubicInterpolant

function three.CubicInterpolant ( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer )

module three.CubicInterpolant.prototype

function three.CubicInterpolant.prototype.constructor ( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer )

function three.CubicInterpolant.prototype.interpolate_ ( i1, t0, t, t1 )

function three.CubicInterpolant.prototype.intervalChanged_ ( i1, t0, t1 )

module three.Curve

function three.Curve ()

function three.Curve.create ( construct, getPoint )

module three.Curve.prototype

function three.Curve.prototype.computeFrenetFrames ( segments, closed )

function three.Curve.prototype.getLength ()

function three.Curve.prototype.getLengths ( divisions )

function three.Curve.prototype.getPoint ()

function three.Curve.prototype.getPointAt ( u )

function three.Curve.prototype.getPoints ( divisions )

function three.Curve.prototype.getSpacedPoints ( divisions )

function three.Curve.prototype.getTangent ( t )

function three.Curve.prototype.getTangentAt ( u )

function three.Curve.prototype.getUtoTmapping ( u, distance )

function three.Curve.prototype.updateArcLengths ()

module three.CurvePath

function three.CurvePath ()

module three.CurvePath.prototype

function three.CurvePath.prototype.add ( curve )

function three.CurvePath.prototype.closePath ()

function three.CurvePath.prototype.constructor ()

function three.CurvePath.prototype.createGeometry ( points )

function three.CurvePath.prototype.createPointsGeometry ( divisions )

function three.CurvePath.prototype.createSpacedPointsGeometry ( divisions )

function three.CurvePath.prototype.getCurveLengths ()

function three.CurvePath.prototype.getLength ()

function three.CurvePath.prototype.getPoint ( t )

function three.CurvePath.prototype.getPoints ( divisions )

function three.CurvePath.prototype.getSpacedPoints ( divisions )

function three.CurvePath.prototype.updateArcLengths ()

module three.CylinderBufferGeometry

function three.CylinderBufferGeometry ( radiusTop, radiusBottom, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength )

module three.CylinderBufferGeometry.prototype

function three.CylinderBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radiusTop, radiusBottom, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength )

module three.CylinderGeometry

function three.CylinderGeometry ( radiusTop, radiusBottom, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength )

module three.CylinderGeometry.prototype

function three.CylinderGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radiusTop, radiusBottom, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength )

module three.Cylindrical

function three.Cylindrical ( radius, theta, y )

module three.Cylindrical.prototype

function three.Cylindrical.prototype.clone ()

function three.Cylindrical.prototype.copy ( other )

function three.Cylindrical.prototype.set ( radius, theta, y )

function three.Cylindrical.prototype.setFromVector3 ( vec3 )

module three.DataTexture

function three.DataTexture ( data, width, height, format, type, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, anisotropy, encoding )

module three.DataTexture.prototype

function three.DataTexture.prototype.constructor ( data, width, height, format, type, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, anisotropy, encoding )

module three.DataTextureLoader

function three.DataTextureLoader ( manager )

module three.DataTextureLoader.prototype

function three.DataTextureLoader.prototype.load ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError )

module three.DefaultLoadingManager

function three.DefaultLoadingManager.itemEnd ( url )

function three.DefaultLoadingManager.itemError ( url )

function three.DefaultLoadingManager.itemStart ( url )

module three.DepthTexture

function three.DepthTexture ( width, height, type, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, anisotropy, format )

module three.DepthTexture.prototype

function three.DepthTexture.prototype.constructor ( width, height, type, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, anisotropy, format )

module three.DirectionalLight

function three.DirectionalLight ( color, intensity )

module three.DirectionalLight.prototype

function three.DirectionalLight.prototype.constructor ( color, intensity )

function three.DirectionalLight.prototype.copy ( source )

module three.DirectionalLightHelper

function three.DirectionalLightHelper ( light, size )

module three.DirectionalLightHelper.prototype

function three.DirectionalLightHelper.prototype.constructor ( light, size )

function three.DirectionalLightHelper.prototype.dispose ()

function three.DirectionalLightHelper.prototype.update ()

module three.DirectionalLightShadow

function three.DirectionalLightShadow ( )

module three.DirectionalLightShadow.prototype

function three.DirectionalLightShadow.prototype.constructor ( )

module three.DiscreteInterpolant

function three.DiscreteInterpolant ( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer )

module three.DiscreteInterpolant.prototype

function three.DiscreteInterpolant.prototype.constructor ( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer )

function three.DiscreteInterpolant.prototype.interpolate_ ( i1, t0, t, t1 )

module three.DodecahedronBufferGeometry

function three.DodecahedronBufferGeometry ( radius, detail )

module three.DodecahedronBufferGeometry.prototype

function three.DodecahedronBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, detail )

module three.DodecahedronGeometry

function three.DodecahedronGeometry ( radius, detail )

module three.DodecahedronGeometry.prototype

function three.DodecahedronGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, detail )

module three.EdgesGeometry

function three.EdgesGeometry ( geometry, thresholdAngle )

module three.EdgesGeometry.prototype

function three.EdgesGeometry.prototype.constructor ( geometry, thresholdAngle )

module three.EllipseCurve

function three.EllipseCurve ( aX, aY, xRadius, yRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise, aRotation )

module three.EllipseCurve.prototype

function three.EllipseCurve.prototype.constructor ( aX, aY, xRadius, yRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise, aRotation )

function three.EllipseCurve.prototype.getPoint ( t )

module three.Euler

function three.Euler ( x, y, z, order )

module three.Euler.prototype

function three.Euler.prototype.clone ()

function three.Euler.prototype.copy ( euler )

function three.Euler.prototype.equals ( euler )

function three.Euler.prototype.fromArray ( array )

function three.Euler.prototype.onChange ( callback )

function three.Euler.prototype.onChangeCallback ()

function three.Euler.prototype.reorder ( newOrder )

function three.Euler.prototype.set ( x, y, z, order )

function three.Euler.prototype.setFromQuaternion ( q, order, update )

function three.Euler.prototype.setFromRotationMatrix ( m, order, update )

function three.Euler.prototype.setFromVector3 ( v, order )

function three.Euler.prototype.toArray ( array, offset )

function three.Euler.prototype.toVector3 ( optionalResult )

module three.EventDispatcher

function three.EventDispatcher ()

module three.EventDispatcher.prototype

function three.EventDispatcher.prototype.addEventListener ( type, listener )

function three.EventDispatcher.prototype.dispatchEvent ( event )

function three.EventDispatcher.prototype.hasEventListener ( type, listener )

function three.EventDispatcher.prototype.removeEventListener ( type, listener )

module three.ExtrudeBufferGeometry

function three.ExtrudeBufferGeometry ( shapes, options )

module three.ExtrudeBufferGeometry.prototype

function three.ExtrudeBufferGeometry.prototype.addShape ( shape, options )

function three.ExtrudeBufferGeometry.prototype.addShapeList ( shapes, options )

function three.ExtrudeBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( shapes, options )

function three.ExtrudeBufferGeometry.prototype.getArrays ()

module three.ExtrudeGeometry

function three.ExtrudeGeometry ( shapes, options )

module three.ExtrudeGeometry.WorldUVGenerator

function three.ExtrudeGeometry.WorldUVGenerator.generateSideWallUV ( geometry, vertices, indexA, indexB, indexC, indexD )

function three.ExtrudeGeometry.WorldUVGenerator.generateTopUV ( geometry, vertices, indexA, indexB, indexC )

module three.ExtrudeGeometry.prototype

function three.ExtrudeGeometry.prototype.constructor ( shapes, options )

module three.Face3

function three.Face3 ( a, b, c, normal, color, materialIndex )

module three.Face3.prototype

function three.Face3.prototype.clone ()

function three.Face3.prototype.copy ( source )

module three.FaceNormalsHelper

function three.FaceNormalsHelper ( object, size, hex, linewidth )

module three.FaceNormalsHelper.prototype

function three.FaceNormalsHelper.prototype.constructor ( object, size, hex, linewidth )

function three.FaceNormalsHelper.prototype.update ()

module three.FileLoader

function three.FileLoader ( manager )

module three.FileLoader.prototype

function three.FileLoader.prototype.load ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError )

function three.FileLoader.prototype.setMimeType ( value )

function three.FileLoader.prototype.setPath ( value )

function three.FileLoader.prototype.setRequestHeader ( value )

function three.FileLoader.prototype.setResponseType ( value )

function three.FileLoader.prototype.setWithCredentials ( value )

module three.Float32BufferAttribute

function three.Float32BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )

module three.Float32BufferAttribute.prototype

function three.Float32BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor ( array, itemSize )

module three.Float64BufferAttribute

function three.Float64BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )

module three.Float64BufferAttribute.prototype

function three.Float64BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor ( array, itemSize )

module three.Fog

function three.Fog ( color, near, far )

module three.Fog.prototype

function three.Fog.prototype.clone ()

function three.Fog.prototype.toJSON ( meta )

module three.FogExp2

function three.FogExp2 ( color, density )

module three.FogExp2.prototype

function three.FogExp2.prototype.clone ()

function three.FogExp2.prototype.toJSON ( meta )

module three.Font

function three.Font ( data )

module three.Font.prototype

function three.Font.prototype.generateShapes ( text, size, divisions )

module three.FontLoader

function three.FontLoader ( manager )

module three.FontLoader.prototype

function three.FontLoader.prototype.load ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError )

function three.FontLoader.prototype.parse ( json )

module three.Frustum

function three.Frustum ( p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 )

module three.Frustum.prototype

function three.Frustum.prototype.clone ()

function three.Frustum.prototype.containsPoint ( point )

function three.Frustum.prototype.copy ( frustum )

function three.Frustum.prototype.intersectsBox ( box )

function three.Frustum.prototype.intersectsObject ( object )

function three.Frustum.prototype.intersectsSphere ( sphere )

function three.Frustum.prototype.intersectsSprite ( sprite )

function three.Frustum.prototype.set ( p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 )

function three.Frustum.prototype.setFromMatrix ( m )

module three.Geometry

function three.Geometry ()

module three.Geometry.prototype

function three.Geometry.prototype.addEventListener ( type, listener )

function three.Geometry.prototype.applyMatrix ( matrix )

function three.Geometry.prototype.center ()

function three.Geometry.prototype.clone ()

function three.Geometry.prototype.computeBoundingBox ()

function three.Geometry.prototype.computeBoundingSphere ()

function three.Geometry.prototype.computeFaceNormals ()

function three.Geometry.prototype.computeFlatVertexNormals ()

function three.Geometry.prototype.computeLineDistances ()

function three.Geometry.prototype.computeMorphNormals ()

function three.Geometry.prototype.computeTangents ()

function three.Geometry.prototype.computeVertexNormals ( areaWeighted )

function three.Geometry.prototype.copy ( source )

function three.Geometry.prototype.dispatchEvent ( event )

function three.Geometry.prototype.dispose ()

function three.Geometry.prototype.fromBufferGeometry ( geometry )

function three.Geometry.prototype.hasEventListener ( type, listener )

function three.Geometry.prototype.lookAt ( vector )

function three.Geometry.prototype.merge ( geometry, matrix, materialIndexOffset )

function three.Geometry.prototype.mergeMesh ( mesh )

function three.Geometry.prototype.mergeVertices ()

function three.Geometry.prototype.normalize ()

function three.Geometry.prototype.removeEventListener ( type, listener )

function three.Geometry.prototype.rotateX ( angle )

function three.Geometry.prototype.rotateY ( angle )

function three.Geometry.prototype.rotateZ ( angle )

function three.Geometry.prototype.scale ( x, y, z )

function three.Geometry.prototype.sortFacesByMaterialIndex ()

function three.Geometry.prototype.toJSON ()

function three.Geometry.prototype.translate ( x, y, z )

module three.GeometryUtils

function three.GeometryUtils.center ( geometry )

function three.GeometryUtils.merge ( geometry1, geometry2, materialIndexOffset )

module three.GridHelper

function three.GridHelper ( size, divisions, color1, color2 )

module three.GridHelper.prototype

function three.GridHelper.prototype.constructor ( size, divisions, color1, color2 )

function three.GridHelper.prototype.setColors ()

module three.Group

function three.Group ()

module three.Group.prototype

function three.Group.prototype.constructor ()

module three.HemisphereLight

function three.HemisphereLight ( skyColor, groundColor, intensity )

module three.HemisphereLight.prototype

function three.HemisphereLight.prototype.constructor ( skyColor, groundColor, intensity )

function three.HemisphereLight.prototype.copy ( source )

module three.HemisphereLightHelper

function three.HemisphereLightHelper ( light, size )

module three.HemisphereLightHelper.prototype

function three.HemisphereLightHelper.prototype.constructor ( light, size )

function three.HemisphereLightHelper.prototype.dispose ()

function three.HemisphereLightHelper.prototype.update ()

module three.IcosahedronBufferGeometry

function three.IcosahedronBufferGeometry ( radius, detail )

module three.IcosahedronBufferGeometry.prototype

function three.IcosahedronBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, detail )

module three.IcosahedronGeometry

function three.IcosahedronGeometry ( radius, detail )

module three.IcosahedronGeometry.prototype

function three.IcosahedronGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, detail )

module three.ImageLoader

function three.ImageLoader ( manager )

module three.ImageLoader.prototype

function three.ImageLoader.prototype.load ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError )

function three.ImageLoader.prototype.setCrossOrigin ( value )

function three.ImageLoader.prototype.setPath ( value )

module three.ImageUtils

function three.ImageUtils.loadCompressedTexture ()

function three.ImageUtils.loadCompressedTextureCube ()

function three.ImageUtils.loadTexture ( url, mapping, onLoad, onError )

function three.ImageUtils.loadTextureCube ( urls, mapping, onLoad, onError )

module three.ImmediateRenderObject

function three.ImmediateRenderObject ( material )

module three.ImmediateRenderObject.prototype

function three.ImmediateRenderObject.prototype.constructor ( material )

module three.InstancedBufferAttribute

function three.InstancedBufferAttribute ( array, itemSize, meshPerAttribute )

module three.InstancedBufferAttribute.prototype

function three.InstancedBufferAttribute.prototype.constructor ( array, itemSize, meshPerAttribute )

function three.InstancedBufferAttribute.prototype.copy ( source )

module three.InstancedBufferGeometry

function three.InstancedBufferGeometry ()

module three.InstancedBufferGeometry.prototype

function three.InstancedBufferGeometry.prototype.addGroup ( start, count, materialIndex )

function three.InstancedBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ()

function three.InstancedBufferGeometry.prototype.copy ( source )

module three.InstancedInterleavedBuffer

function three.InstancedInterleavedBuffer ( array, stride, meshPerAttribute )

module three.InstancedInterleavedBuffer.prototype

function three.InstancedInterleavedBuffer.prototype.constructor ( array, stride, meshPerAttribute )

function three.InstancedInterleavedBuffer.prototype.copy ( source )

module three.Int16BufferAttribute

function three.Int16BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )

module three.Int16BufferAttribute.prototype

function three.Int16BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor ( array, itemSize )

module three.Int32BufferAttribute

function three.Int32BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )

module three.Int32BufferAttribute.prototype

function three.Int32BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor ( array, itemSize )

module three.Int8BufferAttribute

function three.Int8BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )

module three.Int8BufferAttribute.prototype

function three.Int8BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor ( array, itemSize )

module three.InterleavedBuffer

function three.InterleavedBuffer ( array, stride )

module three.InterleavedBuffer.prototype

function three.InterleavedBuffer.prototype.clone ()

function three.InterleavedBuffer.prototype.copy ( source )

function three.InterleavedBuffer.prototype.copyAt ( index1, attribute, index2 )

function three.InterleavedBuffer.prototype.onUpload ( callback )

function three.InterleavedBuffer.prototype.set ( value, offset )

function three.InterleavedBuffer.prototype.setArray ( array )

function three.InterleavedBuffer.prototype.setDynamic ( value )

module three.InterleavedBufferAttribute

function three.InterleavedBufferAttribute ( interleavedBuffer, itemSize, offset, normalized )

module three.InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype

function three.InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype.getW ( index )

function three.InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype.getX ( index )

function three.InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype.getY ( index )

function three.InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype.getZ ( index )

function three.InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype.setW ( index, w )

function three.InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype.setX ( index, x )

function three.InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype.setXY ( index, x, y )

function three.InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype.setXYZ ( index, x, y, z )

function three.InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype.setXYZW ( index, x, y, z, w )

function three.InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype.setY ( index, y )

function three.InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype.setZ ( index, z )

module three.Interpolant

function three.Interpolant ( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer )

module three.Interpolant.prototype

function three.Interpolant.prototype.afterEnd_ ( index )

function three.Interpolant.prototype.beforeStart_ ( index )

function three.Interpolant.prototype.copySampleValue_ ( index )

function three.Interpolant.prototype.evaluate ( t )

function three.Interpolant.prototype.getSettings_ ()

function three.Interpolant.prototype.interpolate_ ( i1, t0, t, t1 )

function three.Interpolant.prototype.intervalChanged_ ( i1, t0, t1 )

module three.JSONLoader

function three.JSONLoader ( manager )

module three.JSONLoader.prototype

function three.JSONLoader.prototype.load ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError )

function three.JSONLoader.prototype.parse ( json, texturePath )

function three.JSONLoader.prototype.setTexturePath ( value )

module three.KeyframeTrack

function three.KeyframeTrack ( name, times, values, interpolation )

function three.KeyframeTrack._getTrackTypeForValueTypeName ( typeName )

function three.KeyframeTrack.parse ( json )

function three.KeyframeTrack.toJSON ( track )

module three.KeyframeTrack.prototype

function three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.InterpolantFactoryMethodDiscrete ( result )

function three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.InterpolantFactoryMethodLinear ( result )

function three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.InterpolantFactoryMethodSmooth ( result )

function three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.TimeBufferType ()

function three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.ValueBufferType ()

function three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.constructor ( name, times, values, interpolation )

function three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.getInterpolation ()

function three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.getValueSize ()

function three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.optimize ()

function three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.scale ( timeScale )

function three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.setInterpolation ( interpolation )

function three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.shift ( timeOffset )

function three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.trim ( startTime, endTime )

function three.KeyframeTrack.prototype.validate ()

module three.LOD

function three.LOD ()

module three.LOD.prototype

function three.LOD.prototype.addLevel ( object, distance )

function three.LOD.prototype.constructor ()

function three.LOD.prototype.copy ( source )

function three.LOD.prototype.getObjectForDistance ( distance )

function three.LOD.prototype.raycast ( raycaster, intersects )

function three.LOD.prototype.toJSON ( meta )

function three.LOD.prototype.update ( camera )

module three.LatheBufferGeometry

function three.LatheBufferGeometry ( points, segments, phiStart, phiLength )

module three.LatheBufferGeometry.prototype

function three.LatheBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( points, segments, phiStart, phiLength )

module three.LatheGeometry

function three.LatheGeometry ( points, segments, phiStart, phiLength )

module three.LatheGeometry.prototype

function three.LatheGeometry.prototype.constructor ( points, segments, phiStart, phiLength )

module three.Layers

function three.Layers ()

module three.Layers.prototype

function three.Layers.prototype.disable ( channel )

function three.Layers.prototype.enable ( channel )

function three.Layers.prototype.set ( channel )

function three.Layers.prototype.test ( layers )

function three.Layers.prototype.toggle ( channel )

module three.LensFlare

function three.LensFlare ( texture, size, distance, blending, color )

module three.LensFlare.prototype

function three.LensFlare.prototype.add ( texture, size, distance, blending, color, opacity )

function three.LensFlare.prototype.constructor ( texture, size, distance, blending, color )

function three.LensFlare.prototype.copy ( source )

function three.LensFlare.prototype.updateLensFlares ()

module three.Light

function three.Light ( color, intensity )

module three.Light.prototype

function three.Light.prototype.constructor ( color, intensity )

function three.Light.prototype.copy ( source )

function three.Light.prototype.toJSON ( meta )

module three.LightShadow

function three.LightShadow ( camera )

module three.LightShadow.prototype

function three.LightShadow.prototype.clone ()

function three.LightShadow.prototype.copy ( source )

function three.LightShadow.prototype.toJSON ()

module three.Line

function three.Line ( geometry, material, mode )

module three.Line.prototype

function three.Line.prototype.clone ()

function three.Line.prototype.constructor ( geometry, material, mode )

function three.Line.prototype.raycast ( raycaster, intersects )

module three.Line3

function three.Line3 ( start, end )

module three.Line3.prototype

function three.Line3.prototype.applyMatrix4 ( matrix )

function three.Line3.prototype.at ( t, optionalTarget )

function three.Line3.prototype.center ( optionalTarget )

function three.Line3.prototype.clone ()

function three.Line3.prototype.closestPointToPoint ( point, clampToLine, optionalTarget )

function three.Line3.prototype.closestPointToPointParameter ( point, clampToLine )

function three.Line3.prototype.copy ( line )

function three.Line3.prototype.delta ( optionalTarget )

function three.Line3.prototype.distance ()

function three.Line3.prototype.distanceSq ()

function three.Line3.prototype.equals ( line )

function three.Line3.prototype.getCenter ( optionalTarget )

function three.Line3.prototype.set ( start, end )

module three.LineBasicMaterial

function three.LineBasicMaterial ( parameters )

module three.LineBasicMaterial.prototype

function three.LineBasicMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )

function three.LineBasicMaterial.prototype.copy ( source )

module three.LineCurve

function three.LineCurve ( v1, v2 )

module three.LineCurve.prototype

function three.LineCurve.prototype.constructor ( v1, v2 )

function three.LineCurve.prototype.getPoint ( t )

function three.LineCurve.prototype.getPointAt ( u )

function three.LineCurve.prototype.getTangent ( t )

module three.LineCurve3

function three.LineCurve3 ( v1, v2 )

module three.LineCurve3.prototype

function three.LineCurve3.prototype.constructor ( v1, v2 )

function three.LineCurve3.prototype.getPoint ( t )

module three.LineDashedMaterial

function three.LineDashedMaterial ( parameters )

module three.LineDashedMaterial.prototype

function three.LineDashedMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )

function three.LineDashedMaterial.prototype.copy ( source )

module three.LineLoop

function three.LineLoop ( geometry, material )

module three.LineLoop.prototype

function three.LineLoop.prototype.constructor ( geometry, material )

module three.LineSegments

function three.LineSegments ( geometry, material )

module three.LineSegments.prototype

function three.LineSegments.prototype.constructor ( geometry, material )

module three.LinearInterpolant

function three.LinearInterpolant ( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer )

module three.LinearInterpolant.prototype

function three.LinearInterpolant.prototype.constructor ( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer )

function three.LinearInterpolant.prototype.interpolate_ ( i1, t0, t, t1 )

module three.Loader

function three.Loader ()

module three.Loader.Handlers

function three.Loader.Handlers.add ( regex, loader )

function three.Loader.Handlers.get ( file )

module three.Loader.prototype

function three.Loader.prototype.createMaterial ( m, texturePath, crossOrigin )

function three.Loader.prototype.extractUrlBase ( url )

function three.Loader.prototype.initMaterials ( materials, texturePath, crossOrigin )

module three.Material

function three.Material ()

module three.Material.prototype

function three.Material.prototype.addEventListener ( type, listener )

function three.Material.prototype.clone ()

function three.Material.prototype.copy ( source )

function three.Material.prototype.dispatchEvent ( event )

function three.Material.prototype.dispose ()

function three.Material.prototype.hasEventListener ( type, listener )

function three.Material.prototype.removeEventListener ( type, listener )

function three.Material.prototype.setValues ( values )

function three.Material.prototype.toJSON ( meta )

module three.MaterialLoader

function three.MaterialLoader ( manager )

module three.MaterialLoader.prototype

function three.MaterialLoader.prototype.load ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError )

function three.MaterialLoader.prototype.parse ( json )

function three.MaterialLoader.prototype.setTextures ( value )

module three.Math

function three.Math.clamp ( value, min, max )

function three.Math.degToRad ( degrees )

function three.Math.euclideanModulo ( n, m )

function three.Math.generateUUID ()

function three.Math.isPowerOfTwo ( value )

function three.Math.lerp ( x, y, t )

function three.Math.mapLinear ( x, a1, a2, b1, b2 )

function three.Math.nearestPowerOfTwo ( value )

function three.Math.nextPowerOfTwo ( value )

function three.Math.radToDeg ( radians )

function three.Math.randFloat ( low, high )

function three.Math.randFloatSpread ( range )

function three.Math.randInt ( low, high )

function three.Math.random16 ()

function three.Math.smootherstep ( x, min, max )

function three.Math.smoothstep ( x, min, max )

module three.Matrix3

function three.Matrix3 ()

module three.Matrix3.prototype

function three.Matrix3.prototype.applyToBuffer ( buffer, offset, length )

function three.Matrix3.prototype.applyToBufferAttribute ( attribute )

function three.Matrix3.prototype.applyToVector3Array ( array, offset, length )

function three.Matrix3.prototype.clone ()

function three.Matrix3.prototype.copy ( m )

function three.Matrix3.prototype.determinant ()

function three.Matrix3.prototype.equals ( matrix )

function three.Matrix3.prototype.flattenToArrayOffset ( array, offset )

function three.Matrix3.prototype.fromArray ( array, offset )

function three.Matrix3.prototype.getInverse ( matrix, throwOnDegenerate )

function three.Matrix3.prototype.getNormalMatrix ( matrix4 )

function three.Matrix3.prototype.identity ()

function three.Matrix3.prototype.multiply ( m )

function three.Matrix3.prototype.multiplyMatrices ( a, b )

function three.Matrix3.prototype.multiplyScalar ( s )

function three.Matrix3.prototype.multiplyVector3 ( vector )

function three.Matrix3.prototype.multiplyVector3Array ( a )

function three.Matrix3.prototype.premultiply ( m )

function three.Matrix3.prototype.set ( n11, n12, n13, n21, n22, n23, n31, n32, n33 )

function three.Matrix3.prototype.setFromMatrix4 ( m )

function three.Matrix3.prototype.toArray ( array, offset )

function three.Matrix3.prototype.transpose ()

function three.Matrix3.prototype.transposeIntoArray ( r )

module three.Matrix4

function three.Matrix4 ()

module three.Matrix4.prototype

function three.Matrix4.prototype.applyToBuffer ( buffer, offset, length )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.applyToBufferAttribute ( attribute )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.applyToVector3Array ( array, offset, length )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.clone ()

function three.Matrix4.prototype.compose ( position, quaternion, scale )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.copy ( m )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.copyPosition ( m )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.crossVector ( vector )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.decompose ( position, quaternion, scale )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.determinant ()

function three.Matrix4.prototype.equals ( matrix )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.extractBasis ( xAxis, yAxis, zAxis )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.extractPosition ( m )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.extractRotation ( m )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.flattenToArrayOffset ( array, offset )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.fromArray ( array, offset )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.getInverse ( m, throwOnDegenerate )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.getMaxScaleOnAxis ()

function three.Matrix4.prototype.getPosition ()

function three.Matrix4.prototype.identity ()

function three.Matrix4.prototype.lookAt ( eye, target, up )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.makeBasis ( xAxis, yAxis, zAxis )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.makeFrustum ( left, right, bottom, top, near, far )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.makeOrthographic ( left, right, top, bottom, near, far )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.makePerspective ( left, right, top, bottom, near, far )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.makeRotationAxis ( axis, angle )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.makeRotationFromEuler ( euler )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.makeRotationFromQuaternion ( q )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.makeRotationX ( theta )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.makeRotationY ( theta )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.makeRotationZ ( theta )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.makeScale ( x, y, z )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.makeShear ( x, y, z )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.makeTranslation ( x, y, z )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.multiply ( m, n )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.multiplyMatrices ( a, b )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.multiplyScalar ( s )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.multiplyToArray ()

function three.Matrix4.prototype.multiplyVector3 ( vector )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.multiplyVector3Array ( a )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.multiplyVector4 ( vector )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.premultiply ( m )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.rotateAxis ( v )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.rotateByAxis ()

function three.Matrix4.prototype.rotateX ()

function three.Matrix4.prototype.rotateY ()

function three.Matrix4.prototype.rotateZ ()

function three.Matrix4.prototype.scale ( v )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.set ( n11, n12, n13, n14, n21, n22, n23, n24, n31, n32, n33, n34, n41, n42, n43, n44 )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.setPosition ( v )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.setRotationFromQuaternion ( q )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.toArray ( array, offset )

function three.Matrix4.prototype.translate ()

function three.Matrix4.prototype.transpose ()

module three.Mesh

function three.Mesh ( geometry, material )

module three.Mesh.prototype

function three.Mesh.prototype.clone ()

function three.Mesh.prototype.constructor ( geometry, material )

function three.Mesh.prototype.copy ( source )

function three.Mesh.prototype.raycast ( raycaster, intersects )

function three.Mesh.prototype.setDrawMode ( value )

function three.Mesh.prototype.updateMorphTargets ()

module three.MeshBasicMaterial

function three.MeshBasicMaterial ( parameters )

module three.MeshBasicMaterial.prototype

function three.MeshBasicMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )

function three.MeshBasicMaterial.prototype.copy ( source )

module three.MeshDepthMaterial

function three.MeshDepthMaterial ( parameters )

module three.MeshDepthMaterial.prototype

function three.MeshDepthMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )

function three.MeshDepthMaterial.prototype.copy ( source )

module three.MeshLambertMaterial

function three.MeshLambertMaterial ( parameters )

module three.MeshLambertMaterial.prototype

function three.MeshLambertMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )

function three.MeshLambertMaterial.prototype.copy ( source )

module three.MeshNormalMaterial

function three.MeshNormalMaterial ( parameters )

module three.MeshNormalMaterial.prototype

function three.MeshNormalMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )

function three.MeshNormalMaterial.prototype.copy ( source )

module three.MeshPhongMaterial

function three.MeshPhongMaterial ( parameters )

module three.MeshPhongMaterial.prototype

function three.MeshPhongMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )

function three.MeshPhongMaterial.prototype.copy ( source )

module three.MeshPhysicalMaterial

function three.MeshPhysicalMaterial ( parameters )

module three.MeshPhysicalMaterial.prototype

function three.MeshPhysicalMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )

function three.MeshPhysicalMaterial.prototype.copy ( source )

module three.MeshStandardMaterial

function three.MeshStandardMaterial ( parameters )

module three.MeshStandardMaterial.prototype

function three.MeshStandardMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )

function three.MeshStandardMaterial.prototype.copy ( source )

module three.MeshToonMaterial

function three.MeshToonMaterial ( parameters )

module three.MeshToonMaterial.prototype

function three.MeshToonMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )

function three.MeshToonMaterial.prototype.copy ( source )

module three.MorphBlendMesh

function three.MorphBlendMesh ( geometry, material )

module three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype

function three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype.autoCreateAnimations ( fps )

function three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype.constructor ( geometry, material )

function three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype.createAnimation ( name, start, end, fps )

function three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype.getAnimationDuration ( name )

function three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype.getAnimationTime ( name )

function three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype.playAnimation ( name )

function three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype.setAnimationDirectionBackward ( name )

function three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype.setAnimationDirectionForward ( name )

function three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype.setAnimationDuration ( name, duration )

function three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype.setAnimationFPS ( name, fps )

function three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype.setAnimationTime ( name, time )

function three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype.setAnimationWeight ( name, weight )

function three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype.stopAnimation ( name )

function three.MorphBlendMesh.prototype.update ( delta )

module three.NumberKeyframeTrack

function three.NumberKeyframeTrack ( name, times, values, interpolation )

module three.NumberKeyframeTrack.prototype

function three.NumberKeyframeTrack.prototype.constructor ( name, times, values, interpolation )

module three.Object3D

function three.Object3D ()

module three.Object3D.prototype

function three.Object3D.prototype.add ( object )

function three.Object3D.prototype.addEventListener ( type, listener )

function three.Object3D.prototype.applyMatrix ( matrix )

function three.Object3D.prototype.clone ( recursive )

function three.Object3D.prototype.copy ( source, recursive )

function three.Object3D.prototype.dispatchEvent ( event )

function three.Object3D.prototype.getChildByName ( name )

function three.Object3D.prototype.getObjectById ( id )

function three.Object3D.prototype.getObjectByName ( name )

function three.Object3D.prototype.getObjectByProperty ( name, value )

function three.Object3D.prototype.getWorldDirection ( optionalTarget )

function three.Object3D.prototype.getWorldPosition ( optionalTarget )

function three.Object3D.prototype.getWorldQuaternion ( optionalTarget )

function three.Object3D.prototype.getWorldRotation ( optionalTarget )

function three.Object3D.prototype.getWorldScale ( optionalTarget )

function three.Object3D.prototype.hasEventListener ( type, listener )

function three.Object3D.prototype.localToWorld ( vector )

function three.Object3D.prototype.lookAt ( vector )

function three.Object3D.prototype.raycast ()

function three.Object3D.prototype.remove ( object )

function three.Object3D.prototype.removeEventListener ( type, listener )

function three.Object3D.prototype.renderDepth ()

function three.Object3D.prototype.rotateOnAxis ( axis, angle )

function three.Object3D.prototype.rotateX ( angle )

function three.Object3D.prototype.rotateY ( angle )

function three.Object3D.prototype.rotateZ ( angle )

function three.Object3D.prototype.setRotationFromAxisAngle ( axis, angle )

function three.Object3D.prototype.setRotationFromEuler ( euler )

function three.Object3D.prototype.setRotationFromMatrix ( m )

function three.Object3D.prototype.setRotationFromQuaternion ( q )

function three.Object3D.prototype.toJSON ( meta )

function three.Object3D.prototype.translate ( distance, axis )

function three.Object3D.prototype.translateOnAxis ( axis, distance )

function three.Object3D.prototype.translateX ( distance )

function three.Object3D.prototype.translateY ( distance )

function three.Object3D.prototype.translateZ ( distance )

function three.Object3D.prototype.traverse ( callback )

function three.Object3D.prototype.traverseAncestors ( callback )

function three.Object3D.prototype.traverseVisible ( callback )

function three.Object3D.prototype.updateMatrix ()

function three.Object3D.prototype.updateMatrixWorld ( force )

function three.Object3D.prototype.worldToLocal ( vector )

module three.ObjectLoader

function three.ObjectLoader ( manager )

module three.ObjectLoader.prototype

function three.ObjectLoader.prototype.load ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError )

function three.ObjectLoader.prototype.parse ( json, onLoad )

function three.ObjectLoader.prototype.parseAnimations ( json )

function three.ObjectLoader.prototype.parseGeometries ( json )

function three.ObjectLoader.prototype.parseImages ( json, onLoad )

function three.ObjectLoader.prototype.parseMaterials ( json, textures )

function three.ObjectLoader.prototype.parseObject ( data, geometries, materials )

function three.ObjectLoader.prototype.parseTextures ( json, images )

function three.ObjectLoader.prototype.setCrossOrigin ( value )

function three.ObjectLoader.prototype.setTexturePath ( value )

module three.OctahedronBufferGeometry

function three.OctahedronBufferGeometry ( radius, detail )

module three.OctahedronBufferGeometry.prototype

function three.OctahedronBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, detail )

module three.OctahedronGeometry

function three.OctahedronGeometry ( radius, detail )

module three.OctahedronGeometry.prototype

function three.OctahedronGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, detail )

module three.OrthographicCamera

function three.OrthographicCamera ( left, right, top, bottom, near, far )

module three.OrthographicCamera.prototype

function three.OrthographicCamera.prototype.clearViewOffset ()

function three.OrthographicCamera.prototype.constructor ( left, right, top, bottom, near, far )

function three.OrthographicCamera.prototype.copy ( source )

function three.OrthographicCamera.prototype.setViewOffset ( fullWidth, fullHeight, x, y, width, height )

function three.OrthographicCamera.prototype.toJSON ( meta )

function three.OrthographicCamera.prototype.updateProjectionMatrix ()

module three.ParametricBufferGeometry

function three.ParametricBufferGeometry ( func, slices, stacks )

module three.ParametricBufferGeometry.prototype

function three.ParametricBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( func, slices, stacks )

module three.ParametricGeometry

function three.ParametricGeometry ( func, slices, stacks )

module three.ParametricGeometry.prototype

function three.ParametricGeometry.prototype.constructor ( func, slices, stacks )

module three.Path

function three.Path ( points )

module three.Path.prototype

function three.Path.prototype.absarc ( aX, aY, aRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise )

function three.Path.prototype.absellipse ( aX, aY, xRadius, yRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise, aRotation )

function three.Path.prototype.arc ( aX, aY, aRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise )

function three.Path.prototype.bezierCurveTo ( aCP1x, aCP1y, aCP2x, aCP2y, aX, aY )

function three.Path.prototype.constructor ( points )

function three.Path.prototype.ellipse ( aX, aY, xRadius, yRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise, aRotation )

function three.Path.prototype.fromPoints ( vectors )

function three.Path.prototype.lineTo ( x, y )

function three.Path.prototype.moveTo ( x, y )

function three.Path.prototype.quadraticCurveTo ( aCPx, aCPy, aX, aY )

function three.Path.prototype.splineThru ( pts)

module three.PerspectiveCamera

function three.PerspectiveCamera ( fov, aspect, near, far )

module three.PerspectiveCamera.prototype

function three.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.clearViewOffset ()

function three.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.constructor ( fov, aspect, near, far )

function three.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.copy ( source )

function three.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.getEffectiveFOV ()

function three.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.getFilmHeight ()

function three.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.getFilmWidth ()

function three.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.getFocalLength ()

function three.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.setFocalLength ( focalLength )

function three.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.setLens ( focalLength, filmGauge )

function three.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.setViewOffset ( fullWidth, fullHeight, x, y, width, height )

function three.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.toJSON ( meta )

function three.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.updateProjectionMatrix ()

module three.Plane

function three.Plane ( normal, constant )

module three.Plane.prototype

function three.Plane.prototype.applyMatrix4 ( matrix, optionalNormalMatrix )

function three.Plane.prototype.clone ()

function three.Plane.prototype.coplanarPoint ( optionalTarget )

function three.Plane.prototype.copy ( plane )

function three.Plane.prototype.distanceToPoint ( point )

function three.Plane.prototype.distanceToSphere ( sphere )

function three.Plane.prototype.equals ( plane )

function three.Plane.prototype.intersectLine ( line, optionalTarget )

function three.Plane.prototype.intersectsBox ( box )

function three.Plane.prototype.intersectsLine ( line )

function three.Plane.prototype.intersectsSphere ( sphere )

function three.Plane.prototype.isIntersectionLine ( line )

function three.Plane.prototype.negate ()

function three.Plane.prototype.normalize ()

function three.Plane.prototype.orthoPoint ( point, optionalTarget )

function three.Plane.prototype.projectPoint ( point, optionalTarget )

function three.Plane.prototype.set ( normal, constant )

function three.Plane.prototype.setComponents ( x, y, z, w )

function three.Plane.prototype.setFromCoplanarPoints ( a, b, c )

function three.Plane.prototype.setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint ( normal, point )

function three.Plane.prototype.translate ( offset )

module three.PlaneBufferGeometry

function three.PlaneBufferGeometry ( width, height, widthSegments, heightSegments )

module three.PlaneBufferGeometry.prototype

function three.PlaneBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( width, height, widthSegments, heightSegments )

module three.PlaneGeometry

function three.PlaneGeometry ( width, height, widthSegments, heightSegments )

module three.PlaneGeometry.prototype

function three.PlaneGeometry.prototype.constructor ( width, height, widthSegments, heightSegments )

module three.PointLight

function three.PointLight ( color, intensity, distance, decay )

module three.PointLight.prototype

function three.PointLight.prototype.constructor ( color, intensity, distance, decay )

function three.PointLight.prototype.copy ( source )

module three.PointLightHelper

function three.PointLightHelper ( light, sphereSize )

module three.PointLightHelper.prototype

function three.PointLightHelper.prototype.constructor ( light, sphereSize )

function three.PointLightHelper.prototype.dispose ()

function three.PointLightHelper.prototype.update ()

module three.Points

function three.Points ( geometry, material )

module three.Points.prototype

function three.Points.prototype.clone ()

function three.Points.prototype.constructor ( geometry, material )

function three.Points.prototype.raycast ( raycaster, intersects )

module three.PointsMaterial

function three.PointsMaterial ( parameters )

module three.PointsMaterial.prototype

function three.PointsMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )

function three.PointsMaterial.prototype.copy ( source )

module three.PolarGridHelper

function three.PolarGridHelper ( radius, radials, circles, divisions, color1, color2 )

module three.PolarGridHelper.prototype

function three.PolarGridHelper.prototype.constructor ( radius, radials, circles, divisions, color1, color2 )

module three.PolyhedronBufferGeometry

function three.PolyhedronBufferGeometry ( vertices, indices, radius, detail )

module three.PolyhedronBufferGeometry.prototype

function three.PolyhedronBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( vertices, indices, radius, detail )

module three.PolyhedronGeometry

function three.PolyhedronGeometry ( vertices, indices, radius, detail )

module three.PolyhedronGeometry.prototype

function three.PolyhedronGeometry.prototype.constructor ( vertices, indices, radius, detail )

module three.PositionalAudio

function three.PositionalAudio ( listener )

module three.PositionalAudio.prototype

function three.PositionalAudio.prototype.constructor ( listener )

function three.PositionalAudio.prototype.getDistanceModel ()

function three.PositionalAudio.prototype.getMaxDistance ()

function three.PositionalAudio.prototype.getOutput ()

function three.PositionalAudio.prototype.getRefDistance ()

function three.PositionalAudio.prototype.getRolloffFactor ()

function three.PositionalAudio.prototype.setDistanceModel ( value )

function three.PositionalAudio.prototype.setMaxDistance ( value )

function three.PositionalAudio.prototype.setRefDistance ( value )

function three.PositionalAudio.prototype.setRolloffFactor ( value )

function three.PositionalAudio.prototype.updateMatrixWorld ( force )

module three.PropertyBinding

function three.PropertyBinding ( rootNode, path, parsedPath )

function three.PropertyBinding.Composite ( targetGroup, path, optionalParsedPath )

function three.PropertyBinding.create ( root, path, parsedPath )

function three.PropertyBinding.findNode ( root, nodeName )

function three.PropertyBinding.parseTrackName ( trackName )

module three.PropertyBinding.Composite

function three.PropertyBinding.Composite ( targetGroup, path, optionalParsedPath )

module three.PropertyBinding.Composite.prototype

function three.PropertyBinding.Composite.prototype.bind ()

function three.PropertyBinding.Composite.prototype.getValue ( array, offset )

function three.PropertyBinding.Composite.prototype.setValue ( array, offset )

function three.PropertyBinding.Composite.prototype.unbind ()

module three.PropertyBinding.prototype

function three.PropertyBinding.prototype._getValue_unavailable ()

function three.PropertyBinding.prototype._getValue_unbound ( targetArray, offset )

function three.PropertyBinding.prototype._setValue_unavailable ()

function three.PropertyBinding.prototype._setValue_unbound ( sourceArray, offset )

function three.PropertyBinding.prototype.bind ()

function three.PropertyBinding.prototype.getValue ( targetArray, offset )

function three.PropertyBinding.prototype.setValue ( sourceArray, offset )

function three.PropertyBinding.prototype.unbind ()

module three.PropertyBinding.prototype.GetterByBindingType

function three.PropertyBinding.prototype.GetterByBindingType.0 ( buffer, offset )

function three.PropertyBinding.prototype.GetterByBindingType.1 ( buffer, offset )

function three.PropertyBinding.prototype.GetterByBindingType.2 ( buffer, offset )

function three.PropertyBinding.prototype.GetterByBindingType.3 ( buffer, offset )

module three.PropertyMixer

function three.PropertyMixer ( binding, typeName, valueSize )

module three.PropertyMixer.prototype

function three.PropertyMixer.prototype._lerp ( buffer, dstOffset, srcOffset, t, stride )

function three.PropertyMixer.prototype._select ( buffer, dstOffset, srcOffset, t, stride )

function three.PropertyMixer.prototype._slerp ( buffer, dstOffset, srcOffset, t )

function three.PropertyMixer.prototype.accumulate ( accuIndex, weight )

function three.PropertyMixer.prototype.apply ( accuIndex )

function three.PropertyMixer.prototype.restoreOriginalState ()

function three.PropertyMixer.prototype.saveOriginalState ()

module three.QuadraticBezierCurve

function three.QuadraticBezierCurve ( v0, v1, v2 )

module three.QuadraticBezierCurve.prototype

function three.QuadraticBezierCurve.prototype.constructor ( v0, v1, v2 )

function three.QuadraticBezierCurve.prototype.getPoint ( t )

module three.QuadraticBezierCurve3

function three.QuadraticBezierCurve3 ( v0, v1, v2 )

module three.QuadraticBezierCurve3.prototype

function three.QuadraticBezierCurve3.prototype.constructor ( v0, v1, v2 )

function three.QuadraticBezierCurve3.prototype.getPoint ( t )

module three.Quaternion

function three.Quaternion ( x, y, z, w )

function three.Quaternion.slerp ( qa, qb, qm, t )

function three.Quaternion.slerpFlat ( dst, dstOffset, src0, srcOffset0, src1, srcOffset1, t )

module three.Quaternion.prototype

function three.Quaternion.prototype.clone ()

function three.Quaternion.prototype.conjugate ()

function three.Quaternion.prototype.copy ( quaternion )

function three.Quaternion.prototype.dot ( v )

function three.Quaternion.prototype.equals ( quaternion )

function three.Quaternion.prototype.fromArray ( array, offset )

function three.Quaternion.prototype.inverse ()

function three.Quaternion.prototype.length ()

function three.Quaternion.prototype.lengthSq ()

function three.Quaternion.prototype.multiply ( q, p )

function three.Quaternion.prototype.multiplyQuaternions ( a, b )

function three.Quaternion.prototype.multiplyVector3 ( vector )

function three.Quaternion.prototype.normalize ()

function three.Quaternion.prototype.onChange ( callback )

function three.Quaternion.prototype.onChangeCallback ()

function three.Quaternion.prototype.premultiply ( q )

function three.Quaternion.prototype.set ( x, y, z, w )

function three.Quaternion.prototype.setFromAxisAngle ( axis, angle )

function three.Quaternion.prototype.setFromEuler ( euler, update )

function three.Quaternion.prototype.setFromRotationMatrix ( m )

function three.Quaternion.prototype.setFromUnitVectors ( vFrom, vTo )

function three.Quaternion.prototype.slerp ( qb, t )

function three.Quaternion.prototype.toArray ( array, offset )

module three.QuaternionKeyframeTrack

function three.QuaternionKeyframeTrack ( name, times, values, interpolation )

module three.QuaternionKeyframeTrack.prototype

function three.QuaternionKeyframeTrack.prototype.InterpolantFactoryMethodLinear ( result )

function three.QuaternionKeyframeTrack.prototype.constructor ( name, times, values, interpolation )

module three.QuaternionLinearInterpolant

function three.QuaternionLinearInterpolant ( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer )

module three.QuaternionLinearInterpolant.prototype

function three.QuaternionLinearInterpolant.prototype.constructor ( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer )

function three.QuaternionLinearInterpolant.prototype.interpolate_ ( i1, t0, t, t1 )

module three.RawShaderMaterial

function three.RawShaderMaterial ( parameters )

module three.RawShaderMaterial.prototype

function three.RawShaderMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )

module three.Ray

function three.Ray ( origin, direction )

module three.Ray.prototype

function three.Ray.prototype.applyMatrix4 ( matrix4 )

function three.Ray.prototype.at ( t, optionalTarget )

function three.Ray.prototype.clone ()

function three.Ray.prototype.closestPointToPoint ( point, optionalTarget )

function three.Ray.prototype.copy ( ray )

function three.Ray.prototype.distanceSqToPoint ( point )

function three.Ray.prototype.distanceSqToSegment ( v0, v1, optionalPointOnRay, optionalPointOnSegment )

function three.Ray.prototype.distanceToPlane ( plane )

function three.Ray.prototype.distanceToPoint ( point )

function three.Ray.prototype.equals ( ray )

function three.Ray.prototype.intersectBox ( box, optionalTarget )

function three.Ray.prototype.intersectPlane ( plane, optionalTarget )

function three.Ray.prototype.intersectSphere ( sphere, optionalTarget )

function three.Ray.prototype.intersectTriangle ( a, b, c, backfaceCulling, optionalTarget )

function three.Ray.prototype.intersectsBox ( box )

function three.Ray.prototype.intersectsPlane ( plane )

function three.Ray.prototype.intersectsSphere ( sphere )

function three.Ray.prototype.isIntersectionBox ( box )

function three.Ray.prototype.isIntersectionPlane ( plane )

function three.Ray.prototype.isIntersectionSphere ( sphere )

function three.Ray.prototype.lookAt ( v )

function three.Ray.prototype.recast ( t )

function three.Ray.prototype.set ( origin, direction )

module three.Raycaster

function three.Raycaster ( origin, direction, near, far )

module three.Raycaster.prototype

function three.Raycaster.prototype.intersectObject ( object, recursive )

function three.Raycaster.prototype.intersectObjects ( objects, recursive )

function three.Raycaster.prototype.set ( origin, direction )

function three.Raycaster.prototype.setFromCamera ( coords, camera )

module three.RectAreaLight

function three.RectAreaLight ( color, intensity, width, height )

module three.RectAreaLight.prototype

function three.RectAreaLight.prototype.constructor ( color, intensity, width, height )

function three.RectAreaLight.prototype.copy ( source )

function three.RectAreaLight.prototype.toJSON ( meta )

module three.RectAreaLightHelper

function three.RectAreaLightHelper ( light )

module three.RectAreaLightHelper.prototype

function three.RectAreaLightHelper.prototype.constructor ( light )

function three.RectAreaLightHelper.prototype.dispose ()

function three.RectAreaLightHelper.prototype.update ()

module three.RingBufferGeometry

function three.RingBufferGeometry ( innerRadius, outerRadius, thetaSegments, phiSegments, thetaStart, thetaLength )

module three.RingBufferGeometry.prototype

function three.RingBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( innerRadius, outerRadius, thetaSegments, phiSegments, thetaStart, thetaLength )

module three.RingGeometry

function three.RingGeometry ( innerRadius, outerRadius, thetaSegments, phiSegments, thetaStart, thetaLength )

module three.RingGeometry.prototype

function three.RingGeometry.prototype.constructor ( innerRadius, outerRadius, thetaSegments, phiSegments, thetaStart, thetaLength )

module three.Scene

function three.Scene ()

module three.Scene.prototype

function three.Scene.prototype.constructor ()

function three.Scene.prototype.copy ( source, recursive )

function three.Scene.prototype.toJSON ( meta )

module three.SceneUtils

function three.SceneUtils.attach ( child, scene, parent )

function three.SceneUtils.createMultiMaterialObject ( geometry, materials )

function three.SceneUtils.detach ( child, parent, scene )

module three.ShaderMaterial

function three.ShaderMaterial ( parameters )

module three.ShaderMaterial.prototype

function three.ShaderMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )

function three.ShaderMaterial.prototype.copy ( source )

function three.ShaderMaterial.prototype.toJSON ( meta )

module three.ShadowMaterial

function three.ShadowMaterial ( parameters )

module three.ShadowMaterial.prototype

function three.ShadowMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )

module three.Shape

function three.Shape ()

module three.Shape.prototype

function three.Shape.prototype.constructor ()

function three.Shape.prototype.extractAllPoints ( divisions )

function three.Shape.prototype.extractPoints ( divisions )

function three.Shape.prototype.extrude ( options )

function three.Shape.prototype.getPointsHoles ( divisions )

function three.Shape.prototype.makeGeometry ( options )

module three.ShapeBufferGeometry

function three.ShapeBufferGeometry ( shapes, curveSegments )

module three.ShapeBufferGeometry.prototype

function three.ShapeBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( shapes, curveSegments )

module three.ShapeGeometry

function three.ShapeGeometry ( shapes, curveSegments )

module three.ShapeGeometry.prototype

function three.ShapeGeometry.prototype.constructor ( shapes, curveSegments )

module three.ShapePath

function three.ShapePath ()

module three.ShapePath.prototype

function three.ShapePath.prototype.bezierCurveTo ( aCP1x, aCP1y, aCP2x, aCP2y, aX, aY )

function three.ShapePath.prototype.lineTo ( x, y )

function three.ShapePath.prototype.moveTo ( x, y )

function three.ShapePath.prototype.quadraticCurveTo ( aCPx, aCPy, aX, aY )

function three.ShapePath.prototype.splineThru ( pts )

function three.ShapePath.prototype.toShapes ( isCCW, noHoles )

module three.ShapeUtils

function three.ShapeUtils.area ( contour )

function three.ShapeUtils.isClockWise ( pts )

function three.ShapeUtils.triangulate ( contour, indices )

function three.ShapeUtils.triangulateShape ( contour, holes )

module three.Skeleton

function three.Skeleton ( bones, boneInverses )

module three.Skeleton.prototype

function three.Skeleton.prototype.calculateInverses ()

function three.Skeleton.prototype.clone ()

function three.Skeleton.prototype.pose ()

function three.Skeleton.prototype.update ()

module three.SkeletonHelper

function three.SkeletonHelper ( object )

module three.SkeletonHelper.prototype

function three.SkeletonHelper.prototype.constructor ( object )

function three.SkeletonHelper.prototype.getBoneList ( object )

function three.SkeletonHelper.prototype.update ()

module three.SkinnedMesh

function three.SkinnedMesh ( geometry, material )

module three.SkinnedMesh.prototype

function three.SkinnedMesh.prototype.bind ( skeleton, bindMatrix )

function three.SkinnedMesh.prototype.clone ()

function three.SkinnedMesh.prototype.constructor ( geometry, material )

function three.SkinnedMesh.prototype.initBones ()

function three.SkinnedMesh.prototype.normalizeSkinWeights ()

function three.SkinnedMesh.prototype.pose ()

function three.SkinnedMesh.prototype.updateMatrixWorld ( force )

module three.Sphere

function three.Sphere ( center, radius )

module three.Sphere.prototype

function three.Sphere.prototype.applyMatrix4 ( matrix )

function three.Sphere.prototype.clampPoint ( point, optionalTarget )

function three.Sphere.prototype.clone ()

function three.Sphere.prototype.containsPoint ( point )

function three.Sphere.prototype.copy ( sphere )

function three.Sphere.prototype.distanceToPoint ( point )

function three.Sphere.prototype.empty ()

function three.Sphere.prototype.equals ( sphere )

function three.Sphere.prototype.getBoundingBox ( optionalTarget )

function three.Sphere.prototype.intersectsBox ( box )

function three.Sphere.prototype.intersectsPlane ( plane )

function three.Sphere.prototype.intersectsSphere ( sphere )

function three.Sphere.prototype.set ( center, radius )

function three.Sphere.prototype.setFromPoints ( points, optionalCenter )

function three.Sphere.prototype.translate ( offset )

module three.SphereBufferGeometry

function three.SphereBufferGeometry ( radius, widthSegments, heightSegments, phiStart, phiLength, thetaStart, thetaLength )

module three.SphereBufferGeometry.prototype

function three.SphereBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, widthSegments, heightSegments, phiStart, phiLength, thetaStart, thetaLength )

module three.SphereGeometry

function three.SphereGeometry ( radius, widthSegments, heightSegments, phiStart, phiLength, thetaStart, thetaLength )

module three.SphereGeometry.prototype

function three.SphereGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, widthSegments, heightSegments, phiStart, phiLength, thetaStart, thetaLength )

module three.Spherical

function three.Spherical ( radius, phi, theta )

module three.Spherical.prototype

function three.Spherical.prototype.clone ()

function three.Spherical.prototype.copy ( other )

function three.Spherical.prototype.makeSafe ()

function three.Spherical.prototype.set ( radius, phi, theta )

function three.Spherical.prototype.setFromVector3 ( vec3 )

module three.Spline

function three.Spline ( points )

module three.Spline.prototype

function three.Spline.prototype.getControlPointsArray ( optionalTarget )

function three.Spline.prototype.initFromArray ( a )

function three.Spline.prototype.reparametrizeByArcLength ( samplingCoef )

module three.SplineCurve

function three.SplineCurve ( points)

module three.SplineCurve.prototype

function three.SplineCurve.prototype.constructor ( points)

function three.SplineCurve.prototype.getPoint ( t )

module three.SpotLight

function three.SpotLight ( color, intensity, distance, angle, penumbra, decay )

module three.SpotLight.prototype

function three.SpotLight.prototype.constructor ( color, intensity, distance, angle, penumbra, decay )

function three.SpotLight.prototype.copy ( source )

module three.SpotLightHelper

function three.SpotLightHelper ( light )

module three.SpotLightHelper.prototype

function three.SpotLightHelper.prototype.constructor ( light )

function three.SpotLightHelper.prototype.dispose ()

function three.SpotLightHelper.prototype.update ()

module three.SpotLightShadow

function three.SpotLightShadow ()

module three.SpotLightShadow.prototype

function three.SpotLightShadow.prototype.constructor ()

function three.SpotLightShadow.prototype.update ( light )

module three.Sprite

function three.Sprite ( material )

module three.Sprite.prototype

function three.Sprite.prototype.clone ()

function three.Sprite.prototype.constructor ( material )

function three.Sprite.prototype.raycast ( raycaster, intersects )

module three.SpriteMaterial

function three.SpriteMaterial ( parameters )

module three.SpriteMaterial.prototype

function three.SpriteMaterial.prototype.constructor ( parameters )

function three.SpriteMaterial.prototype.copy ( source )

module three.StereoCamera

function three.StereoCamera ()

module three.StereoCamera.prototype

function three.StereoCamera.prototype.update ( camera )

module three.StringKeyframeTrack

function three.StringKeyframeTrack ( name, times, values, interpolation )

module three.StringKeyframeTrack.prototype

function three.StringKeyframeTrack.prototype.ValueBufferType ()

function three.StringKeyframeTrack.prototype.constructor ( name, times, values, interpolation )

module three.TetrahedronBufferGeometry

function three.TetrahedronBufferGeometry ( radius, detail )

module three.TetrahedronBufferGeometry.prototype

function three.TetrahedronBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, detail )

module three.TetrahedronGeometry

function three.TetrahedronGeometry ( radius, detail )

module three.TetrahedronGeometry.prototype

function three.TetrahedronGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, detail )

module three.TextBufferGeometry

function three.TextBufferGeometry ( text, parameters )

module three.TextBufferGeometry.prototype

function three.TextBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( text, parameters )

module three.TextGeometry

function three.TextGeometry ( text, parameters )

module three.TextGeometry.prototype

function three.TextGeometry.prototype.constructor ( text, parameters )

module three.Texture

function three.Texture ( image, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy, encoding )

module three.Texture.prototype

function three.Texture.prototype.addEventListener ( type, listener )

function three.Texture.prototype.clone ()

function three.Texture.prototype.copy ( source )

function three.Texture.prototype.dispatchEvent ( event )

function three.Texture.prototype.dispose ()

function three.Texture.prototype.hasEventListener ( type, listener )

function three.Texture.prototype.removeEventListener ( type, listener )

function three.Texture.prototype.toJSON ( meta )

function three.Texture.prototype.transformUv ( uv )

module three.TextureLoader

function three.TextureLoader ( manager )

module three.TextureLoader.prototype

function three.TextureLoader.prototype.load ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError )

function three.TextureLoader.prototype.setCrossOrigin ( value )

function three.TextureLoader.prototype.setPath ( value )

module three.TorusBufferGeometry

function three.TorusBufferGeometry ( radius, tube, radialSegments, tubularSegments, arc )

module three.TorusBufferGeometry.prototype

function three.TorusBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, tube, radialSegments, tubularSegments, arc )

module three.TorusGeometry

function three.TorusGeometry ( radius, tube, radialSegments, tubularSegments, arc )

module three.TorusGeometry.prototype

function three.TorusGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, tube, radialSegments, tubularSegments, arc )

module three.TorusKnotBufferGeometry

function three.TorusKnotBufferGeometry ( radius, tube, tubularSegments, radialSegments, p, q )

module three.TorusKnotBufferGeometry.prototype

function three.TorusKnotBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, tube, tubularSegments, radialSegments, p, q )

module three.TorusKnotGeometry

function three.TorusKnotGeometry ( radius, tube, tubularSegments, radialSegments, p, q, heightScale )

module three.TorusKnotGeometry.prototype

function three.TorusKnotGeometry.prototype.constructor ( radius, tube, tubularSegments, radialSegments, p, q, heightScale )

module three.Triangle

function three.Triangle ( a, b, c )

function three.Triangle.barycoordFromPoint ( point, a, b, c, optionalTarget )

function three.Triangle.containsPoint ( point, a, b, c )

function three.Triangle.normal ( a, b, c, optionalTarget )

module three.Triangle.prototype

function three.Triangle.prototype.area ()

function three.Triangle.prototype.barycoordFromPoint ( point, optionalTarget )

function three.Triangle.prototype.clone ()

function three.Triangle.prototype.closestPointToPoint ( point, optionalTarget )

function three.Triangle.prototype.containsPoint ( point )

function three.Triangle.prototype.copy ( triangle )

function three.Triangle.prototype.equals ( triangle )

function three.Triangle.prototype.midpoint ( optionalTarget )

function three.Triangle.prototype.normal ( optionalTarget )

function three.Triangle.prototype.plane ( optionalTarget )

function three.Triangle.prototype.set ( a, b, c )

function three.Triangle.prototype.setFromPointsAndIndices ( points, i0, i1, i2 )

module three.TubeBufferGeometry

function three.TubeBufferGeometry ( path, tubularSegments, radius, radialSegments, closed )

module three.TubeBufferGeometry.prototype

function three.TubeBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor ( path, tubularSegments, radius, radialSegments, closed )

module three.TubeGeometry

function three.TubeGeometry ( path, tubularSegments, radius, radialSegments, closed, taper )

module three.TubeGeometry.prototype

function three.TubeGeometry.prototype.constructor ( path, tubularSegments, radius, radialSegments, closed, taper )

module three.Uint16BufferAttribute

function three.Uint16BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )

module three.Uint16BufferAttribute.prototype

function three.Uint16BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor ( array, itemSize )

module three.Uint32BufferAttribute

function three.Uint32BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )

module three.Uint32BufferAttribute.prototype

function three.Uint32BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor ( array, itemSize )

module three.Uint8BufferAttribute

function three.Uint8BufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )

module three.Uint8BufferAttribute.prototype

function three.Uint8BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor ( array, itemSize )

module three.Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute

function three.Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute ( array, itemSize )

module three.Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute.prototype

function three.Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute.prototype.constructor ( array, itemSize )

module three.Uniform

function three.Uniform ( value )

module three.Uniform.prototype

function three.Uniform.prototype.clone ()

module three.UniformsUtils

function three.UniformsUtils.clone ( uniforms_src )

function three.UniformsUtils.merge ( uniforms )

module three.Vector2

function three.Vector2 ( x, y )

module three.Vector2.prototype

function three.Vector2.prototype.add ( v, w )

function three.Vector2.prototype.addScalar ( s )

function three.Vector2.prototype.addScaledVector ( v, s )

function three.Vector2.prototype.addVectors ( a, b )

function three.Vector2.prototype.angle ()

function three.Vector2.prototype.ceil ()

function three.Vector2.prototype.clamp ( min, max )

function three.Vector2.prototype.clampLength ( min, max )

function three.Vector2.prototype.clampScalar ( minVal, maxVal )

function three.Vector2.prototype.clone ()

function three.Vector2.prototype.copy ( v )

function three.Vector2.prototype.distanceTo ( v )

function three.Vector2.prototype.distanceToManhattan ( v )

function three.Vector2.prototype.distanceToSquared ( v )

function three.Vector2.prototype.divide ( v )

function three.Vector2.prototype.divideScalar ( scalar )

function three.Vector2.prototype.dot ( v )

function three.Vector2.prototype.equals ( v )

function three.Vector2.prototype.floor ()

function three.Vector2.prototype.fromArray ( array, offset )

function three.Vector2.prototype.fromAttribute ( attribute, index, offset )

function three.Vector2.prototype.fromBufferAttribute ( attribute, index, offset )

function three.Vector2.prototype.getComponent ( index )

function three.Vector2.prototype.length ()

function three.Vector2.prototype.lengthManhattan ()

function three.Vector2.prototype.lengthSq ()

function three.Vector2.prototype.lerp ( v, alpha )

function three.Vector2.prototype.lerpVectors ( v1, v2, alpha )

function three.Vector2.prototype.max ( v )

function three.Vector2.prototype.min ( v )

function three.Vector2.prototype.multiply ( v )

function three.Vector2.prototype.multiplyScalar ( scalar )

function three.Vector2.prototype.negate ()

function three.Vector2.prototype.normalize ()

function three.Vector2.prototype.rotateAround ( center, angle )

function three.Vector2.prototype.round ()

function three.Vector2.prototype.roundToZero ()

function three.Vector2.prototype.set ( x, y )

function three.Vector2.prototype.setComponent ( index, value )

function three.Vector2.prototype.setLength ( length )

function three.Vector2.prototype.setScalar ( scalar )

function three.Vector2.prototype.setX ( x )

function three.Vector2.prototype.setY ( y )

function three.Vector2.prototype.sub ( v, w )

function three.Vector2.prototype.subScalar ( s )

function three.Vector2.prototype.subVectors ( a, b )

function three.Vector2.prototype.toArray ( array, offset )

module three.Vector3

function three.Vector3 ( x, y, z )

module three.Vector3.prototype

function three.Vector3.prototype.add ( v, w )

function three.Vector3.prototype.addScalar ( s )

function three.Vector3.prototype.addScaledVector ( v, s )

function three.Vector3.prototype.addVectors ( a, b )

function three.Vector3.prototype.angleTo ( v )

function three.Vector3.prototype.applyAxisAngle ( axis, angle )

function three.Vector3.prototype.applyEuler ( euler )

function three.Vector3.prototype.applyMatrix3 ( m )

function three.Vector3.prototype.applyMatrix4 ( m )

function three.Vector3.prototype.applyProjection ( m )

function three.Vector3.prototype.applyQuaternion ( q )

function three.Vector3.prototype.ceil ()

function three.Vector3.prototype.clamp ( min, max )

function three.Vector3.prototype.clampLength ( min, max )

function three.Vector3.prototype.clampScalar ( minVal, maxVal )

function three.Vector3.prototype.clone ()

function three.Vector3.prototype.copy ( v )

function three.Vector3.prototype.cross ( v, w )

function three.Vector3.prototype.crossVectors ( a, b )

function three.Vector3.prototype.distanceTo ( v )

function three.Vector3.prototype.distanceToManhattan ( v )

function three.Vector3.prototype.distanceToSquared ( v )

function three.Vector3.prototype.divide ( v )

function three.Vector3.prototype.divideScalar ( scalar )

function three.Vector3.prototype.dot ( v )

function three.Vector3.prototype.equals ( v )

function three.Vector3.prototype.floor ()

function three.Vector3.prototype.fromArray ( array, offset )

function three.Vector3.prototype.fromAttribute ( attribute, index, offset )

function three.Vector3.prototype.fromBufferAttribute ( attribute, index, offset )

function three.Vector3.prototype.getColumnFromMatrix ( index, matrix )

function three.Vector3.prototype.getComponent ( index )

function three.Vector3.prototype.getPositionFromMatrix ( m )

function three.Vector3.prototype.getScaleFromMatrix ( m )

function three.Vector3.prototype.length ()

function three.Vector3.prototype.lengthManhattan ()

function three.Vector3.prototype.lengthSq ()

function three.Vector3.prototype.lerp ( v, alpha )

function three.Vector3.prototype.lerpVectors ( v1, v2, alpha )

function three.Vector3.prototype.max ( v )

function three.Vector3.prototype.min ( v )

function three.Vector3.prototype.multiply ( v, w )

function three.Vector3.prototype.multiplyScalar ( scalar )

function three.Vector3.prototype.multiplyVectors ( a, b )

function three.Vector3.prototype.negate ()

function three.Vector3.prototype.normalize ()

function three.Vector3.prototype.project ( camera )

function three.Vector3.prototype.projectOnPlane ( planeNormal )

function three.Vector3.prototype.projectOnVector ( vector )

function three.Vector3.prototype.reflect ( normal )

function three.Vector3.prototype.round ()

function three.Vector3.prototype.roundToZero ()

function three.Vector3.prototype.set ( x, y, z )

function three.Vector3.prototype.setComponent ( index, value )

function three.Vector3.prototype.setEulerFromQuaternion ()

function three.Vector3.prototype.setEulerFromRotationMatrix ()

function three.Vector3.prototype.setFromCylindrical ( c )

function three.Vector3.prototype.setFromMatrixColumn ( m, index )

function three.Vector3.prototype.setFromMatrixPosition ( m )

function three.Vector3.prototype.setFromMatrixScale ( m )

function three.Vector3.prototype.setFromSpherical ( s )

function three.Vector3.prototype.setLength ( length )

function three.Vector3.prototype.setScalar ( scalar )

function three.Vector3.prototype.setX ( x )

function three.Vector3.prototype.setY ( y )

function three.Vector3.prototype.setZ ( z )

function three.Vector3.prototype.sub ( v, w )

function three.Vector3.prototype.subScalar ( s )

function three.Vector3.prototype.subVectors ( a, b )

function three.Vector3.prototype.toArray ( array, offset )

function three.Vector3.prototype.transformDirection ( m )

function three.Vector3.prototype.unproject ( camera )

module three.Vector4

function three.Vector4 ( x, y, z, w )

module three.Vector4.prototype

function three.Vector4.prototype.add ( v, w )

function three.Vector4.prototype.addScalar ( s )

function three.Vector4.prototype.addScaledVector ( v, s )

function three.Vector4.prototype.addVectors ( a, b )

function three.Vector4.prototype.applyMatrix4 ( m )

function three.Vector4.prototype.ceil ()

function three.Vector4.prototype.clamp ( min, max )

function three.Vector4.prototype.clampScalar ( minVal, maxVal )

function three.Vector4.prototype.clone ()

function three.Vector4.prototype.copy ( v )

function three.Vector4.prototype.divideScalar ( scalar )

function three.Vector4.prototype.dot ( v )

function three.Vector4.prototype.equals ( v )

function three.Vector4.prototype.floor ()

function three.Vector4.prototype.fromArray ( array, offset )

function three.Vector4.prototype.fromAttribute ( attribute, index, offset )

function three.Vector4.prototype.fromBufferAttribute ( attribute, index, offset )

function three.Vector4.prototype.getComponent ( index )

function three.Vector4.prototype.length ()

function three.Vector4.prototype.lengthManhattan ()

function three.Vector4.prototype.lengthSq ()

function three.Vector4.prototype.lerp ( v, alpha )

function three.Vector4.prototype.lerpVectors ( v1, v2, alpha )

function three.Vector4.prototype.max ( v )

function three.Vector4.prototype.min ( v )

function three.Vector4.prototype.multiplyScalar ( scalar )

function three.Vector4.prototype.negate ()

function three.Vector4.prototype.normalize ()

function three.Vector4.prototype.round ()

function three.Vector4.prototype.roundToZero ()

function three.Vector4.prototype.set ( x, y, z, w )

function three.Vector4.prototype.setAxisAngleFromQuaternion ( q )

function three.Vector4.prototype.setAxisAngleFromRotationMatrix ( m )

function three.Vector4.prototype.setComponent ( index, value )

function three.Vector4.prototype.setLength ( length )

function three.Vector4.prototype.setScalar ( scalar )

function three.Vector4.prototype.setW ( w )

function three.Vector4.prototype.setX ( x )

function three.Vector4.prototype.setY ( y )

function three.Vector4.prototype.setZ ( z )

function three.Vector4.prototype.sub ( v, w )

function three.Vector4.prototype.subScalar ( s )

function three.Vector4.prototype.subVectors ( a, b )

function three.Vector4.prototype.toArray ( array, offset )

module three.VectorKeyframeTrack

function three.VectorKeyframeTrack ( name, times, values, interpolation )

module three.VectorKeyframeTrack.prototype

function three.VectorKeyframeTrack.prototype.constructor ( name, times, values, interpolation )

module three.VertexNormalsHelper

function three.VertexNormalsHelper ( object, size, hex, linewidth )

module three.VertexNormalsHelper.prototype

function three.VertexNormalsHelper.prototype.constructor ( object, size, hex, linewidth )

function three.VertexNormalsHelper.prototype.update ()

module three.VideoTexture

function three.VideoTexture ( video, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy )

module three.VideoTexture.prototype

function three.VideoTexture.prototype.constructor ( video, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy )

module three.WebGLRenderTarget

function three.WebGLRenderTarget ( width, height, options )

module three.WebGLRenderTarget.prototype

function three.WebGLRenderTarget.prototype.addEventListener ( type, listener )

function three.WebGLRenderTarget.prototype.clone ()

function three.WebGLRenderTarget.prototype.copy ( source )

function three.WebGLRenderTarget.prototype.dispatchEvent ( event )

function three.WebGLRenderTarget.prototype.dispose ()

function three.WebGLRenderTarget.prototype.hasEventListener ( type, listener )

function three.WebGLRenderTarget.prototype.removeEventListener ( type, listener )

function three.WebGLRenderTarget.prototype.setSize ( width, height )

module three.WebGLRenderTargetCube

function three.WebGLRenderTargetCube ( width, height, options )

module three.WebGLRenderTargetCube.prototype

function three.WebGLRenderTargetCube.prototype.constructor ( width, height, options )

module three.WebGLRenderer

function three.WebGLRenderer ( parameters )

module three.WebGLRenderer.prototype

function three.WebGLRenderer.prototype.addPostPlugin ()

function three.WebGLRenderer.prototype.addPrePlugin ()

function three.WebGLRenderer.prototype.enableScissorTest ( boolean )

function three.WebGLRenderer.prototype.getCurrentRenderTarget ()

function three.WebGLRenderer.prototype.initMaterial ()

function three.WebGLRenderer.prototype.supportsBlendMinMax ()

function three.WebGLRenderer.prototype.supportsCompressedTexturePVRTC ()

function three.WebGLRenderer.prototype.supportsCompressedTextureS3TC ()

function three.WebGLRenderer.prototype.supportsFloatTextures ()

function three.WebGLRenderer.prototype.supportsHalfFloatTextures ()

function three.WebGLRenderer.prototype.supportsInstancedArrays ()

function three.WebGLRenderer.prototype.supportsStandardDerivatives ()

function three.WebGLRenderer.prototype.supportsVertexTextures ()

function three.WebGLRenderer.prototype.updateShadowMap ()

module three.WireframeGeometry

function three.WireframeGeometry ( geometry )

module three.WireframeGeometry.prototype

function three.WireframeGeometry.prototype.constructor ( geometry )

[ this document was created with utility2 ]