api documentation for voxel (v0.5.0)

tools to work with voxel generation and chunking in javascript

table of contents

  1. module voxel
    1. function voxel (opts)
    2. function voxel.Chunker (opts)
    3. function voxel.chunker (opts)
    4. function voxel.generate (lo, hi, fn, game)
    5. function voxel.generateExamples ()
    6. function voxel.scale ( x, fromLow, fromHigh, toLow, toHigh )
    7. object voxel.Chunker.prototype
    8. object voxel.culled
    9. object voxel.generator
    10. object voxel.geometry
    11. object voxel.greedy
    12. object voxel.meshers
    13. object voxel.monotone
    14. object voxel.stupid
    15. object voxel.transgreedy
  2. module voxel.Chunker
    1. function voxel.Chunker (opts)
    2. function voxel.Chunker.super ()
  3. module voxel.Chunker.prototype
    1. function voxel.Chunker.prototype.chunkAtCoordinates (x, y, z)
    2. function voxel.Chunker.prototype.chunkAtPosition (position)
    3. function voxel.Chunker.prototype.generateChunk (x, y, z)
    4. function voxel.Chunker.prototype.getBounds (x, y, z)
    5. function voxel.Chunker.prototype.nearbyChunks (position, distance)
    6. function voxel.Chunker.prototype.requestMissingChunks (position)
    7. function voxel.Chunker.prototype.voxelAtCoordinates (x, y, z, val)
    8. function voxel.Chunker.prototype.voxelAtPosition (pos, val)
    9. function voxel.Chunker.prototype.voxelIndexFromCoordinates (x, y, z)
  4. module voxel.chunker
    1. function voxel.chunker (opts)
    2. function voxel.chunker.Chunker (opts)
  5. module voxel.culled
    1. function voxel.culled.mesher (volume, dims)
  6. module voxel.generator
    1. function voxel.generator.Checker (i, j, k)
    2. function voxel.generator.Hill (i, j, k)
    3. function voxel.generator.Noise (i, j, k)
    4. function voxel.generator.Sphere (i, j, k)
    5. function voxel.generator.Valley (i, j, k)
  7. module voxel.greedy
    1. function voxel.greedy.mesher (volume, dims)
  8. module voxel.meshers
    1. function voxel.meshers.culled (volume, dims)
    2. function voxel.meshers.greedy (volume, dims)
    3. function voxel.meshers.monotone (volume, dims)
    4. function voxel.meshers.stupid (volume, dims)
    5. function voxel.meshers.transgreedy (volume, dims, mesherExtraData)
  9. module voxel.monotone
    1. function voxel.monotone.mesher (volume, dims)
  10. module voxel.stupid
    1. function voxel.stupid.mesher (volume, dims)
  11. module voxel.transgreedy
    1. function voxel.transgreedy.mesher (volume, dims, mesherExtraData)

module voxel

function voxel (opts)

function voxel.Chunker (opts)

function voxel.chunker (opts)

function voxel.generate (lo, hi, fn, game)

function voxel.generateExamples ()

function voxel.scale ( x, fromLow, fromHigh, toLow, toHigh )

module voxel.Chunker

function voxel.Chunker (opts)

function voxel.Chunker.super ()

module voxel.Chunker.prototype

function voxel.Chunker.prototype.chunkAtCoordinates (x, y, z)

function voxel.Chunker.prototype.chunkAtPosition (position)

function voxel.Chunker.prototype.generateChunk (x, y, z)

function voxel.Chunker.prototype.getBounds (x, y, z)

function voxel.Chunker.prototype.nearbyChunks (position, distance)

function voxel.Chunker.prototype.requestMissingChunks (position)

function voxel.Chunker.prototype.voxelAtCoordinates (x, y, z, val)

function voxel.Chunker.prototype.voxelAtPosition (pos, val)

function voxel.Chunker.prototype.voxelIndexFromCoordinates (x, y, z)

module voxel.chunker

function voxel.chunker (opts)

function voxel.chunker.Chunker (opts)

module voxel.culled

function voxel.culled.mesher (volume, dims)

module voxel.generator

function voxel.generator.Checker (i, j, k)

function voxel.generator.Hill (i, j, k)

function voxel.generator.Noise (i, j, k)

function voxel.generator.Sphere (i, j, k)

function voxel.generator.Valley (i, j, k)

module voxel.greedy

function voxel.greedy.mesher (volume, dims)

module voxel.meshers

function voxel.meshers.culled (volume, dims)

function voxel.meshers.greedy (volume, dims)

function voxel.meshers.monotone (volume, dims)

function voxel.meshers.stupid (volume, dims)

function voxel.meshers.transgreedy (volume, dims, mesherExtraData)

module voxel.monotone

function voxel.monotone.mesher (volume, dims)

module voxel.stupid

function voxel.stupid.mesher (volume, dims)

module voxel.transgreedy

function voxel.transgreedy.mesher (volume, dims, mesherExtraData)

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